Abs...Every day or alternating days

Any thoughts regarding the ideal frequency for ab workouts? I've heard its ok/beneficial to do abs every day, but have also heard that it is best to work the abs every other day.

I'd appreciate any insight of feedback you may have.



  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    The only time i isolate my abs if i feel like they are truely a weakness. They get enough of a beating when i do squats and dead-lifts.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    It depends on how quickly you recover from your last workolut. If one can recover in a day, they should consider upping the intensity of the workout.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    The only time i isolate my abs if i feel like they are truely a weakness. They get enough of a beating when i do squats and dead-lifts.

    I'm the same, I do no specific abs work at all.

    But, if you do feel you need to do specific abs work ,treat them as any other muscle set and give them the chance to recover between work outs. Also, please be careful if you are planning on doing lots of sit ups or crunches. Personally I'm not a fan, it is just too easy to injure yourself if you have less than perfect form.
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    Every other day is recommended. You don't (or shouldn't!) exercise any other muscle group every day, so why should the abs be any different. After resistance training your muscles take up to 3 days to repair themselves and during this time they are burning fat and calories, this is called afterburn.

    With abs training, it should be your entire core getting a workout as your back is just as important in a strong core as the abs are!

    With all that said, if you are looking for a 6-pack, abs are made in the kitchen. The 'cleaner' foods you eat with help get rid of excess fat deposits around the stomach. Most packaged, tinned and pre-cooked foods are full of additives and hidden nasties that can really affect your results. You should really think of a 6-pack being 80% food choice and 20% exercise.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    I do abs every workout
    They recover just fine
    find it easier to do them if you incorporate them into your routine instead of before or after...
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    Thanks for the feedback all. appreciate the thoughts. i've been doing abs daily but probably need to kick up intensity. I agree with the food aspect as well. One of the reasons i'm on MFP to try to clean up my nutrition act.