mooglysmom Member


  • You can add me! I deal with anxiety, though I'm not medicated. Also GF and have been doing c25k (when I can, it is really dang cold out right now, and I've no access to a treadmill - yet). I've been GF for 4 years now. I had great motivation last year, and dropped 10lbs, but I've been dealing with some depression and…
  • Hi! this is my 3rd time getting back to MFP. I do really well through the spring usually, then my kids get out of summer break, and I just lose my motivation ;). But, my intention is to stay on, and since my oldest will be in summer session this year, I should be able to find the time for myself to log! Actually, last year…
  • You can't set a time limit on a relationship. It either works, or it doesn't. If either party isn't sure, then its probably not the right time or person. My husband and I have been together nearly 16 years. High school sweethearts. We dated for 5 years before we got married, but we both knew right away that we wanted to be…
  • I second the Jillian Michaels videos. I've done the 30 day shred and Ripped in 30 (just starting Ripped again). When its nice, put the kiddo in the stroller and go for a walk. I've been doing C25k when its warmer than 20* ;). I'm a SAHM, but my kids are both in school now. I simply cannot afford a gym membership right now.
  • I go out in the spring, and running actually helps clear my sinuses. I usually have to take Singulair, Chlortrimetron (sp?), and Allegra to keep them under control. And shower the moment I get back inside.
  • Yup, this is what I do. Sometimes, I get risky and order TWO side salads, and cut the chicken breast up ;). Living on the wildside right there ;). Its a little high in sodium, but its reasonably healthyish (salad is a veg, and there's like four whole cherry tomatoes, if you get 2 salads, then there's 8!). Its the chicken…
  • Dude, then don't read those threads. Some people DO have thyroid problems, some people DO have arthritis, firbromyaglia, joint issues, back problems, scoliosis, diabetes, and numerous other health issues that have - guess what? nothing to do with YOU
  • Staying active is really good while you're pregnant! I mean you don't want to be doing hard core exercise, lol, but walking is perfect. I had such an easier time my second time because I stayed active, and a lot less weight. Having a 1 1/2 year old helped, lol.
  • 1. Be able to run a 5k 2. Look good in a bikini :)
  • You can add me too, I'm 100% gluten free, undiagnosed Celiac according to the GI doc. I do not intentionally eat gf, and I love to bake. I've been gf for almost 4 years now. I didn't see the GI until after I went gf, but she said she was pretty sure I had it based on my history. So much better now!! Hardly ever get sick…
  • I use GF Rice Krispies, as my Grandmother always made the best chicken with rice krispies. I've tried other ways, and I just can't get it to work! I've used Dairy free milk (almond milk), plus some oil, and omitted the egg before and had no problem.
  • I agree, put them on bikes! I can barely keep.up with my boys on their bikes.
  • Yeah, same here. Undiagnosed Celiac (GI primarily sure, but I went GF before being tested because my doc didn't belive me - she wasn't happy!), with low Vit. D. I started an OTC supplement, and it seems to do just fine. I live in MN, and sometimes its hard to get out in the sun! I can't wait for summer at this point.
  • Flipping terrified now!! Not that I know how to find the WiFi anyway...
  • made me laugh way more than it should have! :D
  • Yeah, I drink 1 cup/day. I'm not that worried. I do tend to get migraines if I overdo caffeine, so I watch how much I take in. 1) How do you feel after hearing this information? Does it make you want to wean on coffee or drink away still? I'll stick to my 1 cup/day! 2) Random: Do you drink your coffee black or add extra…
  • In the beginning I was having trouble. Now, as long as I reach my fat goal I go every morning. Every damn morning, just as my kid needs to get on the bus. And my body apparently decides that if I don't reach the toilet in that time then I don't deserve to do so. Then I have to wait another day. I used to have severe…
  • Yeah, I don't get it. My husband gets seriously offended by vegetarians, and I just can't understand it. Myself, I think "good for you!" Its YOUR body, YOUR choice how to feed it! What difference does it make in my life you don't eat meat? I'd probably start pestering you for ideas on how to get more protein, lol. Maybe…
  • I grew up with Dalmatians and Great Pyrenees, and have a big soft spot for them. If you've ever had a dog as a kid that just 'picked' you as the favorite of the family, you know what I'm talking about. My Dalmatian Cosmos was the BEST dog, was stone deaf, and I loved that dog so much. Taught her hand commands, and she was…
  • He's beautiful! I really wish we could take in another, but right now can't. I really hope he finds a good home super soon.
  • Tofu if pure soy. Just for info... Nuts. Lots of nuts. And beans. Lean meats that you can tolerate. The dairy makes it a bit harder, but you'd be surprised how many fruits & veggies have protein in them. I feel for you. I've got a gluten intolerance (possibly Celiac) and my oldest son is the same in addition to having a…
  • I'm so sorry! My Dad is a lifelong diabetic, and I've always tried to be careful and watchful about my own health. Those vacuum packs are amazing. They saved his life after he had a transplant and the wound wouldn't close. I hope your wound heals very soon! His took 6 months, but it was much larger than yours. Be very…
  • We got about a foot of snow between last night and today. I don't LOVE it, but I don't hate it either. At least shoveling gets me out and working up a sweat. Kills my back, but burns a crapton of calories!
  • Did it last month, lost 4 lbs, and 4 inches (I only tracked waist hips & bust though).
  • I'm GF as well, and there are lots of carb choices. Diary is open, you're welcome to peek.
  • I'm barely 5'2"... I'm 99% sure my now 7 year old will pass me by the time he's 11, as he's already up to my shoulder!
  • Agreed, you should not be using whey if you're allergic to dairy!! That could be dangerous! Might be why it's not agreeing with you??
  • LOVE Jillian's workouts! (Not a fan of her, lol) I did the 30DS last month, and moved on to Ripped in 30 this month. It's a killer! Just keep on trucking, and work through the soreness you're going to have for the next few days. I promise, it gets better once you get up and move! I did Week 2 of RI30 then L1 of the 30DS…
  • You might want to ask on the GF board, as there are more people there with other food sensitivities. Obviously, cottage cheese and greek yogurt contain dairy. As do most protein bars (as I eat a nature valley protein bar, it clearly says it contains Whey). I really would stick to the higher calorie counts for your buck.…
  • I'm gluten free, and my son is dairy free so a lot of what I've got in the house is GFDF. Crunchmaster crackers Nuts Add tuna to salads and such Enjoy Life granola (top 8 allergen free) I know there's more, but my dog is distracting me cause she wants out. There's lots of options.