

  • This is soo common! You are not a lone. I try to just push through that week and just try to do the best I can. I mainly try distractions to get passed it. I may go for a walk in the fresh air, or have a healthy treat that still hits the spot (or maybe just a little bit of the food I've been craving). Something so that I…
  • Wow, that is frightening! Funny that you found it:wink: Admit it, you're a closet dog food eater :)
  • Welcome! This is a great community :flowerforyou:
  • You Rock!!
  • It's definitely tough. One thing that works for me is drinking diet soda or crystal light. I find that it distracts me from the munchies, satisfies my sweet tooth and is pretty filling, too. The tip about eating lots of veggies is another one I try to do. Very healthy and filling. Good luck!
  • pilates and power yoga- they are awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • I hope this site helps you. The people are very supportive and eager to help each other. Good luck in your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • Protein is actually recommended within a half hour after you workout. Helps with muscle building and repair. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi! I did the SBD twice while breastfeeding my son and then my daughter and it worked fine. The only thing I would make sure of is that your Bfeeding is well established first. Then make sure your getting enough cals and you should be okay. If you notice a drop in your milk supply you may want to move to phase two. I had…
  • Hi again :flowerforyou: I definitely think you are trying to stay way too low on the cals and then, like the other post says, your blood sugar is crashing and you give in and eat a quick snack like ice cream, chocolate bars, etc. If you really plan your day with healthy snacks and meals spread out-a lot of good ideas for…
  • Great! One on one help is definitely a smart idea. I agree with Olivebranch about the things that may exascerbate things. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Wait- you said you do get hungry? But then you look at the calories and decide not to eat the food. If the fact is that you are eating when you are hungry and you just can't eat any more that is a different story than if you are stopping when you are hungry because you're afraid the calories will add up. One thing I…
  • I love the beautiful message from Soxygirl and I agree with her 100%. Many years ago I struggled with much of what you are talking about. To be able to change your relationship with food is key and to work past the guilt and anxiety is certainly what you are shooting for. Journaling is a great idea and I also so strongly…
  • Gotta agree with Miso and others. The interval training you get from walking and jogging can actually keep your heartrate at an average higher rate which will burn more calories, and you may be able to keep it up longer that way which will also burn more calories. Don't forget to add weight training to your workouts, too!…
  • I just read a great article about plateauing and people who have less than 20 pounds to lose. It said that you have to avoid putting your body into starvation mode because thats what makes people stop losing weight. The article said that you can avoid this by calculating the number of calories it would take to MAINTAIN the…
  • Thanks to all. That does help. To answer the question about how many cals are typically burned, I've read a few posts that say they burn about 525 for core synergistics and 550 for plyo. However, one man said he burned about 800 according to his hrm. It varies by your intensity. There is a new thread starting about P90x on…
  • How do all you P90Xer's log in plyometrics and core synergistics in as exercises? These are the two I have trouble figuring out. Thanks!
  • Good luck, I hope it works for you :flowerforyou:
  • Did you notice that there is a new thread about the "May no eating at night club" on the list of recent posts?
  • P.S. When you find the amount, you have to add it to cardio. It won't count it as calories burned if its entered under strength exercises.
  • You can try looking on the internet for estimated amounts of calories burned at different weight training levels. For example, my husband looked online and found an estimation for "super sets". I know that on you can type in an exercise like say moderate weight training and it will come up with how many…
  • I've bought the new Clean Eating Magazine and it has some yummy recipes in it and good articles. It's a good intro without necessarily buying a whole cook book yet. Basically the way I see it is that CE is making as much as you can from scratch with fresh ingredients and balanced nutrients. I don't pretend to do it all the…
  • Black beans are so good for you! Think about it, fiber, protein, vitamins and antioxidants all in one place. What could be better?
  • That same thing happened to me this Fall. I had added more weight training and cut out almost all my carbs. That was a huge mistake (the cutting out carbs thing) and I really knew better, there is just so much conflicting info out there on what's best to eat, especially about weight training. Anyway, since January I added…
  • Great advice Dave. Also, if I'm not hungry but I have a couple extra hundred calories left, I tend to leave them because it evens out in the end most weeks. Best advice is like Dave said, use this time to build healthy habits for the future and to help you continue to feel good and reinforce all the hard work you've put…
  • Each person is so different. Generally its shown that smaller meals keep your metabolism and blood sugar steady,but it sounds like that doesn't work well for you. I don't see why you shouldn't eat that way if it works, as long as you are eating a balanced diet and don't end up pigging out at some point in the day because…
  • It wouldn't work for me, my blood sugar wouldn't hold up, but sounds like a good compromise from just one meal a day. I would just make sure that the meals are made up of whole foods with lots of fiber and substance and of course a good mix of protein and complex carbs so it sticks with you longer.
  • Wow-sounds like a horrible weekend as far as food goes. It's amazing that you lost 40 pounds. Don't give up on yourself now! Hang in there.
    in I suck Comment by Petunia_K March 2009
  • Jaime-I hope this site helps you, hang in there!