diet and breastfeeding

Hello to all...quick question for anyone to answer. I joined MFP in April and have lost a little weight and then it stopped for obvious reasons...I began to eat the sugary crap again :frown: I can't help it...I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant and couldn't eat anything sweet nor did I try but ever since I had my baby girl I have gone nuts on the sweets. :sad: It's like I am addicted or something. So anyway, I have done the South Beach diet before in fact right before I got pregnant I lost close to 30 pounds.:bigsmile: It detoxified me of the sugar cravings and I did great. I want to do this diet again becuase I need to get the sugar cravings out of the way if I want to lose anything but I don't know if I can while I am breastfeeding my daughter. You can't have any type of carbs or fruit in the first two weeks but there are tons of veggies you can have as well as lean cut meats and eggs. I am not looking to drop 20 pounds really fast or anything, I just didn't know if my breastmilk would be okay if I cut the fruits and carbs for two weeks. If anyone knows anything about this and can give me some advice I would REALLY appriciate it!!!:flowerforyou:


  • christyabullock
    Hello to all...quick question for anyone to answer. I joined MFP in April and have lost a little weight and then it stopped for obvious reasons...I began to eat the sugary crap again :frown: I can't help it...I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant and couldn't eat anything sweet nor did I try but ever since I had my baby girl I have gone nuts on the sweets. :sad: It's like I am addicted or something. So anyway, I have done the South Beach diet before in fact right before I got pregnant I lost close to 30 pounds.:bigsmile: It detoxified me of the sugar cravings and I did great. I want to do this diet again becuase I need to get the sugar cravings out of the way if I want to lose anything but I don't know if I can while I am breastfeeding my daughter. You can't have any type of carbs or fruit in the first two weeks but there are tons of veggies you can have as well as lean cut meats and eggs. I am not looking to drop 20 pounds really fast or anything, I just didn't know if my breastmilk would be okay if I cut the fruits and carbs for two weeks. If anyone knows anything about this and can give me some advice I would REALLY appriciate it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    As long as you're eating healthy, hitting your cals, drinking plenty of water & taking your prenatal viatmins, you should be fine! Protein is especially important to breastmilk supply. If you notice that your supply is starting to suffer, then you might want to add in a few carbs like oatmeal or some hearty bread. Otherwise, I think you'll be okay! HTH! :flowerforyou:
  • Petunia_K
    Petunia_K Posts: 35
    Hi! I did the SBD twice while breastfeeding my son and then my daughter and it worked fine. The only thing I would make sure of is that your Bfeeding is well established first. Then make sure your getting enough cals and you should be okay. If you notice a drop in your milk supply you may want to move to phase two. I had to have a lot of patience while trying to drop weight while nursing. It seemed like I could lose all but the last five or ten pounds and then my body would hold onto the rest, kind of like an emergency fat storage to sustain the baby. :smile: Its amazing how women's bodies work to take care of the offspring. lol. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I breastfed 4 and while you dont want to diet you should eat the right foods. I think cutting the carbs is fine but make sure you have enough fat. Not loads of it but not fat free. Babies need fat to survive.
    Check websites on breastfeeding to make sure. Just monitor your baby closely to make sure they are eating well and gaining and you should be fine. Hope that helps.