natesangel Member


  • i'm enjoying it too, it seemed glitchy at first until i figured out the way it records! love that they changed the food log deadline (nothing worse than falling asleep and forgetting to log that last needed entry!) so far so good, willing be cashing in soon for the first time so can't tell you anything on that. it's my…
  • thanks! looking great!
  • yep always liked that one myself. what i'm looking for specifically though is, 'this is me walking into the gym all normal looking', compared to same woman 'and this is me lifting something heavier than your daddy'!! (ps he's only 145lbs so it's not hard for most of you!) she's missing the point of seeing the before and…
  • when i first up'd my calories and started exercising better i had the same problem with hair and nails. it didn't last too long. also had some teeth issues. after about two months or so, skin cleared up (first time in adult life) nails hardened and looked great, hair thickened and looked so much healthier. at a well check…
  • LOVE IT! love you too hun! so proud of how far you've come physically and mentally, it's not an easy journey and it's been a pleasure riding it out with you so far! cheers to many more successes, NSV's and great pics!! thanks for keeping me motivated too!
  • great advice! for those curious but haven't tried it, the spreadsheet is super easy (i was hesitant at first) and a HUGE HELP! if you are in doubt, then pls check it out! it gives so many options based on your level of understanding to start with just a simple tweak, or go all out and pinpoint with precision! and the…
  • some great advice on here, when i started with this i got a hrm for the exercise and found that my tdee/actual exercise were a LOT more than i thought (i see kids!) and just playing with my girl and the running around the house made for a much higher daily than i had estimated. that spreadsheet was a huge help too (thanks…
  • issues sorry photobucket hates me
  • looking for help with this one myself, if it makes a difference (and a lot of times it does lol!) i'm running a mac. photobucket is my preference, and i used to be able to just drag the photo over window to window (photobucket in one, mfp in another) and it worked. since photobucket updated to the new layout, it doesn't…
  • yay! glad i'm not the only one!
  • ditto what most have said already, dinner is important. just a thought if it helps. for myself, i hate breakfast, i've never been able to stomach eating that early unless i nibble. love my protein shake for breakfast instead! biggest help i've found is pre-planning my day, if i know i'm going to burn lots, then i'll add to…
  • thanks for the love all! it's amazing what we can get accomplished when we can get out of our own dang way! lol!
  • just had to chime in, while i know and respect everyone is different, here is me. i have pcos, {insulin retention and graves (thyroid)} having great success with eat more to weigh less, inches are coming off, i eat what i like without too much thought to anything specific (try and get at least a salad, that dark green…
  • while up'ing to my cut i gained about 1 lbs, but i did it over a few months (like 2-4 months!) i am just now starting to see the numbers go down. as for weigh in, i wait till the day or two after i'm done af, i fluctuate too much daily (same time of day) between ovulation and menstruation. if it helps for motivation, i…
  • FANTASTIC!!! both the read and the moral behind it, congratulations, that is always an NSV for anyone who loves fast food!! keep up the great work!!!
  • lol okay so not sure why they aren't posting, did the whole lower case bit and all! you can see pics on my blog though!
  • i love the idea of weights but it's impractical for my lifestyle long term, so instead i compromise by doing jillian michaels with weights (currently 2 10lbs). just a note to keep in mind, that breastfeeding part is an important part of the equation, think like 500 cals a day just to maintain a good supply. not sure how…
  • i think you can mark it however is most helpful to you. myself i have 'breakfast, lunch, dinner, all day nibbles' but i have a friend on here that actually marked her day out '7:30-9:30, 9:30-11:30, etc' to help her remember to eat those snacks in a more timely manner as she was breastfeeding and it was important to her…
  • hey there! i'm still new and learning the ropes but have up'ed to the point where it's starting to come off! took months to get here so no shortcuts! if you want to send a FR mention EM2WL and i'll be there!!! i don't pull punches, if i see something 'off' i'll mention it but never try to be mean about (more like 'hey cals…
  • love ice cream and frozen yogurt but it's a rare treat here due to cost. family current favourite: chapmans frozen yogurt 'cheeky monkey'!! it's banana and strawberry yogurt with strawberry and brownie bits! 130 cals per 1/2 cup. SOO yum!
  • sounds like a great plan in action happening! as for those pesky meals… just my two cents worth, i also started finding i was hungry, read a bunch of kiki's stuff on up'ing and went with three meals and 2-3 snacks so i am eating every 2-4 hours. it has kept the hunger in check, levelled off the mood and kept me from…
  • thanks! that should keep me going till the laundry is done!
  • okay so having some issues with getting access to this. i'm using a mac with an older version of excel. don't have google. will play with this and see what i can workout. thanks for the hardwork on it! and the response! update: so google account is up, spreadsheet is working, THANK YOU that's what i've been looking for all…
  • i'm also still working up to the higher cals (up'ing slowly because let's face it, that's a big number!) when i find i have a lot of cals left at the end of the day, i've started stocking pistachios and almonds and cheese in the house. these are supposed to be healthier fats , calorie dense, high good stuff! i like these…
  • welcome, good luck, and enjoy food it's not evil when eaten in a better way!!!
  • great results!
  • wtg all! it's amazing what a month can do! pushups are getting easier and easier. my biggy, i can do that stupid plank crow thing and the twisty plank things from jillian! they have been a problem for a long time!
  • … i did my workout, i did a new one, i did a longer one, and i used bigger weights, and I MADE IT THROUGH! i made better choices than yest. and i feel great!
  • still new to the whole process myself but i think the 'what to expect' sticky on the first page answers this pretty well. i also gained slightly when i started up'ing but i feel better, the definition is better and it appears that it's more water/bloat/etc from the increase as my body adjusts (some take longer remember!)…