Mepheston Member


  • Saturday's are my "cheat day" and I only eat the amount of calories it would take to maintain my current weight, never over. Of course as I lose weight that number contiunes to go down, but I'm still not eating enough to gain any weight. :-) I also do a double workout on my "cheat day" so I get quite a few exercise…
  • I tried insanity and made it through the fit test as well, however during the first week I tweaked my back and was unable to do any more of it. It's deffinitely not for someone who's not in peak physical condition. I'm not sure what your own situtation is but maybe do the first couple of days and then see how you feel…
  • For me, I get up at 7:00 AM then work out, I work 10-7 so getting up a bit earlier isn't an issue for me. Honestly it's not about "finding" time because no one every "finds" time to do anything, it's about "making" the time to exercise. Once you get into the habbit of "making" time then it's much easier to work full time,…
  • What I really like about Power 90 is their relastic approach to working out. Tony knows not everyone is a superstar athlete and encourages you to hit Pause and take a small break as long as you keep moving. I also like that he tells you that you need to go at your own pace and not try to keep up with them if you can't.
  • Finished Day 2 today and wow was it a workout, the cardio is no joke and you kind of laugh the first time you see a 6:00 timer on the ab workout, but you're not laughing by the end, no...not at all... :-)
  • I just picked up the FT4 and it works beautifully!
  • I LOVE brown rice, I usually add some green onions and garlic the armoa and taste are amazing. :-)
  • After a month of nothing but cardio I decided to give Power 90 a try and finished day 1 today. I was actually pretty impressed with the workout I got using just the resistance bands I bought so I'm looking forward to this program and seeing some results at the end. :-)
  • But Canada has Milk in a Bag and Kraft Dinner so it evens out in the end. :-)
  • I just ordered one, I've lost 15 already with 35 to go so I'm up for this challenge!
  • I had: 8oz Grilled Chicken Breast 1 Cup Brown/Wild Rice Mix 1 Cup Broccoli, Carrot, Corn Mix
  • Yes they do.
  • Well at least I know to be on the look out for "Corn Sugar" and "HFCS" Thanks for the article!
  • You also have to remember that MFP ALREADY has a deficit built into your daily calorie intake so if you have 1200 calories/day and you want to lose 1lb a week, MFP actually has you at 1700 calories/day - 500 calories/day = 1200 calories/day for a 1lb/week weight loss goal. MEANING that you need to eat back your exercise…
  • Yep, it's most likely water weight. Keep drinking more water and you'll flush it out eventually. Exercising causes the muscles to retain water so if you're hitting it hard and not drinking more water that's the most likely culprit. Keep doing what your doing, and remember you're healthier than you were 5 days ago. :-)
  • I eat Chinese all the time, you just gotta be smart about it. Example. 1 Green Bell Pepper 1 Red Oniion 1 Green Onion 2 cups Broccoli 1 cup shreeded carrots 1 can bamboo shoots 2 Tbsp Minced Garlic 1 Tbsp Minced Ginger 1 lb boneless skinless turkey breast 2 Tbsp Kikkoman Low Sodium Teriyaki Sauce Stir-fry in 1 Tbsp EV…
  • Excellent choices vs McDonalds, don't be afraid to come in here anytime you think about a fast food fix. :-)
  • I know this might sound "conspiracy theory" or whatever, but don't you find it odd that you quit eating that crap and yet you find yourself craving it like it's some sort of drug? Makes you wonder what they really put in there. The longer I've been wihout fast food the less and less I crave it, most of the time it doesn't…
  • Just think of it this way. If rat poision tasted like candy would you eat it? That's about what you're putting into your body when you eat what is likely the most processed, nutrient deficient, fattening, artery clogging "food" in the world. If you still want it after that.... :-P I would opt for a turkey breast on a whole…
  • I don't have a favorite song per say, but I do have a favorite Pandora station I listen to, it's Cascada and it's all House and Trance music, wonderful energy and fast paced for the elliptical. :-)
  • Yep, only buy Nature's Own as well, no HFCS and tastes awesome!
  • Fortunately for us some of the big food companies are starting to take notice of the NO HFCS movement and removing it from foods. I used to have to buy "Organic" Ketchup to get no HFCS but now Hunts has removed it from their recipe and uses sugar instead. There are also more whole grain beads made with brown sugar instead…
  • I take off my shirt and look in the mirror, that's more than enough to remind me why I need to work out. :-)
  • Protien intake should be .5-1 gram per pound of lean muscle. What you'll want to do is find out how much lean muscle you really have on you and shoot for 50-100% of that number.
  • The thing to remember here and the reason everyone one telling you to eat what MFP tells you to eat calorie wise is that if you don't your metabolism will completely tank and you won't lose anything. Your body will go into starvation mode and you will start holding onto every single calorie you eat because your body thinks…
  • What's wonderful about this site is that it's all REAL people, not professional body builders who gained weight and then lost it for some before/after pictures to sell some gimmic diet, magic pill, or fix-it-all machine. EVERYONE here is an inspiration to me because we are all here for the same purpose, to get fit and…
  • Folks, this is ONLY to reset your metabolism when your body puts itself into a perpetual starvation mode and holds onto every single calorie you eat no matter how little or how much exercise you do. The sudden increase in calories shocks your metabolism into action and sends a signal that the body no longer has to store…
  • I've done those quick fix diets in the past and each time I've gone back to real food I've gained the weight back plus some extra. Those diets NEVER help you make a lifestyle change, they NEVER teach you should be eating and in what portions, they NEVER help you long term, in the end the only thing that will be lighter is…
  • Right now I step on the scale daily, first thing in the morning after I relieve myself and on an empty stomach. Like others I like to see the results of what exactly I'm putting into my body and what I'm working off. However I only enter it on Sunday because I know weight can fluctuate from day to day.