How do you find time or energy to exercise when working full

borichfan Posts: 208 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Today i done 25 mins of step aerobics at 5:30 am before i left for work and when i got to school, i walked on the track for 2 miles. Then i was exhausted all day with working and all. But i need to exercise, i need to lose weight and bring my blood pressure down. How can i get energy and time to work out working full time?


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I work out at night. I take the bus to work so I leave early in the morning (5:50 am) and don't get home until 6:20pm and then I head over to the gym for an hour at least. It does not allow for much free time but its worth it.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Becky, take the 500 Mg , I took it for mine, and its now 112 / 65...........

    Im lucky also, the weight loss, better food choice and exercise all contributed to was originally in the 160s, scarry

    Matter of fact, Dec of this year will be when I am stopping it completly...........Im on a much milder pill, from the original Ex Forge

    Dont like taking meds, too to too many side effects

    Take your exercise slowly, you dont want to over do and then land in bed with a sprain or break..........Good luck, and dont forget to take Niacin...........Lloyd
  • Mepheston
    Mepheston Posts: 38 Member
    For me, I get up at 7:00 AM then work out, I work 10-7 so getting up a bit earlier isn't an issue for me. Honestly it's not about "finding" time because no one every "finds" time to do anything, it's about "making" the time to exercise. Once you get into the habbit of "making" time then it's much easier to work full time, work out, and hang out with friends and famliy. Best of luck to you! :-)
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    feeling energetic is not only exercising, but ALSO having a healthy diet... Are you eating 6 small meals per day? If not, this may be an area to do differently... Also, eliminating sugars from your diet will help with your energy level...

    I can tell you that with my 6 meals per day, I have ample energy to get up in the am (4am that is...) and workout, do my work throughout the day (sometimes done at 8pm) and have energy leftover to clean up the house... When my diet is off, so are my energy levels...
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I work out at night on my wii fit so when i'm home from work i don't need t go out again. can just fit in as much as i need and then rest up the rest of the night
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I ran 4 miles at 5:45am before work and I am pumped and energized all day... same when I do my morning spin classes
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Some days I get up at 5am, to lift at 6am, work 7:30 - 4:30. I then hit the gym for cardio for an hour. Then its home and such. Its can be exhausting but I have WAY more energy now that before when I didnt workout at all.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I tend to do it after work. I try to find things like walking to the park or swimming or some activity that my son and I can do together. That way I'm getting time in with him and exercising.

    I also give myself 3 resting days. I try to get in 4 workouts a week and not push beyond that.


    Katie (aka Kekibird)
  • dfordenise
    dfordenise Posts: 1 Member
    I bring an exercise video with me to work and exercise in my office on my lunch hour. Can't do a lot of cardio, because I have to then work after, but I find the Bar Method videos by Burr Leonard to be great for lunchtime. My son plays football and has practice three nights a week, so I walk with a few other mother's near the practice field during practice time.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I listen to fitness motivation videos on YouTube while I work than by the time I get off I'm totally ready to go!
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I've been running in the morning before work at about 6AM at least three days a week. It was hard at first, but after several weeks it hit the point that on the mornings I *don't* run, I actually feel more tired than on the mornings when I do run.

    I chose to run in the morning since I know that I'm always exhausted in the evening after work. My job is pretty physical and keeps me on my feet and active most of the day, so by night time I'm TIRED. If I tried to exercise at night, I would never want to go, and being consistent is important.

    I think everybody is going to be different in that regard, depending on their sleep cycle, what type of work they do, and so on. Exercising will eventually give you more energy-- you just need to pick a time that usually will work for you and stick with it long enough to start feeling the energizing effects. :)
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    You do have to do what is best for you... however, I find that if I wait to work out at night - I've already come up with a million excuses as to why I'm too tired to workout. So, for me, working out in the a.m. is the only option. I get up at 4:30 - however, I've trained my body to do that. If I had to be in the shower by 6:30, then I started by doing 30 minutes in the morning, and getting it done first thing. As my workouts grew in length and intensity, I would wake up 10-15 minutes earlier for a week or two, and then do it again. Having said that - exercise and the right foods are both great energy builders. But, so is SLEEP - and if you don't get enough you will never have enough energy. It's all cyclical. So, as I was getting up earlier - I was also going to sleep 10 to 15 minutes earlier, too. I usually need about 6 hours of sleep to function well. Good luck to you and I hope you find what works for you!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I try to walk around the building on my breaks at work. Then I either work out in the morning, If I need the extra sleep and can't get up...I don't worry about it.: I try to work out that night before I go to bed. That way I'm listening to my body and what it needs at that moment.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I go and workout right after work. I get out at 6am and the Aquatic Center opens at the same time. I do my water aerobics for 30 minutes and swim for another 30 to 45. If I am running low on time I just do the aerobics and sauna. I try to walk after dinner but sometimes am so tired. I get 80% of my exercise at work. I am always on the run there.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Noticed you signed up in June,Congrats on the 8 lb. weight loss![Thats 2.6 lbs. a month] Doing really good, try to remember it took time to put it on ,should take at least that much time to lose it[stay off]. Your goal should be a healthty lifestyle not a diet.
    With that being said,you have the most energy in the AM. Plus this helps with providing energy all day. Plan your day and work your plan. Also try doing little things like parking far away at work,taking stairs, & exercises at your desk[[object is to move,all will help. Hope it helps:heart:
  • rayallen3
    rayallen3 Posts: 6 Member
    I do p90x. I don't have to go to a gym, I can workout on my own time, at my pace and the system is proven to work and get awesome results. You don't need a lot of special equipment so the start-up cost is low (after you buy the program.) go to and check out some of the at-home fitness dvd programs that are available! to see some result. Hope this helps

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    You have to make it a priority and work it into your schedule. That may mean you have to do it consistently every weekend day, or at different times during the day.

    Also, after a while, you will get used to it and find it easier to tolerate within a regular work day.

    I work a varied schedule, so I have to fit it in where I can. I also have a 45-60 min one-way commute.

    On Sundays, I work 6:45am to 6 pm. Sometimes I do a quick 30 min before work, sometimes after, sometimes I use this as a rest day (depends how the rest of the week goes).

    Monday: 9:30 am to 6 pm--try to get to work by 8am and do 60 min session
    Tuesday: 3p-10p--get to work at 12:45 or 1pm and get in a good cardio/strength workout.
    Wed 10a-4:30pm--getting off at 10pm means a quick turnaround--sometimes I squeeze in a quick workout before I start, or wait until I get home.
    Thurs: 4:45am to 12noon--No early workout today! I used to do a 2 hr workout after work, but traffic has been so bad lately, I get out early and just do something at home. Sometimes I also go out and play golf and make this an "off" day.
    Fri/Sat: Off --work it in sometime during the day.

    When I started my current job last Feb, there was definitely some adjustment. I went from mostly sedentary to on my feet going up and down stairs, hauling weight plates and dumbbells around the gym that members are too lazy to put away, demonstrating exercises, personal training, etc. For a month, my program took a hit--down to 2-4 days a week, and it took a good six weeks before I got back to normal.

    For me at least, I do have to plan my meals and pack the right foods to both fuel the workouts and fuel the recovery afterwards. That's not always easy, either, but it's a crucial part of being able to maintain my routine.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    On weeknights, I pick my husband up from the bus stop (on my way home from work) and we stop at the gym. This is why it was so important for us to join a gym that was on the way home. We have to drive right by it, so you feel guilty if you do not go. The other thing that is a great motivator is the dog. No matter how tired we are, she needs to be walked. Yea its sometimes only a 25 minute stroll, but when I jogged with her last night she was in puppy heaven! It also helps that my husband is much less of a morning person than I am, so on weekends I can get up and get in a work out before he even wakes up!
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I always do about 15-30 mins in the morning on the days I work since I work 12hr shifts and I never feel like doing anything when I get home. But on my days off I try to do about an hour.
  • I work full time too. I come home, change, and work out right away before dinner because if I let myself relax and park on the couch before hand I'll realize how exhausted I am. Plus, you have to find something you really enjoy doing so you can come home and think " Yes, I finally get to do something fun to unwind" instead of "Great, I still have to work out before I can relax".
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