About to start Insanity...I think

So i just did my fit test and felt pretty good, but my numbers were absolutely terrible! I haven't seen the doctor like he suggests. what did your doctor say? I tried the first workout and it sorta seems like you already have to be in shape somewhat before you start this. Do you find that to be true?
Also, how do you log it in the exercise log on here?


  • Mepheston
    Mepheston Posts: 38 Member
    I tried insanity and made it through the fit test as well, however during the first week I tweaked my back and was unable to do any more of it. It's deffinitely not for someone who's not in peak physical condition. I'm not sure what your own situtation is but maybe do the first couple of days and then see how you feel because Shawn T will destroy you lol. All that aside I think Insanity is a WONDERFUL program, high energy, and Shawn T does an amazing job at making you want to "dig deeper". I plan on trying Insanity again but not until I'm in much better shape than I am now. :-)
  • ajoslyn
    I started Insanity yesterday! My abs were so sore! I tried adding it to my exercise diary, but they didn't have it. I figured if I can get one of those monitors that will help me keep track of how many calories I'm burning, then next time, when I do the dig deeper fit test, I will add it in here. In the meantime, I just added in my workout as an aerobics (high impact) Friend told me to do that. Good luck with your Insanity! Second workout today and I could hardly move! No pain, no gain!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started Insanity after finishing P90X. I didn't see the doctor either, but I felt fine to start. You don't have to be in teh best shape to do Insanity, but then it's going to be really insane at the beginning! But it's a great workout and you just do the best you can, take a break when you need to (you'll see they do lol) and just keep pressing play! I wear a HRM so I created my own exercise with the name of the DVD and log my calories burned per my HRM. If you don't have a HRM, I would say log it as high impact aerobics. Hope that helps!
  • skinnytayy
    Actually I didn't have a problem starting insanity. I drank p90x results and recovery drinks but now i've switched to jillian michaels whey protein. Anyways, I'm in week 2 and before insanity WALKING about 1/4 of a mile would run me out of breath .. Pathetic, I know!!! I think as long as you have lots of determination and motivation then you're good to go. I have severe back problems so I usually replace some of the high energy jumps with jogging or a move called "high knees" that you'll learn soon if you haven't already. Also, I'm 5'1 and 204lbs (considered obese) so I was by no means "in shape" when I started. Thanks to insanity I can FINALLY do a regular push up (quite a few too!) instead of the "girl" version.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    You don't need to be in shape, just make sure you don't push yourself too hard. You soon will be able to keep up with them :)
    Make sure you eat all your calories plus the exercise calories. I didn't and did not see weightloss results till I started eating enough.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Seems like to maintain the benefits you have to keep doing insanity for ever.....just like any other exercise. Muscles turn to flab if you stop exercising right? Well, it seems that someone who does Insanity permanently would be in pretty darn good shape.

    I know some people want to become at least athletes or perhaps even professional athletes. This sounds perfect for them. Or someone just slightly overweight maybe. Having gone to a gym several times in my life usually for long periods of time I found out that the moment I stopped going things turned to flab quickly!! Good thing for muscle memory and getting back into shape. Your body knows the way once you teach it. Maybe that's how insanity is beneficial.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I would not advise a beginner to working out to utilize Insanity. It's an incredibly extreme cardio program, and in order to truly get the best results, you should be at least in moderate shape. I realize that there are plenty of people, though, who have been quite overweight or who used this as their first fitness program in getting back into shape and got great results. I just feel that with the plyometric jumping, you may find yourself taking a LOT of breaks, feeling discouraged, not wanting to finish, or worse, ending up with an injury because your body wasn't ready to sustain the high impact moves. If you are truly out of shape, I would start with a different program before tackling Insanity.

    I did my own 60-day round of Insanity this past January/February. I had already done 3 90-day rounds of P90X and I still found it to be really hard. Just the warm-up is a challenge! If you truly want to commit to it, then commit and don't walk away. But if you're already a bit wary about it, then I'd choose something else first.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The calories burned from Insanity are logged under Circuit Training for me. That is very close to what my calories burned says on my heart rate monitor. And you should get an inexpensive heart rate monitor for Insanity.
  • Chill_1227
    Chill_1227 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Insanity and on the second day of the program I began to feel dizzy and suffered a head rush on the stretching portion of the workout. I stopped the workout and researched online and found that the "head rushes" and "dizziness" could be caused by low blood sugar also could be caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure. It was recommended to eat about an hour or two before working out. After researching I started feeling discouraged. I'm sure I'm fine as far as being healthy but I still want to proceed with caution from now til the end. I'v always wanted to have a "beach body" but at the same time do not want to proceed until I get this issue cleared with my doctor. I will take it slow and see what the doctor says I should do.