

  • My trainer always told me to stop when your ab work starts to hurt in your back as your ab muscles are giving out or are totally exhausted! Be careful with your back!!! You had mentioned incorrect form, which could also be a contributing factor, but just keep listening to your body!!! Get it checked out if it continues!!!…
  • The PT test is a mile and a half...so I would start going a bit father for endurance and also try to speed it up a bit! Here is the link to the AFI about the fitness test...find your "test"...probably the less than 30 female would be my guess?!?! It is a long document, but it has a nice chart that you can see what you need…
  • There are some different places you can get discounts by using the store card....Kohl's usually runs different sales (15%-%30 additional off of sale/clearance/regular prices and also Kohl's cash...every $50 you get a $10 certificate to use over the next couple weeks) when you use your card, Target gives 5% off of every…
  • Did you update your weight in MFP? That 10 pounds will have made a difference in your calories!!! The main thing is to keep going!!! It also depends on how much weight you are starting with as well...When I weighed 340 pounds...I could walk a mile and lets say "burn 340 calories"...that same mile at the same pace for a 200…
  • Same problem...but I have G's!!! I really need something before I knock myself out while running!!!! YIKES!!!
  • Try to find a fun way to introduce her to the "new pyramid"...then play a game of correct sizes of portions...start with fruits....a small banana is a portion or a half of a large one...see if she can pick out the right ones! It may mean for you to brush up too! I needed to as I thought things (especially fruits) were a…
  • I notice I do it on Sundays (my weekly weigh-in day) as I knowingly have the rest of the week to "fix" it! YIKES!!! I just moved and have not been keeping track daily and I am worried as to where I will be once I get my scale unpacked!!! I too need to quit derailing myself!!! Good luck and keep up the GOOD work!!!
  • Planks are amazing....do a few per day to get started and work on your "time"!!! Good luck!!! My trainer (and many magazines) say that planks make all of the tummy muscles engaged!!! Have fun and good luck!!!
  • She has A LOT of DVD's out!!! I have enjoyed them all (at least the 7-10 that I have done!!!) Keep going!!! You will get to a point where the 2 miles are easy....it will just happen!!! Keep up the good work!!! Happy walking!!!
  • Remember that there are natural sugars in milk...12g in skim milk (usually)...so, my guess would be to look for a lower sugar one like the previous responses!!! Good luck & keep us posted on what you find!!!
  • You may want to check with your Employee Assistance Program through your job. They should have some sort of system in place for you to call and talk to people (for free). These programs usually have all sorts of assistance that they can help you with concerns over depression/anxiety/stree, relationships, parenting, legal,…
  • Greetings from a surgery sister! I had my lapband surgery 8/8/08 and it has changed my life! There are/were a few posts that had some questions and such....we do take extra supplements and there are actually ones made for bariatric surgery (and they don't taste too bad I have to say!) Another post should understand that…
  • I had lapband surgery two and a half years ago and did very well (over 110 pounds lost)...but this past year, my hubby went overseas & my job was ridiculous...in other words, I found 40 pounds....I have been using MFP on & off since the summer (when I was still gaining), but I was working on being accountable then. I also…
  • It would also depend on how you were wearing your clothes...when I put on some weight earlier this year with stress and such, I refused to go out of my 1X clothes and decided I would "wear them fat" to prove to myself that I wasn't going backwards...I am slowly looking nicer & nicer in my 1X clothes now...but understand…
  • I enjoyed my time with a personal trainer! It was the best thing for me....I am doing things that I couldn't do (or even fathom) before and now I am mostly independent...I only get some assistance once in a while! $125 per month for 4X per week is a great price...the ones at the place where I workout are $60 for an hour…
  • I went cold turkey with my tea since I am not much of a coffee drinker...but they do have "half-caff" that you may want to try and then decaf once you are ready to take the plunge! It also makes a difference with what you drink throughout your day...going caffeine-free with coffee but still downing caffeinated sodas, isn't…
  • That is inspiring...I just did a 5k, but I mostly walked since the "pack" was so far ahead of me. I did do minimal running/jogging though. My goal was less than 59:59 for a time...I completed it in 51:30...I was stoked!!! I couldn't believe that I finished under my goal and by so much...that was also the day after I had…
  • You also need a rest day (or two) to allow your body to recover! My personal trainer has been very particular about this with me! Also, you may need to modify and change up your workout routine. Good luck!
  • There are lots to choose from! My dietician does not suggest the "shots" of protein where it is in a test tube looking thing...yes it has lots of protein, but not the "best" is what she said. Everyone has a different taste....I was on only protein shakes (medical reasons) for 5 weeks straights and drank all whey based…
  • I have had my share of protein shakes. The main thing is that you need to find what works for you...everyone has a different tolerance for these YUMMY drinks! I used to enjoy whey-based protein drinks...now I get nauseated just smelling it! (5 weeks of a full-liquid diet can do that to you!) I started out with the…
  • Once you get to a point of needing to get rid of them, please consider sending them to a women's shelter or other second-hand clothing store. These establishments rarely get plus-size or larger sizes donated, yet the need is there! I meet with a support group monthly and once or twice a year we do a clothing swap...we…
  • Also keep some variety in your workouts...your body gets "used to" what you are doing and doesn't react the way it did when you first started a few weeks ago!!! This is that dreaded plateau...add a few more minutes or a higher intensity (not crazy high...but higher) or a totally different routine!!! Also, make sure you are…
  • I had to be on a full-liquid diet for 5 weeks....it is hardest in the first 24 hours...but be very mindful! You have to tell yourself that this is your "medicine" to make yourself better! Try to find what works best for you!!! Check with your doctor to see exactly what you can have/not have! Protein shakes help with your…
  • A good one that can be used for any size of person are the ones by Leslie Sansone. She does a program called Walk Away the Pounds. Everything is based around indoor walking (marching) with a few other basic moves (side steps, knee lifts, kicks). If it gets to be more that you can do, then you just continue to walk! I used…
  • Shoveling snow is an exercise...I think I saw that 10 minutes = 125 calories!!! So just take care of your property!!! Good Luck!!!!
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