personal trainer vs. working out solo???

so ive been going to the gym 5x's or more a week faithfully, had some free passes to work with a personal trainer for the first time, really enjoyed it and on the spot bought a package for a year ugh now im starting to rethink it because of the cost part....its $125 a month to meet 4 times a week plus daily "homework" work out plans.... i think i would benefit from it, but really could use the $$$ elsewhere..... what are your thoughts? is it just as beneficial to work out on your own or is a personal trainer really important?


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    This short time with a trainer can be so educational and benifical if yo ucan afford it. If it is a great trainer you will be able to take what you learn and use it the rest of your life. Plus we give that extra push that you might give yourself. I had a trainer. Yes trainers have trainers we need it to at times

  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    I really depends on how intensed you are working out alone. With a personal trainer or partner, they will push you to you limits and keep you challenged. I carry a gymboss which is a timer to keep my intensity levels high for 60 minutes. I don't allow people to talk to me while I am on a timer.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    IMHO, personal trainers are about motivation and accountability--mostly. If you can muster those things up from within yourself or your support community, then the money is better spent elsewhere.

    On the other hand, if you're really serious about this, then who I am i to say you're not worth it!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    At my gym, everyone gets set up with a personal trainer who draws you up a program. You then work out solo adhering to the program and then after 8 weeks you have a program review with your trainer to discuss your goals and your likes/dislikes about your current program. There's the option for PT sessions as well but I prefer to workout on my own with my program. I'd check with your gym to see if they do this kind of thing. Most gyms in my area do it.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I met a few times with a pt just so she could make a strength training program for me. Now i just go and do the program on my own. When I get bored with this routine, I'll meet with her again. If you meet with a pt 4x a week, that will really kick up your exercise and strength. If I had the time and $ I would do it. You are worth it!
  • LJPurvis
    I agree with most posts here. If you have a tough time with self motivation then a personal trainer will help you stay on top of things. The money you spend helps to keep you motivated as you want to get some payback for your expenses.

    If you are a self motivator then a personal trainer isn't necessary.

    I will add that, if you do not know how to exercise with proper form and intensity, a trainer can help with that so when the contract is up you will have the knowledge to perform your exercises properly. That is also money well spent.
  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    For me I would have passed. I know some people like to have someone pushing them and encouraging them. I get that on here for free. But if you need more than MFP to keep you going then I guess a trainer would be the way to go. I personally could not afford that since im a SAHM so I guess it also depends on your personal finances as to if you could afford it. Instead of a trainer maybe try to get just a friend to comitt going with you every week so many days. Good luck!
  • teacher4380
    I enjoyed my time with a personal trainer! It was the best thing for me....I am doing things that I couldn't do (or even fathom) before and now I am mostly independent...I only get some assistance once in a while! $125 per month for 4X per week is a great price...the ones at the place where I workout are $60 for an hour (as in 1 hour...not per week...just an hour) if you can spare it for a bit, go for it!!! Good luck & keep us posted!!!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    IMHO, that package is a big expense and a big commitment. I would not want to be locked into that for a year. That said, if the trainer you are using is helpful to you, perhaps there is still a way to utilize his/her services for a shorter period of time at a lower cost so you can make changes as time goes by. Lots of things change in a years time!

    Personally, I do a lot of my workouts at home, and then I run with a team at least once a week. The workout DVD's I do at home are $120 retail for 90 day programs and once I have put out that money, the DVD's are always there for me to use, unlike the personal trainer. And I swear, having Chalene Johnson or Tony Horton in my living room is like having a personal trainer for me.

    Obviously, do what works for you. You are the best judge. If you are having second thoughts, listen to them. Use your intuition. It is worth listening to.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    All depends on how much you know and how self-motivated you are, and how much the trainer knows and how creative s/he is at training people.

    I don't need a trainer for the basics. I've trained for years. I don't need anyone standing next to me while I'm on the treadmill, as I frequently observe in my gym. Some of the trainers are just kids with no people skills and no expert knowledge of particular athletes needs. I could probably tell them a thing or two.

    HOWEVER, some trainers in my gym are great. They are very skilled and creative in pushing you to your limits yet making it fun. They also understand about differences in biomechanics, different ways of training different people etc.

    So it depends.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Personally I feel I have enough motivation to do it myself and if I need new workout ideas or want to check my technique I jusy YouTube! Save your money and see how u get on on your own for a bit. You eed self motivation and determination cos u wont always have a trainer and need to do it yourself at some point.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    For me personally I have never felt the need for a personal trainer. I had been in athletics, lifting and running all my life and educated myself enough about proper form, etc. I never had issues with slacking off so I never saw the need.
  • llopez13
    llopez13 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks everyone :)