dreweth Member


  • Did the doorframe break or did the pull-up bar break? If it just slipped off, then he either didn't use the safety latch that even my cheapo model came with or he was being far too bouncy for a door frame model (i.e., he was using it improperly).
  • This is garbage. "Purely vanity oriented"? I'm sorry you or people you know didn't get anything out of it, but that doesn't mean the program is "a joke". I can appreciate that you made your own program that works for you, but many people cannot. That does not mean that their exercise choice of P90X is all about vanity and…
    in p90x Comment by dreweth May 2012
  • Can you perform pushups and pullups? If not, then how about assisted versions? Knees for pushups and using a chair for the assit on the pullups. Those will work you much harder than 30lb dumbell presses and curls. Your body is the gym!
  • I am in a similar situation, in that many of my workouts are mid-morning or fairly late in the evening. So, when I know I am working out late, I eat bigger, earlier. This works out well until I eat in preparation for a big workout and then something gets in the way of working out, and I end up hungry but without calories…
  • Sounds right to me, if you are really "bringing it" during Legs and Back. My HRM says I have burned even more than that during that workout, though I have more weight to lose and am more out of shape than you may be. Anyone that is saying "no, too high" may be jealous, but running (unless extreme HIIT) is not as hard as…
  • Dude - she's noticed. She is waiting to see if you notice and own up.
  • I take it off during any strenuous exercise, not just weight lifting. I only have two pieces of "jewelry", my ring and my watch, and they both come off when it is exercise time so they are not damaged or distracting.
  • Hello! You are right that most people tout the NROL (Men or Women's version), but reading the book does explain everything, and you will almost never use the "machines" anymore after that. It's all free weights. If you need more personalized instruction than a book, you may consider paying for personal training at a gym,…
  • What a great lesson for your child - when you want something you feel is overpriced, steal it! To the OP, Amazon is reliable, but the price is "normal". I bought mine there. I am considering picking up a used Insanity set for my next round of P90X to do a hybrid, and plan on getting it used from Craig's List or Ebay. As…
  • How many road races do you typically do? I think it is a great idea to sign up for races, whether biking or running, and use that goal as a training focus. That's awesome. I don't think I could do a 5k right now, but I have never been much of a runner. I want to try one before the year is out, however. For me, it will be a…
  • All cardio and no resistance training makes Jack something something. Get those resistance days in!
  • Hi Marvin, Your profile is locked, but I see you are trying to lose around 60 more pounds. I need to lose about 60-70 more as well. With a heart rate monitor, I track about 550-850 calories for each hour long workout. At 260 pounds, I am struggling during these workouts, and the heart rate monitor shows the truth. People…
  • Make sure you eat enough food and listen to your body. If I did that I would probably be doing too much, but it may be different for you. Maybe try doing P90X in the morning and see if you still have the energy to run in the evening.
  • Hi! There are some serious P90X experts (or P90Xperts, I guess) on this site. I am not one of them. I am a rank and failing (or flailing) amateur at P90X, but I try hard and mean well. Having gotten to day 80 last October, I restarted in January and just hit day 32. The keys for me are to modify the moves, and never stop a…
  • Congratulations! It always feels good to get off to a good start. The first day needs to be awesome, because it will get tough. Just remember to do something everyday (short of injuring yourself, of course). My goal, which I occasionally hit, is to workout 6 days a week, and use the 7th as a stretch or rest day. If you do…
  • As some others have mentioned, carry a notebook and read New Rules of Lifting for Women. I followed the Men's version of the book and my wife used the Women's version, we both carried small clipboards to the gym with our workout sheets and pencils to update our progress. Strength gained and inches lost were the results!…
  • That sounds about right to me given your weight. I am 260 and do full body cardio/strength workouts and will burn about 600-800 in an hour. However, I do subtract what my HRM would post at a resting level. My HRM would show around 1100 calories after an hour long intense workout, but it shows 400 calories if I just sit for…
  • If you have a gym nearby that you like and will be happy going to, buy the book "New Rules of Lifting" by Lou Schuler (sp). If you do not have a gym nearby or would rather work out at home, consider P90X. There is a more balanced focus of strength building and cardio with P90X, but since you don't work out in a gym, you…
  • Tonight was my first cardio workout with a heart rate monitor (P90X Kenpo X - a bit like Tai Bo). It was awesome. I found myself checking the watch display anytime I felt like I was dogging it and found out, yes, I was completely dogging it and not putting in the effort. What was interesting in comparison to the past…
  • I don't know if carpet is terrible for P90X, but I know that P90X is terrible for carpet! The carpet in my living room after a few months of plyometrics looks like an elephant trail. Since that's my only place to work out, I will just have to deal with it. It's worth it!
  • Really? I am not a fitness expert (trust me), but I am surprised to hear that. I would think that the muscles need rest and recovery just like any other muscle group.
  • Are you working out abs everyday? Overwork or lack of rest on that muscle group can cause a problem.
  • There is a pull-up bar that attaches in about two seconds to any door frame, it is what I use. I can't do any unassisted pull-ups yet, but I am getting more and more reps with the chair assist, and that's progress! I have Yoga X today, but I am waiting until my Heart Rate Monitor shows up later today so I can log that…