How to push yourself during a workout?



  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    I know I had to find something that clicked for me.

    I will NEVER EVER EVER get my heart rate up high enough on a bike. N-E-V-E-R. I don't know why, but it's just not going to happen. But put me on an elliptical or a treadmill, and I'll have my heart at 140-160 for an hour straight.
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    Even elite athletes feel like they are going to die during their workouts. Pushing yourself just that little bit further (out of your comfort zone) is what creates improvement. Unless there is a medical condition that precludes you working in the target heart rate zone for your age then you do need to push harder if you want to see results.
    When I feel like I'm not pushing myself as hard as I should or could for various reasons I sign up for a session with a trainer and tell them why - I can be sure I will be pushed out of my comfort zone, into the next level and yes I'm pretty sure I'm going to die! Like unicornassass I find there's some things I just can't get my heart rate up on as I get fitter but experiment and find different things that work for you - if you are walking try hills, cycling ditto or try intervals.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I talk a lot to myself in my head, and mostly say things like "just get it done!"
    On a given day that could mean any number of things: just get the session done, just get the weight off, just get back into those favourite jeans....

    I also think alot about "bang for my buck" - the fact that I am in that gym, spending 20, 30, whatever minutes of my life on that machine. I can maximize that time and burn a lot of calories or I can go easy and burn less.
    Some days less is all I have to give, but it is still better than nothing. Other days I find it in me to push harder than I thought I could.

    When I feel like I just want to stop and really, who is going to notice if I don't finish that last 5 minutes anyway? I visualize being 5 minutes from a major goal: 5 minutes more of running until i finish that 1/2 marathon, 5 minutes of trekking away from reaching the top, and ask myself, "If you were actually running that 1/2, or trekking up that mountain, would you stop 5 MINUTES FROM THE END?". The answer is always no, and it works every time.

    And don't forget, the more you try the more fit you will become. And the more fit you become, the less you will struggle. Pushing yourself will never feel...nice? easy? But the day you find yourself doing the same level/duration on the machine you've been doing before and it feels easier, you will turn it up - and THAT will feel great.

    Keep at it!
  • dreweth
    dreweth Posts: 23 Member
    Okay, so when I work out, I have major problems pushing myself. I don't get my heart rate up to where it needs to be because I feel like I'm going to die, which indicates that I'm not working hard enough. I take frequent breaks and just dont push myself as much as I should!
    Anyone have any tips on pushing yourself to do something that seems impossible?

    Tonight was my first cardio workout with a heart rate monitor (P90X Kenpo X - a bit like Tai Bo).

    It was awesome. I found myself checking the watch display anytime I felt like I was dogging it and found out, yes, I was completely dogging it and not putting in the effort. What was interesting in comparison to the past workouts is that when my heart starts racing I usually stop or slow down because I don't want to kill myself by pushing too hard.

    Being able to see what my heart rate actually is when it starts beating hard took that fear away. I was now fighting comfortably in the 150-160s where I would normally back off and get less of a workout. During the "breaks", Tony and the gang on the video would continue to run, do jacks, etc., to keep their heart rates up. I always skipped this and basically stood there in my living room breathing while my heart rate dropped. Tonight, though, once my heart rate dropped to 140 I started the real "break" with jumping jacks, jump rope, and running in place, too!

    Knowledge is power, power is change.

    Try a heart rate monitor! :bigsmile:
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I listen to my ipod and it keeps me from being distracted. This is good for the treadmill etc. I can keep focused and go longer.
