squirrell79 Member


  • Bump! Ya'll ought to be awake by now. :-)
  • Can I play, too? Physics is one of those things I've always wanted to know more about. On a related note, I did take calculus for fun last fall. :-)
  • I totally resemble the OP -- a pull up/chin up is one of my goals, too. I'm a few months into being on board the strength training bandwagon, but when it comes to pulling myself up from anywhere, I suck. In fact, I just started trying to do inverted rows, and it was a miserable failure. I could only haul myself up a few…
  • Great job! Keep up the terrific work!
  • Jealous! I lived in Oly for five years and miss it dearly. Have fun!!
  • Upcoming race: Savannah Half-Marathon Location: Savannah, GA Date: November 9, 2013 Duration: 13.1 miles Trail or Road: Road Goal Time: 2:10 First Race? Second half-marathon, umpteenth road race Post Race Reward: Vanilla ice cream
  • I'm very sorry, but I first read this thread title as "Boobs Weighing Scales." I almost choked up a hairball and thought, "Wow, that's fascinating! I've never heard of such a thing. I wonder how much mine weigh?" Thanks for the laugh. :-)
  • I've heard that No More Trouble Zones is supposed to be good for strength stuff. Chalean Extreme is great, too, but it's a 3-day a week strength (with 2 cardio, which I ignore). It's sort of a junior varsity program to varsity-level P90X. I got my copy used and integrate it with other stuff -- Jillian videos, running,…
  • Although I rotate CLX in with other stuff (I ignore the cardio discs in CLX), I just started the Lean phase. I think of CLX as sort of a the junior varsity program, with P90X being the varsity. Personally, I have no desire to do P90X, and in fact, my strength focus after CLX will be Stronglifts (am taking baby steps to get…
  • I am going to take a stab at this.... I am guessing that the acceptance in question is not meant as "accepting unhealthy lifestyles." My guess is that it is a subtle critique of the fact that "healthy" is frequently used as a proxy for "skinny." I am going out on a limb, because I can't read the person's mind who wrote it,…
  • Hello - I just started LEAN, and 6W6P is part of my rotation of cardio videos. The weight-bearing moves in the two DVDs are not the same at all. I think you'd be ok, as long as you are careful to use a lower weight than what you are used to for CLX. Good luck!
  • FWIW, I got mine used on Craigslist (very safe, met the lady in the lobby at the public library). It was new and half the online price. Good luck!
  • What everyone else said. Also: I like listening to entertaining podcasts. They hit the perfect mental balance for me between music (brain won't concentrate on it; I will just tune out) and say, listening to a philosophy textbook (too much heavy stuff for brain to concentrate on). I stock up a good playlist of podcasts --…
  • Awesome! Yeah, the RnR series are supposed to be really good (except for that one time in Vegas...). I'm excited to experience a nice flat course. My first half this past spring was lovely but the hills were quite unfriendly.
  • I have a small pouch that attaches to my shoelaces. It holds my Nike footpod & one house key. Very convenient!
  • You definitely should. It's a very well-executed race and almost as large as Peachtree, I think. We've done it twice and really enjoyed it -- ok, let me amend that. Our first one was 2012, and it was kind of miserable at the start because it was begun late. But this year's was flawless, and we shaved 13 minutes off our…
  • That's awesome that your wife was assertive; it's definitely something I need to work on. Sigh..... Am enjoying the responses here...she knows I am not wanting to shilly-shally on this machine and we only have five total sessions, so hopefully things will progress apace.
  • I'd love to do Peachtree someday! You should come east and do Charleston's Cooper River Bridge Run sometime, too; it's a blast! Have fun!
  • Thanks, guys -- all excellent suggestions and I will keep them in mind going forward.
  • If cost is an issue, then there are plenty of options to buy secondhand. For example, I got my brand new copy of Insanity off of Craigslist (the seller and I met at the public library, very safe), and my copy of Chalean Extreme was bought used via Amazon. As others here have said, it really just depends on what your goals…
  • Great job!! Your stats are fantastic.
  • Lots of people around here love NROLFW, and probably the best place to get info would be the MFP group. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/102-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w Btw, it's awesome that you are interested in lifting. It is one of the very best things you can do for your health. Good luck!
  • I ran my first half last month and am no expert. But, I will say that if you haven't trained with the gels on your long runs, I'd be wary of introducing them at this point. A half isn't long enough to *need* gels for most people, but lots of folks (like me) just get plain hungry. So I personally ate a tiny pouch of Welch's…
  • Sorry -- I was trying to be clever and riff off that old movie, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." My drive to the gym was actually quite pedestrian (har, har). I will say, I was surprised at how the Smith machine felt. I've seen them referenced thousands of times here on MFP but never tried one in person.…
  • Good for you! I see that you're a female. I think that your episode and mine were/are at least partially due to the fact that of being a female. In my case, I'm fairly short. I doubt the guy would have approached my husband and led him eagerly to the Smith machine.
  • Well, most of the lifting folks on MFP would have laughed at the guy and said, "Thanks, but no thanks!" And they probably would have been thinking things not suitable for printing in a family paper. :-)
  • Great job! Kudos to you for hanging in there and doing your best. The rest (lower time, not feeling like you're going to die) will come with time. Slow and steady wins the "Overall Running and Life Race"!
  • Checkout FitnessBlender -- they have tons of great videos on youtube.
  • You will be fine. Just go as your own pace and intensity, and do not worry if you can't follow the video people 100%. You will get stronger before you even know it, as long as you stick with it. Jillian herself says to do Level 1 for 5 days, then rest 1 or 2 days, and then continue. Lather rinse repeat. Go up to Level 2…