squirrell79 Member


  • Seriously? How is it that I've never heard of this?! I'm trying it immediately. (well, when I get off work)
  • -Gift certificate for one massage per week for a whole year -Godiva chocolates -Several new outfits from Title Nine -Complete DVD collection of "Game of Thrones"
  • Damn, I wish we did have that special enzyme. Because that would, um, rock. Sucks that we aren't special genetic snowflakes. :-) You know what else sucks? The alcohol enzyme thing....grr!
  • A good example of what I think you're talking about is the traditional Japanese diet. Lots of white rice surrounded by lots of seafood and vegetables -- *not* surrounded by a pound of sugary-glazed beef teriyaki, like at your local take-out place. The white rice by itself isn't why Japanese folks are traditionally very…
  • ^^ This. ^^ I have had a similar experience. I ran a half-marathon in May, got sidelined by shingles, and have only done a few runs since. BUT I've been religious about lifting, and when I went on one of my initial "get back into it" runs a few weeks ago, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my cruising,…
  • You said it yourself: a little goes a long way. If you can't go as fast as you used to, then for now, go slow. Go slow and work back up to fast. Same with push-ups. Do 20 today, maybe 22 tomorrow, then 25 the third day....and so forth (I'm inventing numbers out of my head; Google 100 push up challenge for a better ramp-up…
  • I made it through CLX all the way to the first LEAN workout, and I kind of hated it (not sure why). So I started Stronglifts, and it's been a good experience so far.
  • I'm sorry, but other than lasagna, the only thing I do with ricotta is terribly unhealthy: deep fried ricotta cheese balls. My family usually only makes them 2 or 3 times a year, and they go in a flash. Enjoy the healthy recipes!
  • Someone mentioned BodyGlide...I'd add that Gold Bond Friction Defense is a great alternative and somewhat less expensive. I buy it at the local drugstore.
  • Thank you! It's fun and I just wish I'd started sooner. :-)
  • I'll take a stab at this. My guess is that the OP is assuming that a female who can do a pull-up is probably engaged in a serious weights regimen. Most of the folks who are committed to weights and who train moderate-to-seriously with them eat a healthy amount, thus the OP asking how much people eat.
  • Dang, you must feel like you're on top of the world!! Congratulations on all that you have accomplished! And kudos to your dad for being a great dad.
  • I do not think that the other posters and I intended to come across as judgmental or that we answered in a particularly judgmental manner. But hey, this is the internet....everyone's mileage may vary and it is incredibly difficult to "read" tone through only pixels on a screen. The thread title was "Jiggly thights," which…
  • You can't "spot reduce" or "spot tone" or anything, because unfortunately fat comes off where it wants to, not where we want to. You CAN get to where you want by utilizing the holy trinity of body recomposition: 1. Eating less (search the forums for "In place of a road map") 2. Moving more (some kind of cardio--anything…
  • Inverted rows FTW. I've recently started doing them and hope to someday work my way up to pull-ups http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/11/06/inverted-row-are-you-missing-out-on-this-great-exercise/
  • I earned a Chuck Norris cookie and that makes me unreasonably happy. Thank you, person who posted the Chuck Norris gif!
  • Everyone's going to say some variation on the following. Look into one of these equipment-required programs: --Stronglifts 5x5 --Starting Strength --New Rules of Lifting for Women Yes, these programs do require some equipment, which can usually be had cheaply from Craigslist, Play it Again Sports, etc. Don't be afraid of…
  • Oh boy. There's (veg*n AND cheap) and there is ("meat n potatoes" AND cheap). Those two buckets by themselves aren't that challenging. Unfortunately, the venn diagram of where those two buckets overlap is challenging my brain. You could get a used George Foreman grill if you don't already have one. Buy meat when it's on…
  • A safe rate for weight loss is about 1 - 2 pounds per week. The event is about a month away, so I would encourage you to do the best you can. However, please do not be disheartened if by 11 August, you don't achieve the exact body composition you seek. Weight loss is usually a slow process, and the best way to keep it off…
  • I lived in Corpus Christi for a few years, and I can't imagine being vegetarian, let alone vegan, in Texas outside of Austin. You are a brave woman! I wish you tons of luck!
  • This is a great site with plenty of bodyweight strength workouts: http://www.fitnessblender.com Also check out this one: http://www.nerdfitness.com/workouts/ As far as a structured program goes, there's this: http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Your-Own-Gym/dp/0345528581 (used copies are available) Chalean Extreme (a DVD…
  • Great job!!!
  • I adore roasted carrots. They are delicious, and it's hard to stop myself eating the whole pan. http://www.vegkitchen.com/recipes/everyday-meals/roasted-vegetable-dishes/garlic-roasted-carrots/
  • Congratulations! Those are terrific results.
  • Target, definitely. Their bras hold up for years and they're cheap! Although I have to admit that after I did my first half-marathon this spring, I treated myself to an outfit from Athleta. :-)
  • Great job!! It's a lovely feeling, isn't it? :-)
  • Well, you will lose weight if you eat nothing but 500 calories' worth of Twinkies everyday. I believe some researcher did just that (not 500 exactly, but you get the gist) a few years ago, and the media promptly dubbed it the "Twinkie diet." But is that healthy? Absolutely not. This person put it very nicely.
  • FitnessBlender!
  • Check out Craigslist for equipment and fitness DVDs -- people are always getting rid of stuff for a lot cheaper than you can buy in stores.