MKPRN Member


  • I only prep for 4 days at a time. That way everything will get eaten before it goes bad. If you want to prep things farther out than 4 days I would make things that freeze well like soups, chili, low carb turkey lasanga, taco meat. I do not like the taste of a plain precooked frozen chicken breast so I find that having the…
  • Try Quest Protein Bars. I like the Lemon. You can buy them on Amazon.
  • Oatmeal, Lettuce, Chicken breast, Eggs, Clemintines (need something for my sweet tooth)
  • One thing I do is cook up a big batch of chicken breasts in the crockpot with a little (1/2 C) water or chicken broth. I find this method of cooking keeps the chicken moist. I can heat up the breasts for dinner but I call also use the meat in a chicken salad, chicken taco or a veggie soup. I also make different sauces to…
  • Best thing I could have ever done for myself. After 2 babies and losing 70 pounds I was miserable with the gut that hung over my jeans. is a great resource if you are looking for any helpful information. The message boards are a great place to meet people going through the same thing.
  • You can add me to review my diary
  • I need friends who share too! Please send requests.
  • I am in the same boat! BMI 27. I am a bit older than you, 40 in 3 weeks, and I have really struggled with my weight. I come from a family of short 250lb women. It's like a curse. I have to work really hard just to get to 150lbs. My trainer says I am what you call "thick". Now the term "thick" would have really hurt my…
  • Drink more water. I try to shoot for a gallon if I can get it in. It always helps when I stall out. Another thing that helps me is to add an apple every day. I don't know why it works it just does for me.
  • Tummy tuck! Gave myself the gift a little over a year ago and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself! My doctor said that all the dieting and working out was never going to fix my problem. He was right. I love my new flat belly.
  • Gender: female Age: 39 Height: 5' 5" SW: 223 CW: 159 GW: 143
  • Feel free to add me! I am a L&D nurse who works 12 hour nights. The best part about nights is the cafeteria is not open so I have to pack my lunch which is not difficult for me. I have been gaining and losing the same 15 pounds for the last year and I am completely convinced it is because I work nights. My sleep cycle is…
  • You look amazing! Your hard work is definately paying off!
  • I did an 7lb ham on low for 8 hours. That is a little ham so maybe 4 hours on low but I am just guessing.
  • I work 12 hour shifts in a labor and delivery unit. Unfortunately, I do not walk as much as the average nurse. I spend a lot of time at the nurses station watching fetal monitors. I wish I could workout everyday but it is just not possible. On my work days I usually rest. I try to make up for it by spending extra time…
  • If you are hungry, drink a glass of water, slice up a cucumber and some celery and eat that. Very filling for very few calories. If it doesn't sound good to you than you aren't really that hungry are you?
  • To me it looks like you are eating a ton of processed foods. Your sodium intake is way too high. Try eating a clean diet. There is actually a book called the Clean Eating Diet by Tosca Reno which maybe helpful to you. Try eating foods without nutrition vegetables from the produce department not the freezer…
  • I am probably the only person you will hear on this board talk somewhat positively about hcg. I lost 50 pounds doing the hcg protocol 2 years ago and have kept the weight off. Was it easy. NO! It took a lot of hard work, planning and disciplne to follow that diets. I had mild side effects compared to a lot of people. I…
    in HCG Comment by MKPRN October 2011
  • I work night shift so I always take my dinner to work. The day before I go back to work we always have grilled chicken for dinner. I have a marinade of EVOO, soy sauce, lemon juice and spicy ground mustard that I always use. I typically cook up 8 chicken breasts. We eat 4 or 5 and the rest becomes my dinners for the next 2…
  • yum! I am going to make these tomorrow
  • I buy the plain greek yogurt and add a packet of truvia and some frozen raspberries that I thaw for a few seconds in the microwave. It is a lot less sugar and carbs. I also like the Carbmaster yogurt you can get at Kroger supermarkets.
  • I read somewhere that you can wrap duct tape around your shoes at the balls of your feet. This helps give you a little more slide on the carpet.
  • Don't tell anyone (LOL) but they are Lose yourself-Eminem Fighter- Christina Aguilera I wanna go- Britany Spears Blow- Ke$ha Enter Sandman- Metallica However, I will take anything with A LOT of bass, usually rap or pop music
  • Yep! I was 3 pounds less today that I was 5 days ago which was my TOM>
  • I am one of those people who may only show 800 or 1000 calories a day. The reason I try to stay around that amount is because I do not log every little bite I eat. I may have bites, licks and tastes of things as I am cooking. I might pick up some candies as I walk by the candy dish. I might add sauce or a condiment that I…
  • Sending you a request now! :)
  • I love ranch dressing. I could drink it out of the bottle. I couldn't take the calories any longer so I made up my own. It is so simple. Cottage Cheese (about 2 tbsp) splash of skim milk garlic salt onion powder dried dill dried parsley Blend in the magic bullet blender. You can make up larger batches and just store in the…
  • Congrats to my fellow 66 pounder! I love that you are finding great ways to motivate yourself! You look great!
  • I am a huge binge eater too. It completely goes along with my mood also but I really like to eat. Stress and depression are my main triggers. Something that has really helped me is starting the Clean Eating Diet by Tosca Reno. I have tried to eliminate a lot of processed foods out of my diet. Following this eating plan…
  • Wonderful! You should be very proud of yourself!