Easy, filling dinners to take to work.

theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
I don't have much time to eat at work and I'm tired of going to subway or something and spending all that money on a tiny sandwich. Anyone have any suggestions on something I can bring? There's a microwave and toasted, so things can be heated up!


  • NomNomCupcakes
    NomNomCupcakes Posts: 135 Member
    I work the night shift at my job so it is easier for me to just make a big "lunch" during the day and save the leftovers in portions for me to eat at work. Stir fry, soup, etc. If I do not have a full meal to heat up I usually eat a yogurt or a jello with some water maybe even an apple. You could pack some fresh veggies like baby carrots or small celery sticks as well. Keep a bag of trail mix in your locker or fridge at work. There are 200 calorie portions of DiGornio pizza, those are really good! Ummm lunchables even?? Those are just some things I typically eat at my work. Get a recipe book like Hungry Girl it has low calorie meals that are easy to make and portion it out for the week.
  • branflake5
    make a wrap at home using whole wheat light flatbread grilled chicken lettuce tomato little cheese and fat free dressing like kraft zesty italian or ranch, they are easy and if u know u want to take them a few times a week you can grill 2 or 3 chicken breats and store it in the fridge it only takes about 1/3 piece of chicken cut up in each wrap. they are easy delicious and pretty healthy
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    cook chicken breast at home and pack it for lunch, with a salad. or you can microwave a sweet potato (or a regular one). I always bring some fruit with me as a snack. you can make your own sandwich at home before work.
    these is many options=)
  • CaoimheAine
    Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and Weight Watcher meals are pretty good :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • oopsiedaezie
    This week I have cooked twice and I don't really know that it counts as cooking. I threw some chicken breasts into the crock pot and added spices and veggies; this evening I did chicken breast, tomatoes, bell pepper, zucchini, onion, garlic, parsley flakes, basil, oregano, black pepper, mushrooms and some water. I guess I will have to wait and see what it looks like tomorrow :) I usually brown bag my meals for work as well.
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    I always take left overs. Used to cooking for a big family now its just me and gram and my daughter. I cook a lot with chicken. It's amazing what you can do with chicken. Jess my daugher used to make the best egg rolls but we dont' eat them anymore. The healthy alternative is shredded cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, soy sauce and cajun spice. Cook up you chicken and shret it up yourself don't buy ground chicken it has a lot more calories it lean hamburger. Cook the first ingredients in a wok slowly so that you don't burn it. Then add the shredded chicken and mix it up. Eat over 1/2 cup of rice. Its very tasty. I take it to work and heat it in the microwave.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    make a wrap at home using whole wheat light flatbread grilled chicken lettuce tomato little cheese and fat free dressing like kraft zesty italian or ranch, they are easy and if u know u want to take them a few times a week you can grill 2 or 3 chicken breats and store it in the fridge it only takes about 1/3 piece of chicken cut up in each wrap. they are easy delicious and pretty healthy

    This is what I do as well. I bring fixings for the whole week at once. A big bag of cut veggies, cheese sticks, pretzel crisps etc. That way I never have to think or get tempted to go out for lunch. When I get tired of wraps, I will bring is bags of salad.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    make protein oats. That's what I do everyday :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    2-3 days a week I make a real dinner - usually the days I work-out in the AMs and have time to make a full meal at dinner instead of cobbling together something nutritious. The following days I always bring leftovers. Always make 1-2 servings extra. No sense doing the work twice.

    Every other day, I make an easy salad with baby spinach, red onion, pepper, cukes, and either fresh peas or some kind of broccoli/carrot slaw. You can buy most of this prepped already if you really don't have the time. I always have some chicken breast cooked up in the fridge (toss a few breasts in the oven on a foiled sheet and bake at 400F until done - can be done any night, really) so I weigh out 100g and shred it on top. Serve with salsa, balsamic, or whatever you prefer. I sometimes have kimchi as well.

    Chili, soup, and any curry or one pot dish is a great as well. Toss it into the crock pot in the morning and then it's good to go when you get home. Makes enough for leftovers so you have dinner + lunches covered.
    MKPRN Posts: 46 Member
    I work night shift so I always take my dinner to work. The day before I go back to work we always have grilled chicken for dinner. I have a marinade of EVOO, soy sauce, lemon juice and spicy ground mustard that I always use. I typically cook up 8 chicken breasts. We eat 4 or 5 and the rest becomes my dinners for the next 2 nights. Sometimes I will just take a chicken breast and what ever steamed veggies or a baked sweet potato that are leftover from dinner or I will make a big salad and add the chicken breast to that. Other ideas are to cook up a big pot of stew or chili. Sometimes I make an omlette and take some salsa along to jazz it up. I also take along cottage cheese, string cheese, yogurt, protein shake, veggies and dip nuts or a piece of fruit.

    I try to eat as clean of a diet as I can. Frozen microwave meals are NOT and option for me. So I have to make packing my meals as easy as possible. The one thing that make taking my meals to work so easy is that I buy those disposable tupperware type containers at Walmart. The ones that have 2 sections and look like a microwave meal container. When we are done eating dinner I get out 2 or 3 of those containers and make up my own meals instead of putting all the leftovers in one big container and having to dish it out later. It makes it so easy to grab a meal and head out the door when I am running late. I also make up baggies of nuts and raisins to keep handy for the munchies.
  • DResc
    DResc Posts: 6 Member
    I usually grill up chicken or turkey breasts and sometimes a small steak and add some broccoli or string beans to it. A little brown rice goes good with it too on occasion. Then I just pop it in the microwave at work...heats up in 2-3 minutes. My job is crazy so just finding time to eat is hard enough. Having something ready in 2-3 minutes is a life saver. Sometimes I will bring a small salad with it too. No need to cook that, ready in an instant.