

  • I have no advice, just wanted to say I feel ya! Keep at it, we will both get there!!
  • I did configure it to me. It was actually brand new, he got it free when he joined a gym and didn't want it! :happy:
  • I always gain before I start to lose when I start working out. :) Stick with it and they will start to drop off. I usually eat back half (or so) of my exercise calories. Or if I eat them all one day then I won't eat them the next few times. Don't give up!!!
  • Me too! I am back, and so upset with myself for quitting. I lost so much the first time around and have already gained more than half of it back. Now I have to start all over again. URGH! OH well right, just start with today. :)
  • I second that!! There is NOTHING worse for me that being asked when my babies due when I'm not prego!
  • I did one round. I loved it and my going to do it again after I finish Insanity. I lost 30 pounds and went from a size 14 to an 8. HTH! Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)
  • Keep your head up! I know that it feels like everything is falling apart right now, I have been there. I was about half done with P90X and I started having really bad knee problems. I saw a physical therapist who told me I couldn't do Plyo for at least 2 weeks. I felt like everything was going to fall to pieces. I didn't…
  • I totally feel you!!!! This happened to me not to long ago. I cried, overdramatic I know, but I was really upset. I had been doing awesome and I didn't want to fall behind. I listened to my trainer and I didn't do any jumping or squating for 2 weeks. I do P90X and couldn't do the plyo or the leg video for 2 weeks. I…
  • Mine helps motivate me. I love seeing how many calories I burned in each workout!! It makes me keep going, and work harder to burn more calories. :)
  • What a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing. :)
  • I am SUPER proud of you!!! Pot lucks are also a very difficult time for me. :( You did amazing! I did okay at the last one I attended but I could still do much better. Thanks for sharing and WAY TO GO!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I don't know anything about C25K. Between P90X and Insanity I would suggest starting with P90X. My husband and I just finished one round of P90X and I lost 26 pounds and he lost 20. We both really liked it. I haven't tried Insanity yet, but from what I have heard it is even harder than P90X. I also like the lifting part of…
  • I don't have any advice for exercise for disabled persons, BUT good luck on your journey and welcome to MFP!
  • I use my heart rate monitor to tell me how many calories I burned. Then I search for an exercise and when it doesn't find it I add it myself using the button at the bottom. Then I add the name of the exercise how long and how many calories I burned. HTH!
  • I don't know if I can go without ice cream! I think I want to try too. Would you be okay with me tagging along on your venture??
  • It is just like any other quick fix. I lost weight but as soon as I quit doing it I put it back on because I hadn't changed my lifestyle. Now I count calories, exercise and eat a wide varitey of foods. I am doing much better. I do have a slim fast shake for breakfast everyday now. It is easy, good and helps me get a good…
  • Exercising will help your body gain muscle which will burn more fat doing everything that you do. You don't have to eat back all of your exercise calories. I only eat them back 1 or 2 days a week and not the rest of the time. You just have to figure out what works for you and your body. Exercising will make you a healthier…
  • Unfortunatly I don't have any tips, but I just wanted to say I feel ya! I have the same issue, skinny legs and arms, even my bum isn't bad, it's just my stomach. I get asked when I am due......NOT PREGO!!! It is very frustrating, but I just keep plugging along. Good luck to you!
  • Quick question about Insanity. Is it a lot of jumping? I have a hard time with the jumping portion of P90X because of my knee. My husband really wants to do insanity next but I am afraid of what it will do to my knee. Thoughts?
  • I love it too! I have been doing it for 62 days now. I have lost 18 pounds and went from a size 14 to a 10. It is an hour to an hour and a half every day. You need to have weight or bands and a pull up bar is helpful. It is painful but in a good way. :) I agee you don't see the same results as on the tv if you do it once.…
  • I nursed my kiddos too! It was my experience that the weight came off a little slower with each of my three children. I am still trying to lose the weight from baby number 3 who is now 21 months old. :wink: You are doing the best thing possible for your baby. Stick with it and the weight will start to come off. Most…
  • Thanks for your response. Congrats on being cancer free!!! That is huge. You really put things into perspective for me. If YOU can do it I can do it. :smile: You look amazing! Thanks again for your encouragement. I will modifiy and keep plugging away.
  • I did this a LONG time ago, about 10 years ago. I will say that I was very successful but as soon as I stopped I gained it all right back. I have been successful without using it too. It is very expensive from what I remember. I have been just as successful on here counting calories and eating more food, rather than…
  • Thanks you guys for all your support!! I know I will make it, it just seems like a huge setback right now. I will keep my head up and "Do my best and forget the rest!" :happy:
  • You GO GIRL!!! I was SUPER excited when I could make it through the ad ripper for the first time. Celebrate all those small victories!
  • When I was nursing and trying to lose weight, I added an extra 200 calories per day. I would just watch really closely to be sure that you are producing enough. If your baby seems extra hungry or cranky it may be that your supply has dropped. If that happens you would need to increase your calories for your baby. :) HTH
  • I also have IBS, no wheat allergy though. When I first changed my diet this happened to me, but it didn't take long for it to go away. After it did I felt SO much better. I have very few symptoms of IBS now that I am eating healthy and now when I do eat something gressy or fatty I get sick. If it doesn't go away soon I…
  • Congrats on your success! Welcome to MFP, it is a wonderful tool to help keep you on track. I love it! Good luck with your continued success!
  • My husband and I are in the middle of week 6 right now. We love it. I have lost 11 pounds since I started. I have muscles in my arms and legs that I can actually see again! I have 2 words of advice. 1. push play everyday. It is hard for me to do on some days, I "just don't feel like doing it" but when I make myself and I…
  • I have little ones too. I do daycare during the day so I know how exhausting it can be. I make sure and put all of my kids to bed by 8:30 at night, that way I can begin exercising at 8:45. I am in week 6 of p90x. Maybe if you could find a video(s) that you like you could exercise at night when your little one goes to bed,…