P90X..Insanity...C25K?? How to choose??

jbeam Posts: 7 Member
Hello all!! Ok so this is my very first post on MFP. I am new to the website (3 weeks) & I love it. I love all the community message boards, everyone is so helpful & encouraging to one another. It is very inspiring!
So with everyone's knowledge hopefully someone can help me decide on what program to start. I am really new to my lifestyle change but am motivated to get to my goal weight. I just don't know if starting out with P90X or Insanity will kill me, or if I should try to build up my cardio first with C25K.
Also, I am pretty dialed in on my food & logging it in. I just need some guidance on where to start with the fitness.
I appreciate any help!!:smile:


  • ktmunchie
    ktmunchie Posts: 35
    I don't know anything about C25K. Between P90X and Insanity I would suggest starting with P90X. My husband and I just finished one round of P90X and I lost 26 pounds and he lost 20. We both really liked it. I haven't tried Insanity yet, but from what I have heard it is even harder than P90X. I also like the lifting part of P90X as it helps tone and build muscle, which (again) from what I have heard Insanity does not have. HTH! Good Luck and remember if you try one and it isn't working you can always switch. :)
  • jbeam
    jbeam Posts: 7 Member
    Great job by the way!! 26 lbs....that is awesome!! Thanks for the insight!! It is much appreciated.