ryanwood935 Member


  • Nope :( But hey neighbor!
  • sent: Ooh Mandy you jerk so good! You make lucky man happy long time! received: Hmm right. ..I'll have to do more research but at least it's a start! !
  • Heck yes! I bought my favorite shirt about 10 years ago at a thrift store. Actually wearing it today. A Space Jam shirt from Cozumel, Mexico found in a thift store in a tiny little town in the middle of Iowa!
  • I take grapes and apples in the form of red wine and sangria.
  • Sounds like an awful idea. Bodybuilders use the bulk phase to add as much muscle as possible with as little fat as possible. Fat doesn't turn into muscle. You will end up with the same amount of muscle with an extra 100 pounds of fat, and you still won't be adding muscle any faster when you start your recomp. Eat more…
  • If he had a serious condition causing such as those causing malnutrition, I don't think he would be carrying on lifting six times a week and progressing as he has mentioned. I had plenty of gas eating 4k calories a day. I'm pretty sure I could find foods that give me gas eating 1000 calories a day. Physical job + active…
  • I think it has something to do with the pilgrims coming to America at Plymouth Rock. On Thanksgiving they celebrated a great feast with the Native Americans. It was cold, so the white man gave the Native Americans beautiful blankets. Somehow they fell ill, and sadly perished. By the next day, their bodies were already…
  • If you are only a few sessions in, the DOMS gets less severe over time. Warmups should definitely be part of your routine. It may not help much with recovery, but it will prevent injuries. Cool downs on the other hand, can help with soreness. Stretch well after you are done lifting and don't skimp. If you aren't flexible…
  • Unless you are training in the morning/early afternoon without eating anything since the night before you can skip the BCAAs. They are found naturally in the protein you are eating, so keep hitting your protein macros and save your money.
  • This^^ A 200 pound squat 5x5 is strong for a female lifter. If you are hitting proper depth, my hat goes off to you! You won't be adding muscle in a deficit anyway, but even at maintenance calories 5x5 is just fine.
  • I forget it's not sunny everywhere sometimes, sorry :) I'm sure an hour on the elliptical is more than sufficient. Half hour would be just fine. The foam roller sucks less with consistent use, at least for me. Except the inner thigh, that ALWAYS sucks!
  • I gravitate towards jogging myself, but I'm sure the elliptical will give the same effect. Also, foam roller - get it, use it! It's like your own deep tissue massage. Probably the best $20 I've spent on anything related to fitness.
  • I lost 57 pounds and maintained for a while before I started my first bulk. I'm moving around all day at work, and lift 4x a week. Even people that remember 'fat me' comment on how I can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce. Even though I've gained 10. And I was fat before, so obviously it's not true. But people don't…
  • I usually measure about once a month. Now that I'm bulking, I might do it once every two months since the measurements change slower. I like to see big jumps in numbers :)
  • Partying at the very least is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new friends. You really don't have to drink if you don't want to. If you are going to drink, you should probably have some trusted friends with you, and you may not want to do it around a huge group of people. Everyone reacts differently to alcohol. If you…
  • 10/10 11/10
  • I use an armstrap so I can easily access my lifting app on the phone. Airplane mode and I'm good to go.
  • It would be hard to do a full body routine each day, since you would have to have back to back workouts once a week. Given 4 consecutive days to lift, I would probably run something like Legs/Push/Pull/Legs. Push days being things like bench press, overhead press, etc...working on chest/shoulders/tri Pull days would be…
  • Based on my goals from a few months ago, I planned to gain 7 more pounds this year. As I started a bit too slow, I'm thinking a 4 pound gain to round out the year is a reasonable goal.
  • Apparently I missed this memo as well. I missed a lot of memos from the 1990's though :) Consequently, I enjoy lots of fruit after 1pm. It goes well with my protein and fats.
  • I would definitely recommend dropping the weight while you work on the form. I might recommend a few things, but keep in mind I've got a bit less than a year of squatting under my belt, so take it with a grain of salt :) You might try a thumbless grip. I had a tendency to try to push the bar up and forward when i was…
  • Option 3: Trolling
  • But does it really HAVE to be a sweaty one? I don't mind the salty, but that extra juice just turns me off.
  • I assume the lickity split must come after the pants split? Anyway, I started PPL/rest alternating hypertrophy and strength about 3 weeks ago. I'm enjoying it more than past routines, which I think is a big factor. More pleasure = more push.
  • Man, I gotta start screening my posts before submitting... ouch :blush:
  • Or maybe it's just because aspartame tastes like liquid ballsac.
  • It's all been downhill since they took out the yoga mat from their food.
  • I chuckled when the first peer reviewed research stated this: During over 5 years of follow-up (1995-2000), 1,888 hematopoietic cancers and 315 malignant gliomas were ascertained. Higher levels of aspartame intake were not associated with the risk of overall hematopoietic cancer (RR for z600 mg/d, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.76-1.27),…
  • But what if the light liquor is a mohito? Mint is a veggie so that should be ok, right?