

  • I just read It Starts With Food. It gives a scientific explanation for what goes on with insulin resistance and autoimmune things including arthritis. They suggest taking all processed foods out of your diet as well as grains, white potatoes, sugar, legumes and dairy for 30 days to see what foods might be causing your…
  • I always ate as much of well balanced, healthy foods as I wanted while breastfeeding my five kids. By the time they were a year old, all of the weight gained, even when I had gained 50 pounds, was gone. I was more thin and fit than when I got pregnant. My children never had any formula and nursed on demand. The earliest…
  • In my experience, shaming made me have a defeatist attitude which led to emotional binge eating. I am beginning to think that the reason so many more people are obese is the standard American diet, not because society doesn't shame fat people enough. It is sad that highly processed, chemical ridden food is more affordable…
  • It is so addictive! Friends and I have made our own, sugar free! It may not have as smooth a consistency, but the flavor is really good. If you keep it going the the food processor, it gets smoother. Mix it with sugar free peanut butter and coconut oil and you have something that is akin to a chocolate truffle. But you…
  • Most low carb programs suggest you go nearly cold turkey on them at first, eating meats, eggs, cheese and green leafy veggies. This is gruesome, but it gets you past the cravings if you can take it for 3 or 4 days. Then add the good carbs (starting with nuts, other veggies and then berries) and slowly back in until you…
  • Always struggled with weight to a certain extent. the biggest thing over the last 20 years has been having babies-gain pregnancy weight-eating to nurse-lose pregnancy weight just by nursing -look fabulous and feel great about the time the baby weans- not changing eating habits after baby weans-mommy gains. Do this 5 times…
  • Oh, darn, it posted without my comment! Good question! Don't want to insult him by refusing the gift thus driving him farther away, but you gotta wonder, "is it really a gift?" It may not be his intention to sabotage and it may not be a conscious effort. Wonder if he could fathom how this has upset you and made you to feel…
  • Ideal is a brand of xylitol, natural plant based sweetener with no or very low calories. It it is tasty, I like it better than splenda or stevia in coffee, those taste bitter to me in coffee, but I can use them otherwise. Xylitol is really yummy in coffee. If you are counting carbs, it is 4 per teaspoon, better than sugar…
  • Yippeeee! One down and how may to go? Let's keep all our spouses in prayer. We can't change them, but God can!
  • At least he is being honest with you. He is communicating his feelings, that takes a lot of guts and self searching. Maybe this is the start of his coming to grips with his own issues with his health. He is acknowledging that he is not on the same road that you are on and the scares the pajeebers (How do you spell that…
  • Sweets! It tastes too sweet, but if I eat it anyway then I hate myself later, so uncomfortable!
  • Tortillas are usually really high in calories, carbs and fat. I usually get the chicken or veggie fajitas and pass on the tortillas or only eat one. The wide variety of salads on their menu looks really appealing. Chips are a killer! They will sabotage your calorie count and they are addictive. For me is better not to even…
  • I have read the book. He spends chapter after chapter talking about science of it. I thought much of that was personal opinion and not backed up. I was anxious for the practical "and What to Do About It" part, and it left me wanting. As far as results go, I ate low carb for 4 months and lost 30 pounds. I have switched to…
  • Stevia doesn't do for me in coffee. It is still bitter to me. Xylitol, also from a plant, tastes sweeter in coffee. Stevia is really good in tea and yogurt.
  • It happened to me tho other day in Zumba class. I know I had my shoes too tight. They were new and I had not gotten them adjusted yet. I also have weak arches and was trying to lend extra support. What I did was cut off my circulation! It happened again on the elliptical as well. I took my shoe off and put it back on, less…
  • It is SOOOOO YUMMY! It hit me a couple of days ago when this heat wave hit here in Virginia. Cold coffee left from the morning in the pot into the magic bullet, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, some 1% milk or almond milk and even a little shot of sugar free coffee syrup and fill it with ice and give it a whirr. I…
    in Coffee Comment by only_5mom May 2012
  • The creamer with the hydrogenated oils and corn syrup is the biggie unless you have been told by your doctor that you need to stop the coffee. If you are trying to get off caffeine, you could go decaf. Go with real cream and if you like the vanilla flavor, try a flavored coffee or a sugar free syrup. I do not like splenda…
    in Coffee Comment by only_5mom May 2012
  • Keep trying! Nobody cares if you can't do it all or mis-step, we all do that! It is great exercise for calorie burn and so much fun, you are dripping with sweat before you even realize it!
  • I make healthy meals. He eats what he will from them, the meat and potato and not the salad or veggies if they aren't the ones he really likes. The problem here is what he does when he is not at home or not at meal time. He goes out for fast food or wings almost every day. He did give up sugary sodas last year and lost 20…
  • I so agree. I have tried to encourage him to get healthy, but only a little every so once in a while. Don't want to nag and put a wedge between us. I almost burst out at him the other day though when he came into the Y while I was working out and stood right by the machine, in the way of my lifting and nagged me about…
  • I have the same issue. I have a group of girlfriends that support each other. We have a facebook group and a few of us do MFP together. We weigh in every other week and have a pot we contribute to. The accountability and support has encouraged us to do what we could never have managed alone. Find some friends and ask them…
  • Surely, you can tell when you put on your old clothes, can't you? When I need to be reminded, I wear my old clothes. They still don't fall off yet, but are very loose. It puts things in perspective.
  • There are some great recipes on If you register for their site, they send you sample of their products and coupons as well as a carb count booklet too.
  • I lost 30 lbs from the end of August until mid December doing a low carb diet then hit a wall. I was afraid to go to phase 2. Think I may not have been getting enough calories. I was rarely hungry. Still at the weight I was mid December now. Started MFP 10 days ago using automatic settings and started exercising regularly.…
  • I just made these! Really yummy and rich. I made the 24 smaller muffins and had to bake them for more like 25 minutes. Toothpick still didn't come out clean but didn't want rubber muffins so I took them out. I used mini chocolate chips. Going to try peanut butter chips next time!
  • Bump- I bet you could make with oat flour or a mix of grains if you have a grain mill!