jnh17 Member


  • My children's meals go like this - meal (all of it. I don't give them a plate full of stuff they hate. They get a 4 year old portion), THEN fruit, THEN "dessert." Dessert may be a snickers mini (45 calories) or something like that. They have to finish one course before going to the next -- no exceptions. If they're not…
  • Apparently, we're not friends anymore but...lookin' good! To the OP - It's a mental game. You have to be totally committed at staying the course. You're not going to drop weight in a short amount of time like you would on a fad diet or whatever. It's a long process and so many people get 2-3 months in and get frustrated…
  • There is a Hooters, Bone Daddy's, and Twin Peaks all in a row in my area. I don't care what adults do but people around here have their boy's 7th or 8th bday party at the places. Um...no.
  • What weight were you using for the dumbbell shoulder press in stage 1? I hit 22.5lb dumbbells (at the end of Stage 1 - so 8 reps). I can only do about 50lbs for the fs/pp which is basically the exact same plus a smidge heavier since it's 10 reps BUT there is some momentum.
    in Stage 2 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • I did NR's last year and ALWAYS struggled with planking. GAH do I hate planking. My internal monologue is ridiculous - "I wonder how much longer, probably like 20 seconds. 40 SECONDS! OMG I can't do it. Okay, you're under 30 now...etc, etc." It's terrible. Anyways, I did the full 60 seconds BOTH sets. HUZZAH!
    in Stage 2 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • You don't push back to the step with your lead foot. Both feet stay where they are the entire time and you just move up and down (basically)
    in Stage 2 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • I don't eat back exercise calories. I like to think of having a weekly goal calories instead of day by day. If one of my low calorie days falls out on a workout day and I eat back those calories, I'm over my calorie goal for the week.
    in 2:5 vs JUDDD Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • Just like other people have posted, I wear covers everyday. I workout at lunch so I just leave them on from the office (I do *not* need that kind of office attention) to the gym. LOVE THEM! http://www.amazon.com/Nippies-Skin-Reusable-Silicone-NON-ADHESIVE/dp/B001O482W4/ref=pd_sim_hpc_6
  • You figure it out? Honestly, it will be trial and error.
  • I also have a Polar FT4 and love it. I kept my HR no more than 170 bpm. Just today, I was lifting an during some of the lifts (step-ups, lunges) my heart rate gets in the 175ish range. Some doctors use outdated policies.
  • I've been told the SAME THING! People in Houston can always tell I'm from D-town. Oh and German accents sound pissy.
  • You **can** workout at home but it's a hard program to do at the house if you're not fully set up like a gym. When you squat at home without a squat rack, you have to pull the weight up and over your head -- if you're doing that, you're more than likely cheating yourself on the actual squat weight. I can squat about 125lbs…
  • That's only for the first 4 (I think) workouts. Then you move to have 3 sets instead of 2. The Stage 1 3 set workouts take me about 40 minutes. I wear a HRM and I burn as many calories as I do with a Month 1 Insanity video (did Insanity twice). Stage 2 workouts can bump into the 70 minute range! BUT, I try to do my lifts…
  • The step I use is 18" (I'm 5'11). Not sure how many risers that is though!
    in Stage 1 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • I have a 3 and 4 year old...gained ONE HUNDRED lbs with the 4 year old. Lost it in 7 months (to the day) then got pregnant (same day). Doesn't look as great without somewhat of a tan but it'll do...
    in Hot Mommies! Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • Everyone's step up #'s always blow mine totally out of the water (last year too)! How big is the step you guys are using? Also, just throwing this out there. I use a heart rate monitor didn't use it the last time I did NR's. Anyways, I did Insanity twice from August- January and my stage 1 workouts burn as much as Month 1…
    in Stage 1 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • I'm jumping back in here, too! I finished stage 1 but wasn't happy with my commitment to it (last year, I was religious with 3 workouts a week) or my gains!
    in Stage 1 Comment by jnh17 May 2013
  • I bet money that some people will need cliff notes for those cliff notes.
  • Beeeeeeeps! Totally inspired, my friend! Lookin' good!
  • Wow! Any befores of your thighs?
  • I did the fit test with almost no weight to lose and almost died the first time. It's hard and it's a shock to anyone. If you can stick to doing Insanity without quitting, then do it.
    in Insanity Comment by jnh17 April 2013
  • Cut your calories and see if it's sustainable (like, you're not dead tired and you're able to make it through a few -- not just one -- workouts and still progress with adding weight). Are you lifting 3 days a week? What do you do on your not-lifting days?
  • Like "stick with it" as in finish it? Finish it. It's a great program and will be hard no matter your fitness level if you push yourself. 80% of the people with problems on this site are people that start something, don't look like a fitness model in 14 days, quit it, start something else, and continue the cycle.
  • First, you're still on month 1, so you *may* be okay doing this but during month 2, it will NOT be sustainable for somebody that's not in tip-top shape. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape (I mean, I don't run marathons or anything) and I would be robbing Peter to pay Paul if, in month 2, I was tacking on…
  • NICE! Keep it up!
  • So, you're not very tired while doing Insanity yet the super in shape people in the video are stopping to take breaks while Shaun T pushes on? Totally a guess here, but you can probably push harder during your Insanity videos. I mean, you CAN do both but it's a lot to sustain for a long period of time. And...you are going…