ladymedic22 Member


  • Nothing is too little! I feelyour pain I managed 1.8km when i first started c25k the other day couldn not believe I could run from 8minutes.
  • Wow you are ambitious! I finished W1D2 even tho I didn't want too and boy I felt better after I made myself to do it. Honestly doing the workout was less trouble than giving you guys some lame excuse why I didn't do it when you all could! Keepup the good work everyone! just over eight weeks to go! LOL that doesn;t make it…
  • Treacle tart? How could you refuse good job girl! I went out for dinner at a hungarian restaurant and worked out extra hard and saved calories but wow those red wine sure add up! More than halfway there yeah us!!!!
  • W1D1 please for give the yelling.....OH MY GOD .....I DID IT!!!!!! I followed the lady prompts (iPhone 4 app) and I did not cheat and even sped up towords the end!! I can not believe I did it!!!!! Thanks for the inspirtation of this challenge! IF you don't puke, faint or die.....Keep going!
  • Day 38 rocked! Did day one of c25k and I did the whole workout no cheating! Food is getting better too! can't wait for next weeks weight in!
  • Can't wait to try this tomorrow you are all so inspirational!
  • Dang it! Found out we are now having company when I get home from work at 8pm so probably will not get time to do day one today. Will have to do it tomorrow morning before work, at least it is only 3 days a week so I will just have to shift it over by one day!
  • Day 37 and also starting the couch to 5k challenge today as well! Come on pounds start dropping off!
  • What a great feeling! Glad to have you posting for all!
  • Count me in, but as winter is coming to Canada soon I will be on the treadmill and your start date is Canadian thanksgiving so what better way to burn off the turkey butt!
  • Was away for a few days so not able to track well. Did make smarter choices and work out but was not perfect. But back to work and back on track now. Even managed to work out before work today! On a personal nite I love how honest everyone is, it's nice to know I am not the only one who slips now and then. Thanks guys
  • Losing another half inch off the waist is someone who is making progress, good work. Not everyday is perfect just don;t let a bad day become a bad week! You are stronger than you think. I had a big breakfast at work today, the guys cooked at the office and of course nothing was the light version! Ate a lot less than the…
  • Day 16 done! Worked hard ate good! Tomorrow is going to be a challenge, my boyfriend is taking me to see the Flames play hockey in Calgary for my birthday and we are making a day of it. Heading into the city early for lunch and a matinee first. So a good twelve hour day away from home without my food and snacks. Wish me…
  • As to the badge, go to badge and under the one you want is a bunch of code. Copy the code (right click on the mouse hit copy) than go to signature (under message boards and in the space for your signature put the cursor than right click mouse again and hit paste. Should work, you can do the same with the tickers too.
  • Not so good today, went over my calories a bit and felt so crummy I put off exercising and ended up getting called back into work! (I am an EMT and am on call at night time) So did not get my exercise in today, will just have to work twice as hard tomorrow. DJackson 2140 calories does seem like alot from my 1200 calorie…
  • I don't think you blew it by eating your exercise calories, you earned them with all your hard work! As long as you did not eat more than your exercise calories!
  • Day 13 done, ate a little more today seeing if that will budge the scale, was an hour late getting home from work today so only had 20 minutes on the treadmill. But at least I did something. Hoping for a busier day at work tomorrow so I do not nibble so much on the upside had at least 4 litres of water today in an effort…
  • Day 12 done, stayed under my calorie goal and really pushed it on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Scale seems to be stuck hoping for a drop tomorrow cause been four days with no movement and I have been working hard! I also did the 30 day shred, made it to the end but just barely, thought my legs were going to fall off they…
  • Day eleven done man it was hard to walk down the stairs and get on that treadmill today! Did 40 day shred yesterday and could barely walk today but the time on the treadmill helped stretch things out. Had fast food for lunch but still managed to stay under my calorie goal for the day. Back to work tomorrow so food should…
  • Good work excercising when you don't want to Mande!
  • Sara: I think you will find once you eat small meals more often you will start losing weight. I was eating less than 800 calories a day and the scale was not budging. Uped it to 1200 and the pounds started to come off. I hear ya on the liquid calories nothing I love better than an alcoholic beverage with my meals. I have…
  • I like bee pollen, flax seed ground, walnuts and dried cherries. Or flax, raisins, agave nectar or honey, coconut and coconut extract tastes like an oatmeal raisin cookie.
  • Day 9 in the books, stuck to my calorie limits evan tho we went to Mcdonald's for lunch today with the family. Worked really hard on the Treadmill today. I found the quote I wanted "If you don't puke, faint or die keep going!" Jillian Michaels. It gets me through my workouts for sure. Also found on the days I don't drink…
  • Day 8 done, this group keeps growing! We all can use all the support we can get. Djackson well only fitting you should lose so much weight since it was you who started the group. Hit the treadmill really hard today. Food was under control again even branched out to try some tasty new treats that are low calorie. Hoping to…
  • Forgot to post for day 7! Stayed under my calorie goal but went out after work to visit some friends so did not exercise yesterday. Had a couple of 67 calorie beers but had bugeted for them all day so still was under my calorie goal. Really wanted to have more but stuck to my guns! Double workout today to make up for…
  • Day 6 done! It was hard to stick to my diet at work today, always is when we are slow, sit around the office thinking about food! But I persevered (can't spell tho) and kept it under my calorie allowance. Worked extra hard on the treadmill today, was thinking about a quote I read on someone's signature. If you don't faint,…
  • Got home late from work today and the whole way home was trying to justify to myself why I did not have to exercise tonight. Finally the thought of posting to you guys some lame excuse for not exercising I just figured it was easier to do it and get it over with! Stayed on track today ate some of my exercise calories but…
  • Well tomorrow is a new day. Did you at least track the food even tho you went over? Than that is a success we can only change if we acknowledge what we are doing that is not working. Do not let one day turn into two. Back on track today Balfonso! Everyone will encounter challenges on this 80 day journey!