80 day pre- holiday challenge



  • Day 38 was great...
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 38 rocked! Did day one of c25k and I did the whole workout no cheating! Food is getting better too! can't wait for next weeks weight in!
  • Day 39! It's 80DayChallengeHalfway Eve!!! Can't wait till tomorrow. Today day was good. Didn't hear from someone important, but maybe tomorrow, early I hope. :D Have a sweet night.
  • 39 and counting...
  • Day 40, officially half way there. This was just a great idea! Hope everyone is doing well. :D
  • Me too Paula... :happy:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Ok back home! Couldn't stop grazing on rubbish foods when I was away on business, BUT I'm back now. Just trying to get on track, and my cold still seems to be lingering. Nevertheless, I managed to get some walking time done today. Still haven't been able to get back into the gym. Just so busy with work, especially with Christmas coming up. [Prepping Christmas at work]....

    I miss my "me time"!!

    So DAY 41 has been ok. I really didn't need that treacle tart after our crispy duck dinner, but what the heck, it's Friday and if weather permits tomorrow, it's a nice long walk through the woodlands again. Maybe even pick up some chestnuts along the way. :wink:
  • Day 41, in the books! Didn't get enough food in today, but it's 9:37 so I'll do better tomorrow. Have a great night.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Treacle tart? How could you refuse good job girl! I went out for dinner at a hungarian restaurant and worked out extra hard and saved calories but wow those red wine sure add up! More than halfway there yeah us!!!!
  • Day 42... we hanging in there folks... We will be better for it.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I apologize for not signing on daily to this thread... but I do contribute in spirit daily... I am well on my way to my holiday weight by keeping my calorie consumption between 1200 - 1500 and I burn 500-1500 calories per day through exercise. I am seeing an average of two pounds lost per week but more importantly I see my measurements getting smaller by at least a half inch per week. I love it. I just ordered P90X and start that on 11/1 so I will post measurements and before photos along with updates to the thread... if you are interested please friend me and join me
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Day 43--Here we come! Good luck everybody!

    and i'm pretty sure we're close to the post limit so be looking for the new thread link--thanks!
  • Day 43 was great for me! Kids, shopping, cleaning, walking, eating, and hopefully soon, sleeping!!!! It has truly been a wonderful day. Have a great night everybody.
  • day 43... downhill slide
  • Day 44 - It was a hard one. There were goodies galore at work and I actually ate not one but two cinnamon bagels. I managed to eat nothing else till dinner and still ended up under for the day, but man I felt a little out of control there. :D I hope those don't show up for a while. :D
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    So... I got off track for 10 days. Blech. :sick: Well, not ten CONSECUTIVE days, thank goodness -- anyway, lost my mojo there for a bit. First we celebrated the hubby passing the bar. Then the next day we celebrated again, with ice cream. Saturday was Ren Faire. One night we ordered out for pizza. Another night we grabbed Macaroni Grill for lunch, and In 'N Out for dinner, because we ran errands all day and weren't home to cook. In all honesty -- I had MANY opportunities over the last ten days to make GOOD choices, and I chose poorly.

    But between those poor choices I struggled, and I fought, and did my best to think rationally and eat better.

    Yesterday I planned my food, weighed and measured my portions, logged everything, drank my water, AND exercised. Time to do the same today. Get back into that consistent groove.

    Two steps forward, one step back. Gotta keep fighting for that forward momentum. Giving up is the only certain path to failure.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    So... I got off track for 10 days. Blech. :sick: Well, not ten CONSECUTIVE days, thank goodness -- anyway, lost my mojo there for a bit. First we celebrated the hubby passing the bar. Then the next day we celebrated again, with ice cream. Saturday was Ren Faire. One night we ordered out for pizza. Another night we grabbed Macaroni Grill for lunch, and In 'N Out for dinner, because we ran errands all day and weren't home to cook. In all honesty -- I had MANY opportunities over the last ten days to make GOOD choices, and I chose poorly.

    But between those poor choices I struggled, and I fought, and did my best to think rationally and eat better.

    Yesterday I planned my food, weighed and measured my portions, logged everything, drank my water, AND exercised. Time to do the same today. Get back into that consistent groove.

    Two steps forward, one step back. Gotta keep fighting for that forward momentum. Giving up is the only certain path to failure.

    Ah don't worry, I got side tracked myself. A healthy lifestyle is always a working progress. Don't give up! :wink:

    Sorry guys for neglecting this thread. It's been so hectic at work and with just getting over the flu and spent half the day as a pin cushion at the hospital today, I'm finally home able to relax and catch up with you guys.

    Last few days have been....comfort eating. With the weather change, I'm drawn to hearty warm meals and yummy spongey puds and less cold salads/sushi. I always seem to crave sponge puds and custard around this time of year but I'm trying my best to resist and just have it once a week. :smile:

    As weight loss goes, I seem to be maintaining. Not complaining though. Health first.

    ....wow does time fly :laugh:
  • Day 45. I wish I had been posting every day here. This has been the most awesome thing in my life. I totally wouldn't have done as well without. I'm just a pound away from passing up the dreaded sticking weight. I know it will not get me this time. Today was an awesome day and I hope it was the same for all of you.
  • Day 46!!! Woohoo. It was a crazy day, but good. I'm so blessed with my family and my job. And the Yankees finally won a game! WooHoo!
  • I nominate Paula as MVP of this challenge!
    Day 46 for me.
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