C25K Week 1 (week of Oct 11)



  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all!!

    I did W1D2 today. I enjoyed it, I wish I had more time as I felt I would have liked to do more but have such a busy day today couldn't spare the extra time.

    So far so good with this program, I'm enjoying it.
    Seems to be very well worked out and the app is very helpful, I'm going to do day 3 tomorrow and progress through this part I'm finding easy quicker as I want to be running sooner than later. I have a goal to reach for Xmas and this running is all part of it.

    I'm also doing the 30Day Shred too, so am doing quite a bit at the moment, I hope that comn=bining the two I should make good progress and see results faster.

    Hope everyone is doing ok and coping well with their first week.
    Keep at it even if it's tough, I find things take a while but my body does eventually get used to it and I'm doing pretty good with my exercise now!! I would never have though 2 years ago that I'd be taking up running now!! Such a change from the 20 a day smoker that did hardly any exercise at all!!

    Mel xx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    W1D1 please for give the yelling.....OH MY GOD .....I DID IT!!!!!! I followed the lady prompts (iPhone 4 app) and I did not cheat and even sped up towords the end!! I can not believe I did it!!!!! Thanks for the inspirtation of this challenge!

    IF you don't puke, faint or die.....Keep going!

    Well done!! Sounds like your surprised at yourself!! I think this is a very well worked out plan, I love the app, I think that makes it so easy to follow!! :o)
  • Just COMPLETED W1D2. I didn't give up, although I was hurting! It will get easier, it will get easier, it will get easier....
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    I would like to join! I definitively have to start doing more cardio and running to shred this fat!!....But I think I will begin next monday, after recovery myself and feel better; I'm sick right now..:sick: Good luck to everybody!
  • amccabe110
    amccabe110 Posts: 29 Member
    I started the program on 8/14, and am now on W7D2! I can't even believe that when I started, I could barely make the 60 second runs, and now I am running for 25 minutes straight! I repeated days/weeks when I felt that I needed to, and sometimes had to walk through some runs but I did it! For years, I've watched runners with envy. the few times I tried to run-I couldn't make it a block without feeling like I was going to die! But the C25K program is the best! The way I look at it-every day you go out & do something is better than sitting at home doing nothing! Good luck to all of you-you really can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend also....
  • dana01996
    dana01996 Posts: 15 Member
    I just downloaded C25K and I can't wait to get started! Now that I have stopped smoking I can get on with a running program without feeling like I'm going to die. The support here is awesome, I love seeing everyones stories, it's great motivation. :smile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I would like to join! I definitively have to start doing more cardio and running to shred this fat!!....But I think I will begin next monday, after recovery myself and feel better; I'm sick right now..:sick: Good luck to everybody!

    Hi Gaby,

    Great to hear your going to start the C25K too!! Wooo hoooo!!! xxxx

    I've done W2 D1 today, although I've only just finished W1 D3 yesterday!! I'm finding these early weeks easy so am rushing through the early weeks so I can get running non stop faster. I'll try to do W2 D2 tomorrow and if all is well I'll do W2 D3 on Sunday or Monday, I want to get to W5 as quick as I can, that's where it starts getting tough.
    I'm very closely watching for signs that I'm over doing it, I'm making sure I stretch afterwards but as I exercise quite a bit anyway I'm hoping that I can move forward quickly to W5 then take it a bit slower.

    Hope everyone is doing well :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    I would like to join! I definitively have to start doing more cardio and running to shred this fat!!....But I think I will begin next monday, after recovery myself and feel better; I'm sick right now..:sick: Good luck to everybody!

    Hi Gaby,

    Great to hear your going to start the C25K too!! Wooo hoooo!!! xxxx

    I've done W2 D1 today, although I've only just finished W1 D3 yesterday!! I'm finding these early weeks easy so am rushing through the early weeks so I can get running non stop faster. I'll try to do W2 D2 tomorrow and if all is well I'll do W2 D3 on Sunday or Monday, I want to get to W5 as quick as I can, that's where it starts getting tough.
    I'm very closely watching for signs that I'm over doing it, I'm making sure I stretch afterwards but as I exercise quite a bit anyway I'm hoping that I can move forward quickly to W5 then take it a bit slower.

    Hope everyone is doing well :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Wow you are ambitious!
    I finished W1D2 even tho I didn't want too and boy I felt better after I made myself to do it. Honestly doing the workout was less trouble than giving you guys some lame excuse why I didn't do it when you all could! Keepup the good work everyone! just over eight weeks to go! LOL that doesn;t make it sound any better does it? Lol!
  • I finished Day 3 of Week 1. I'm thinking I may need to repeat week 1...anyone else feeling that way?
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    ''Wow you are ambitious!

    I finished W1D2 even tho I didn't want too and boy I felt better after I made myself to do it. Honestly doing the workout was less trouble than giving you guys some lame excuse why I didn't do it when you all could! Keepup the good work everyone! just over eight weeks to go! LOL that doesn;t make it sound any better does it? Lol!''


    Ahhh that's the spirit!!! :smile:

    This is exactly why I :heart: MFP sooooo much!!

    It makes us push ourselves harder and makes us think differently.
    I love it that we try to be accountable for what we have said we will do and try to do rather than just giving up when it gets tough.

    WELL DONE for pushing yourself and your so right IT FEELS GREAT!!!
    Knowing you made the extra effort and really went for it.
    THIS IS HOW WE CHANGE!! This is how I changed and made myself better and healthier and fitter and we can all do it.

    Today I am doing W2 D2.
    I am ambitious, yes, but I am not over weight and have been doing a lot of exercise for a long time and am pretty fit to somes standards, but running to me is something much more challenging, I've had a lot of goals with it and it's the thing I have wanted to master for such a long time, I don't see any point in wasting time when I can get to my goal quicker by progress through the parts I find easy quickly.
    I'm still allowing 24hours between runs to give my body the chance to show a weakness or injury and for me to be sure I've not over done it.
    I believe in the system and I know it'll work for me so have to do every single step of it but I need to get to where it's challenging quickly so I don't lose momentum.
    I feel I'd be dragging it out by waiting longer to do these early weeks, I have goals which I want to reach before Christmas and I want to be running daily asap, even if it's just a small amount.
    I will progress through each stage and only move forward when I know I have completed each part properly, I will not cheat or rush ahead unless my body can cope with it, the very last thing I need right now is an injury, I am following this plan to try to prevent that.

    I wish everyone the very best of luck with your goals and keep up the good work. xxxxxx
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm in! I did C25K last year and loved it.... then I got a new job, kids went back to school, etc etc etc and just stopped making time. I've been doing a lot of yoga lately but want to be a runner again! As soon as my step-daughter AKA babysitter shows up I'm off! W1D1 here I come! Oh how I've missed you, running shoes....
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    Last week I completed all 3 days of Week 1. This week I'll be repeating Week 1 again. I'm just going to keep repeating it until I feel comfortable moving on. I will make it to the end of Week 9... even if it takes 9 months! :-p
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Good job!
    I did that too - repeat some weeks until I felt ready to move on. The important thing is to KEEP GOING!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Wow, do I miss running! My knees are messed up though so I can't do it for now but I'm so glad to see my beautiful daughter Amylynne26 has started again. Good luck to you all. :flowerforyou:
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    well I did day 1 and now I need a new babysitter because my stepdaughter wants to start running w/ me! Heh I'm a trendsetter. :wink: Guess hubby will have to take over kid duties while we're out getting skinny! :laugh:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Just wanted to drop a quick update, and see if anyone else has noticed this too?

    I got up at 7am and ran first thing this morning, have a busy day as it's my son's 6th birthday today!!
    2 parties and basically no free time all day so got up early to get this run in.
    Something changed in me this morning, half way through W2D3's session breathing while running became easier, it was like I wasn't having to think about breathing, either to control to prevent stitch or to control to not become out of breath, it just suddenly got easy?!? It was just over half way through this session and then I suddenly felt like I could go for ages, when the man said 'walk' I did but could have just carried on, it was weird, like I'd reached a point when I had achieved something subconsciously. I'll be doing W3D1 tomorrow as I'm absolutely fine and have no desire to drag this out unless my body needs time to recover, the quicker I'm running 20 minutes plus the better!

    Glad to hear so many people are getting out and getting this challenge going.

    Keep up the good work xxx :flowerforyou:
  • Ok- so I did Week 2 Day 1 this morning...and I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but week 2 seems waaayyy easier than week 1! Whatever- I'm glad I've FINISHED 4 days of this program!
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