80 day pre- holiday challenge



  • day 30... closer and closer...
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 30 DONE!

    Was a little over my calories today. Had a great workout and got in plenty of water!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 31 DONE!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 32 done but have overeaten by over a hundred....not going to fuss over it. I'm still sick. Just concentrating on getting better so I can get back to losing weight...
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 32 DONE!
  • This was my first multi-day challenge on MFP and I only just now realize, 33 days in, that I am doing it the wrong way. I've been posting just to my page when I finish the day instead of here. Duh Paula. :D

    For 32 days I have achieved all of the pieces of the challenge. I will now post here till the end of it. :D I am loving reading all of your posts. Sorry for being such an MFP challenge novice.
  • Another day of maintaining... I like the challenge of maintaining...
  • I think it is day 33. :D Tomorrow is weigh in day. If every day was like today I would be in great shape to walk in to visit my doc at my lowest weight ever since I started seeing him 20 years ago!!! I can't wait to see his shock. He's such a fit guy and loves to exercise. I'm going to blow him away!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 33 DONE!

    I was over my calories and didn't exercise... because we were celebrating. My hubby PASSED THE BAR EXAM!!! :bigsmile: I'm married to a lawyer! I'm not sure how that happened!! :laugh:

    We ate out at Claim Jumper. Honestly, I should have just had a baked sweet potato and grilled veges... instead I had the squash ravioli. It sounded so good. It wasn't bad -- but the potato and veges would have tasted just as good, and been a healtier option. Ah well, live and learn! I did NOT have alcohol OR desert, which I'm pretty proud of. I just ate my meal and enjoyed the company of good friends. It was nice. :smile:

    Tomorrow, it's right back on track!
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    I think it is day 33. :D Tomorrow is weigh in day. If every day was like today I would be in great shape to walk in to visit my doc at my lowest weight ever since I started seeing him 20 years ago!!! I can't wait to see his shock. He's such a fit guy and loves to exercise. I'm going to blow him away!

    What a great feeling! Glad to have you posting for all!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 34 - awesome. Managed to get in a lot of "unnecessary" walking in between work. Slowly getting better health-wise.

    Highlight of the day: Fitting into my old smaller jeans even though the scales have gone up a little. :bigsmile:
  • Day 34! I lost just a little over a pound this week. But the scale is still heading in the right direction. It would be awesome if it can continue that way to the end of the challenge. Had lunch at my favorite Italian Restaurant and did not go over my calorie budget. I feel like such a success tonight.

    Have an awesome night!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 35 - And what a lovely surprise it was!

    I finally lost a bit of weight after not checking the scales for 3 weeks and hitting a plateau over a month, FINALLY the scales became my friend again [for a day].

    But today was a good day. Didn't have a strenuous hike as planned as wasn't feeling well, but did burn some calories walking a friend's dog down the pebbled beach of Brighton followed by good ol' fish & chips. Yum!

    So didn't go over my calories and still had lots left over. Yipee!

    Keep on working hard everyone! :wink:
  • Day 35 all done. We had a birthday party for one of my two youngest granddaughters. Grace turned 3! I logged a piece of birthday cake before the party, but when everyone was served, there was only one piece of cake left. I saved it for my hubby, and deleted the cake from my journal. :D It's all good.

    Have a sweet night everyone!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 36 - overate just a little from having a big Sunday roast dinner at the pub and a pint of Guiness.

    Ah well :tongue: I'm not feeling guilty. :laugh:
  • 36... Almost half way...
  • What a wonderful day for day 36 of the challenge. Kids sweet kids and a wonderful night with the family. Have a good night all.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 37 and also starting the couch to 5k challenge today as well! Come on pounds start dropping off!
  • Day 37! I'm happy to say that it was a great Monday. After 80 days, I don't know if I will be able to stop. :D And won't that be wonderful
  • Day 38 and I feel great! I can't believe the difference. I have more energy, I haven't had a dumping syndrome, peculiar to gastric bypass patients, in I don't know how long. I'm loving it so much!!!!
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