80 day pre- holiday challenge



  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 9 complete. A little sore today from the hike yesterday but still made sure I was active today so did the 30 day shred for the first time.

    71 days to go, guys! :happy:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Day 9 done.
    Walked a grand total of 6 miles today!:bigsmile:
    Not hungry for any of my exercise calories.
    Great day, looking forward to tomorrow.
  • Reporting in walked 30 min on eliptical stayed under calorie did not have to use calories from exercise.
  • Just checking in. I am doing pretty well. I have done atleast 30 min of exercise each day, ate under my cal all but Sunday (family reunion threw me off).
  • day 9 was a good one... no meat... one of my weaknesses...
    Yall, keep the faith and lose the fat.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Day 9 in the books, stuck to my calorie limits evan tho we went to Mcdonald's for lunch today with the family. Worked really hard on the Treadmill today. I found the quote I wanted "If you don't puke, faint or die keep going!" Jillian Michaels. It gets me through my workouts for sure. Also found on the days I don't drink as much water as I should I just don't seem to lose any weight so bring on the water! Still feeling great about the challenge so glad I joined.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Days 8 and 9 DONE!

    Exercised today, got in 12 cups of water, stayed ALMOST in my calorie goal (over by 9 little cals, not gonna sweat it, since I've been under -- some days significantly -- this past week).

    Soaking beans for soup tomorrow -- wish me luck, I've not had much practice cooking beans. Had acorn squash for dinner tonight, first time I've ever prepared it. I'm trying a lot of new things -- it's exciting, and a little intimidating! :wink:

    Catch ya tomorrow!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Evening all!

    Right, DAY 10 is done. :drinker: Started off with a crappy day but doing lots of exercise and burning those calories has really lightened my mood tonight, even if some guy spilt hot coffee and burnt my arm and soaked my gym kit at the coffee shop.

    I'm still happy with today's work EVEN THOUGH I COULDN'T BEAT YOUR NUMBERS, DJ!! :noway:

    OK. :glasses:
    I'm ready to take on more exercise tomorrow! Grrr :mad: :happy:

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I found the quote I wanted "If you don't puke, faint or die keep going!" Jillian Michaels.

    I always try to keep that in mind when I'm running! But my legs think otherwise after a short while :laugh:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Day 10 done!
    Down 1 lb, ate 1/2 my exercise calories, my walks are getting too easy.
    Whereas I used to practical collapse afterwards, now I barely break a sweat.
    I just got 30 Dy Shred in the mail, I look forward to trying it out.
  • Day 10... was the best so far.
    I had some bad habits that were hard to break... Now I have some good habits that are hard to break.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Checking in... 10 days down. 70 to go. I have been eating under my calories, exercising like a mad woman.... but the weight loss is not quite where I would like it to be -- theoretically (and according to MFP's in five weeks you will weigh X). I must also confess that I went to Nashville for an audition over the weekend and while I made wise food decisions I also had several drinks with meals... which basically blows the calories.

    I am changing up my routine for the next two weeks to see if I can jump start my metabolism. Here is the plan. I eat 3 meals per day to keep feeding my body. (Breakfast 400 calories or less, Lunch 400 calories or less, Dinner 300 calories) I will also have 2 small snacks (100 calories).

    Morning: Exercise in the morning 45 minutes of cardio
    Lunch: 20 minutes of strength training and 20 minutes of cardio
    Evening: 30 min of cardio or swim.

    In addition to the exercise above I am going to wear my pedometer and walk 10000 steps per day (this won't be difficult because I can walk to work and I try to walk around as much as I can while at work.)

    Regimented and aggressive, I know. But I am very focused and goal oriented... so lets see what happens.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Sara: I think you will find once you eat small meals more often you will start losing weight. I was eating less than 800 calories a day and the scale was not budging. Uped it to 1200 and the pounds started to come off. I hear ya on the liquid calories nothing I love better than an alcoholic beverage with my meals. I have been sticking to the 67 calorie beers when I must have one but other than that just not drinking at all. Good luck on your renewed determination.

    Day 10 in the books, tried the 30 day shred today what a workout! I love her motivational pep talks! Food was pretty good today stayed under my limit tried something different for breakfast heavier on the carbs than the protein this time. Little extra energy for my extra workout today. See what the scale says at the end of the week. Thanks everyone for your continued support.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 10 DONE!

    Didn't eat lunch, which means I didn't have my leafy greens for the day -- had plenty of veggies otherwise (yummy, YUMMY soup). Got in my exercise (didn't want to, but I made myself get up and do it anyway) and got in 10 cups of water.

    Tomorrows goals: eat lunch and get at least 12 cups water.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Good work excercising when you don't want to Mande!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    DAY 11 complete.

    Was feeling rather lazy today after work and my walk home. Didn't want to go to the gym, but made myself go and got into it.
    Ended up feeling rather hungry after so had a rather large dinner. Oops, BUT all healthy! :smile:
  • JEG0505
    JEG0505 Posts: 5 Member
    I just joined last Tuesday and am still getting to know the site. May I still join you all? What a great way to stay motivated and accountable!! :smile:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I just joined last Tuesday and am still getting to know the site. May I still join you all? What a great way to stay motivated and accountable!! :smile:

    Hi Jeg! Of course!! Join the party! :happy:

    Good luck with the challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Day 11 in the books!

    Great day did 30 Day Shred for the first time. It was sooooo hard, but I'm really glad I did it!
    Looking forward to trying again tomorrow, I sure hope it gets easier with time. :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone.:heart:
  • I'd like to join too, I just learned of this site. Maybe this will help me to stick with something
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