C25K Week 1 (week of Oct 11)

Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
(Note: This post is in reference to my previous post found here:

Good luck to everyone starting the C25K program this week! Just remember to NEVER GIVE UP, no matter how hard it gets! Progress at your own pace and repeat weeks if you have to. We all have it in us to make it to the end!

Add each other as friends for accountability and motivation.

This thread is where you can post your updates about Week 1.

And again, Good luck! :-)


  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Day 1, week 1 (5K101 program), and I am seriously going to need to repeat today....possibly all week...
  • I am on week Week 2 Day 2! Question: Do you do this everyday becuz the the Android app it is 3 days in one week....
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    I am on week Week 2 Day 2! Question: Do you do this everyday becuz the the Android app it is 3 days in one week....

    It is 3 days per week.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Today is the start of something good!!! :happy:
  • Did W1D1 today, and actually completed it!! I have never done that before! Have a great first week!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'd like to join you guys! I'm on week 1...I've been on week one for many weeks now, but am gradually starting to get to where I can complete more and more of the runs. I've got a feeling this program will take me many, many months! I started off not being able to walk around the block without getting winded and my calves hurting, but last night I did W1D1 again and I made it through 5 of the jogging intervals. I'm going to give it another go tonight and force myself to make it through the whole thing so I can do the whole week this time!
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished Week 1, Day 1!

    So, I ended up alternating between 1 minute of running and 4 minutes of walking (plus the 5 minute warm up & cool down). That's a total of 30 minutes and I covered 2 miles.

    I know I will have to keep repeating the Week 1 schedule again until I can master it, but I'm up for the challenge!

    Can't wait to hear how you all do this week!
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    starting week one day one today as soon as I finish 30 day shred. I am jazzed. I have always tried running in the past but can never get much further than 1/2 a mile because I never ease myself into it the way this program does. Im jazzed wooohooo! let's do this! (feel free to add me if you guys want.)
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi All

    I've just started the C25K plan today too!!
    I found I did very well with Day 1 Week 1, I felt good!! Although I know it will get much harder as I go further into it.

    I'm hoping to find some new MFP buddies who are also doing the C25K plan to help keep each other motivated and compare our experiences. Please add me if you'd like a new running pal!!

    I am aiming to be someone who runs everyday, for 30 minutes, but have had a lot of trouble getting this aim off the ground, had suffered a hip injury last year trying to run too fast too soon, have been scared to try again since then as it took a long time to repair itself and was very painful. I can't handle another set back like that :o(

    I hope the C25K plan will teach me to pace myself and also introduce my body to running in a controlled way and build up my strength and stamina slowly to a level I can run daily for 30 minutes.

    Good luck to everyone with your goals, I hope you'll all do very well xx
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Well I did my day 1 of week 1 this evening...I am totally sore even my arms..but my feet aren't. I think I could have done better but I just haven't figured out the breathing part...how to breath with your mouth closed. I just feel I can't get enough air in when I try to breath through my nose...any advice?
    I did make it a little over 3 miles so that is good...which is better 3 miles with a little jogging or almost 5 miles of just walking?

    Later...heading to the shower!!!
  • alwardt
    alwardt Posts: 50 Member
    Ok, I'm in. Did Week 1; Day 1 today. I walk daily, but have avoided running all of my life. To avoid passing out, I shaved a few seconds off each running interval, but gave it a good go on all intervals. I'm sure I wouldn't have fared as well without doing the Sansone and 30 Day Shred videos. My HRM told me that my heart rate increased with each running interval and recovery interval. Yikes, I'm out of shape - Ok, I've never been IN shape. I did walk 2 miles after for a good cool down. Hope I can get out of bed tomorrow. I will do Day 2 on Wednesday.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm going to try this. I've been trying to start for weeks; hopefully I can stay motivated this time around. I'll start tomorrow. My goal is to complete each week twice.
  • panjabi
    panjabi Posts: 70 Member
    I started C25K, did week 1 Day 1, as a trial run on Sat.

    Will start today as my day 1 with my wife, Funjabi.

    Add me and Funjabi as friends for support if you like.
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    Can't wait to try this tomorrow you are all so inspirational!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Well, I think the weather impacts my ability to run. Yesterday it was hot (nearly 90) and very humid and I only made it 3.5 intervals before I just couldn't run anymore because my chest was hurting and my heart rate wasn't going down during the walking parts. I did walk the rest of the program--power walking during the running intervals and keeping a steady pace during the walking intervals and after I was through walking I felt really great and re-energized. Hopefully I'll do better on Wednesday, I hate to think I'll be stuck on week 1 for my entire life. On the days where I ran in the evening and it was cool and not so humid, I was able to nearly complete all 8 intervals.
  • Jennifer1982
    Jennifer1982 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi All

    I've just started the C25K plan today too!!
    I found I did very well with Day 1 Week 1, I felt good!! Although I know it will get much harder as I go further into it.

    I'm hoping to find some new MFP buddies who are also doing the C25K plan to help keep each other motivated and compare our experiences. Please add me if you'd like a new running pal!!

    I am aiming to be someone who runs everyday, for 30 minutes, but have had a lot of trouble getting this aim off the ground, had suffered a hip injury last year trying to run too fast too soon, have been scared to try again since then as it took a long time to repair itself and was very painful. I can't handle another set back like that :o(

    I hope the C25K plan will teach me to pace myself and also introduce my body to running in a controlled way and build up my strength and stamina slowly to a level I can run daily for 30 minutes.

    Good luck to everyone with your goals, I hope you'll all do very well xx

    I had trouble breathing through my nose while running too, but I guess we just have to build up our stamina.
  • panjabi
    panjabi Posts: 70 Member
    C25K week 1, session 1 of 3 done! :laugh:
  • starting the c25k today! :] i got into running more during the summer but have since then tapered off greatly. but even then, while i was starting to learn to like running (shockingly, lol) i never really eased myself into as i should have so my runs were never anything super significant. SO, i'm excited to working with this program to build my running abilities slowly and smoothly, as it should be done. good luck everyone! i know we can all do this... we will all be runners in no time :]
  • ladymedic22
    ladymedic22 Posts: 35 Member
    W1D1 please for give the yelling.....OH MY GOD .....I DID IT!!!!!! I followed the lady prompts (iPhone 4 app) and I did not cheat and even sped up towords the end!! I can not believe I did it!!!!! Thanks for the inspirtation of this challenge!

    IF you don't puke, faint or die.....Keep going!
  • I did W1D1 yesterday and I think it is goig to take me 9 weeks just to get through week 1!!! I could only do the first 2 runs, but I did not quit!!! I just kept up the walking and tried to power walk through the rest of the run intervals. I will try again tomorrow and hope I can do just a little more running!!! I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!
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