

  • I tried the "green tea" mix with aloe and it DID give me more energy. but I didn't see where I lost any more weight because of it. they tried to say I will burn more calories by drinking it but I realized the only way to burn real calories is real exersise ..As far as replacing the meals for their shakes ..MEH I want food,…
    in Herbalife Comment by lkcuts June 2013
  • I have since collected a few exersise equipment for home, but when I did go, I, like you was embarrased. I found a gym/club that believe it or not I had a key to. I could go in when ever i wanted. so I opted hours that no one would be there. It might help when you are starting out to find out the not so peak hours where…
  • This isn't a pancake its more like a granola cake lol but I might try em!
  • :smile: Only if the are over weight and preach to me about losing it myself.. I work with a gal who is over weight and going to graduate from nursing school this fall. she has realized that she would promote bad health practices and is currently working on exersise and eating healthier. She has lost quite a bit so far and…
  • My husband's line to everyone was "SO..hows your love life?" It opened up the converstation because EVERYONE just about has had some bad experience of some kind and useally just recent..(I had to remind him after we were married that a lonely single girl will jump on that as a meaning he is really interested.) LOL Then…
  • :drinker: Hey just got this off the web site It is the equasion in which you can figure out how much water you should be drinking...You should have 1/2 ounce of water per your body weight per pound. the formula is .5x your weight = the ounces you should have. If you weigh 200 pounds it would be .5x200=100…
  • This is very interesting as I have been practicing and trying different methods to walk my 4 Shih Tzues. the first try was disasterous, they intertwined each other all the time and I spent more time untangleing than walking. I kept telling myself there are professional dog walkers how in the heck do THEY do it? I finally…
  • I have 4 Shih Tzus and when I get on the floor for excersise they think it's play time..I have to keep shooing them on. Eventually they got used to it and now sniff and go on as if to say " OH I see, its moms' playtime now."
  • :laugh: I had a good belly laugh on this one! I could just imagine .
  • Thaks for your reply it helps to hear others comments...
  • This is awesome to know and good for you! I will still at least try to implemnet at least once a week for now and see how it goes .. Thanks for your info!
  • Thankyou for this info! I am always looking for relief so I started by taking trace minerals, eat honey and cinnamon, and fish oil. I will certainly try these! maybe if excersise didn't hurt so much i would be more willing to do more . Thanks again!
  • Thanks so much for the replies.. looks like you all answered the question I hoped there was another answer for...I have to excercise. Thanks for the encouragement and ideas I will certainly try these..maybe someday I will actually just not mind it as much..for now, its out to the ole' eliptical for me..might try singing…
  • Love your little "The end" story. Gave me a nudge thanks!
  • I tried Qunioa (Spelling?) 2 weeks ago. Could not find a bag of it just a small box that was quite expensive. But I liked it. I had made a chipolte style dinner so added celery, chipolte in adobo sauce and black beans to it for a side dish. I think I like it better than rice and it has less cals so I am told...
  • It is something I have to be aware of also. i go to the computer with my plate and that helps me because if I am playing a game I have to wait in between bites. Plus I have been sharing with my pups. So I stop to do that. they say to fix your plate , sit at a table with no distractions, smell your food, make it an…
  • do the boxing for about 30 mins ...between hitting and dodgin,g its a gret upper body work out I am sweating when its over.. not to mention its not boring like most excersise
  • chocolate iceing on a doughnut of any kind.or jelly filled doughnuts.. just plain is fine lol
  • Thank you all for your response! Sometimes after I eat I get totally bloated. Some constipation, no energy, brain fog. and my hair was coming out in clumps in the shower also. I started taking iodine drops, liquid trace minerals, a good multi vitamin and zinc supplments. I can feel a difference in a few days when I don't…
  • You spend more time logging food than you do eating it.
  • I watched a documentary once that a female doctor's husband was diagnosed with altzheimers (spelling). he could not draw a clock for the time and was in the later stages. she started feeding him natural coconut in everything and in 30 days he showed progress. Could carry on regular conversations and draw the clock with the…
  • I have the same problem so looked it up and here is a few reasons that you could be lacking in your diet. Too much or little of Vitamin A that results in temporary hair loss Not enough Zinc. You can get that in a supplement or, wheat germ, muscle meats, fish and egg yolks Not enough B12 again supplements or eggs, meat and…
  • We are the brains the men are the bronze. Nuff said:grumble:
  • Thoughts and prayers are with you! its a scary thing and I am sure you are anxious right now, not knowing what the outcome could be. This past summer , we had no electric for about 6 days due to a storm, and the temps rose to over 100 degrees F daily, it was truly an experience (not as devastating as some I am sure) but I…
  • Wow this is just the boost I needed! I have been really in a slump lately discouraged that I only lost a few pounds in 6 months That makes me slip up thinking whats the use I will never lose weight, but I can see patience won out! Thanks for posting!
  • After a divorce (remarried now, got lucky to find the man for me) I had talked to men that were extremely huge, and the flab around their neck is sore from not bathing correctly, still had the guts to say they like "smaller women" and same for some women I have met. Extremely heavy,could use a little paint on the ole barn…
  • Your Honor, I was out of town when it happened!