Dear Abby, Why aren't don't older chicks try to be hotter?



  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    All jokin aside.. i know plenty of hot MILF and/or ladies in their 40s that are SMOKIN hot.
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    I have absolutely no problem with this man's comment. Im often surrounded by women my age plus 10-15 and I cannot believe how much freaking frump is happening.

    There is a difference between preening to look good for some man, and walking out into the world head high as a dignified, classy, beautiful well put together woman. In an outfit you planned, with fresh skin and a little makeup, clean healthy hair and a bounce in your step because you feel good about the way you present yourself to the world.

    I kinda feel like anyone else who gets mad at this is the people that show up at Walmart at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon in stained jogging pants and a tweety bird tshirt with their hair in a lopsided banana clip, angry that men always go for hot chicks.

    ^^^^ took the words right out of my mouth.

    the way he worded it seemed...shallow and *kitten* like. But i really do understand what he means. Anyone that works/worked in retail has seen this. It seems like after women have a child and get into their 40s they dont give a crap what they look like or what people think about them.

    I worked with a lot of ladies in their 40-50s and they constantly eat poorly (fast food and junk and soda) and then complain about their weight and men and want easy fast diets and fixes.

    But I know there are also women in the same age that are beautiful and fit or at least take care of themselves and dress decent.

    the point isnt that you need to get super over dressed and always cake on make up every time you get out of bed.

    the point is- its having RESPECT for yourself you should take care of yourself for other people you should do it for YOU! you should get out of the bed in the morning and when youre going out in public or to school or work or anyway you should just look and feel your best so if youre comfortable in jeans and a sweatshirt and your hair in a messy bun. Thats you!

    but dont wear sweats and stained tshirts every day and then ***** when men dont want you. Some things are best worn at home in private lol
  • Jegger67
    Jegger67 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok, I am a single mom and have been raising my daughter for the past 12 years. I barely make it each month and I have to work 45 to 50 hours a week just to do so. In the last 2 years I had to cancel my gym membership and turn off cable. I blame this on the economy and high gas prices. If your a single father what is your X doing? Probably raising your children while your at the gym.
    A typical man who doesn't take responsibility. Maybe this is why! Men get it so easy!
  • larbot3000
    Different strokes for different folks =) Not all men are like that though

    Exactly. Some men care, some women care, some don't Some people don't think that spending what precious time they have on this earth trying to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex. Not everybody places that much value on looking good all the time (eg hair done, makeup done, etc). That's not to say it's shallow to want someone who does place value on these things, it's just different people want different things from life.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Ok, I am a single mom and have been raising my daughter for the past 12 years. I barely make it each month and I have to work 45 to 50 hours a week just to do so. In the last 2 years I had to cancel my gym membership and turn off cable. I blame this on the economy and high gas prices. If your a single father what is your X doing? Probably raising your children while your at the gym.
    A typical man who doesn't take responsibility. Maybe this is why! Men get it so easy!

    Just because you have had some bad experiences with men (or perhaps made some poor choices in partners) doesn't mean you can generalize that ALL men have it "easy" and don't take responsibility. What a ridiculous comment and insulting generalization.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Though his letter was poorly phrased, I think it's fine to want an attractive partner...however, where is this man located? I see plenty of hot older single women all the time where I'm from, so I have to wonder, what is he putting out there that's not making the hot ladies come to him? I have a hard time believing they don't exist.

    I also agree with the previous comments about "dressing up" vs "dressing for public". My sweatpants are for exercise and sitting around the house only, I'd never even run errands in'd be like running errands in my underwear! It always baffled me in college to see girls in pajama pants in putting on jeans THAT hard?
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    Ok, I am a single mom and have been raising my daughter for the past 12 years. I barely make it each month and I have to work 45 to 50 hours a week just to do so. In the last 2 years I had to cancel my gym membership and turn off cable. I blame this on the economy and high gas prices. If your a single father what is your X doing? Probably raising your children while your at the gym.
    A typical man who doesn't take responsibility. Maybe this is why! Men get it so easy!

    Actually some of us work that much and more... I happen to have one child full time and the other every weekend and send a lot of money to my ex. I don't have a gym membership at the moment but I do find time during the week at night to ride instead of watch television.
  • seekacougar
    I've been a fan of online dating for a long time and have successfully started two long term relationships from it in the past Unlike the people who say that women just do online dating because they are super picky or are attention whoring, there are a lot of people out there who just don't meet a lot of eligible people in their daily life or are shy and don't want to go the whole, pick up people at parties/bars/coffee shops/etc. Almost all of the guys that I would want to date are already in relationships, so sometimes online dating is just a lot easier.
  • seekacougar
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I would much rather date/marry a person who is genuine, loving,...

    I always see people saying they'd rather have a nice person than an attractive person, but why should I have to choose between the two? They are not mutually exclusive, you know. My husband is all of the above AND attractive. Are you saying that in order to find a genuine, loving, respectful, honest and caring person you have to pick a total slob? It's like there's an assumption that people who take care of themselves are shallow and unlovable. I don't get that when I see people saying it. Some of the nicest people I know are overweight, and some of the biggest A-holes I know are overweight. Same with fit people. People are people and you shouldn't have to set low standards - physically or emotionally. You should find a person who is right for you on the inside and who is also attractive to you on the outside. (Attractive means different things to different people - not everyone is attracted to fit people. Some folks prefer teddy bears...) :heart:
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Dear Mr Assface,

    Perhaps single women your age have better things to do with their lives than preen for you. Or maybe they DO understand how important appearance is to you, they just don't give a ****.

    Abby's response was a little more classy:

    No actually your response was perfect. I am 54 and workout 4 to 5 times a week. I have never looked at a man and said, oh he's not good enough for me because he is not physically perfect. Time for him to start assessing what he really wants in a relationship, eye candy or a woman to love and care about him.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    Ok, I am a single mom and have been raising my daughter for the past 12 years. I barely make it each month and I have to work 45 to 50 hours a week just to do so. In the last 2 years I had to cancel my gym membership and turn off cable. I blame this on the economy and high gas prices. If your a single father what is your X doing? Probably raising your children while your at the gym.
    A typical man who doesn't take responsibility. Maybe this is why! Men get it so easy!

    Just because you have had some bad experiences with men (or perhaps made some poor choices in partners) doesn't mean you can generalize that ALL men have it "easy" and don't take responsibility. What a ridiculous comment and insulting generalization.

    ^^ Thank You :flowerforyou:
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    ...I would much rather date/marry a person who is genuine, loving,...

    I always see people saying they'd rather have a nice person than an attractive person, but why should I have to choose between the two? They are not mutually exclusive, you know. My husband is all of the above AND attractive. Are you saying that in order to find a genuine, loving, respectful, honest and caring person you have to pick a total slob? It's like there's an assumption that people who take care of themselves are shallow and unlovable. I don't get that when I see people saying it. Some of the nicest people I know are overweight, and some of the biggest A-holes I know are overweight. Same with fit people. People are people and you shouldn't have to set low standards - physically or emotionally. You should find a person who is right for you on the inside and who is also attractive to you on the outside. (Attractive means different things to different people - not everyone is attracted to fit people. Some folks prefer teddy bears...) :heart:

    Exactly!! and if someone isn't attractive to you in the first place you're more than likely not going to go on a date with the person to find out if they have the other characteristics you would like. Attraction is the fist step in the process.
  • subtlewhisper
    subtlewhisper Posts: 31 Member
    Nonsense. Utter nonsense.

    I'm not a teenager anymore. The only person I need to impress is myself.
    My energies are directed to volunteering and serving my community locally and globally.
    I'm not going to pretty myself up hoping some superficial guy will notice me.
    Seriously, I have far better things to do.

    Utter superficial nonsense.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    God Grief! Is this thing still running?

    Surely, it's a troll - you know - sits in the shade waiting for the little goats to go clippety-clippety-clop over its bridge, but in this case instead of jumping out on them it prefers to just sit and listen to them chatter and s******. (Good heavens - I've been censored. Okay let's try chortle, is chortle okay Madam Censor?)

    On the other hand, if we must enter into the spirit of the thing - when a 'mature' woman dresses up is she doing it to:
    1. please herself that she's "still got 'IT'"?
    2. Spite her "friends" that she' still got IT?
    3. Entice poor unsuspecting males into her web with her sireen calls and coquettish ways?

    and finally, I too scrub up quite well - even after being married to the same woman for 36 years!
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    After a divorce (remarried now, got lucky to find the man for me) I had talked to men that were extremely huge, and the flab around their neck is sore from not bathing correctly, still had the guts to say they like "smaller women" and same for some women I have met. Extremely heavy,could use a little paint on the ole barn and say how they like a buffed out thinner man. I guess it gets me cause,, while they, themselves do not do anything to look better, "expect" the one they want, to be a certain way. They honestly think they will snag someone or will be attractive to someone like they are attracted to and not fit the same senario that they are seeking? I may be weird, but buffed out men I had met were all over themselves. I found myself liking men who were neat and clean but as far as looks, I was never one to do a quick turn and say "wow" look at that stud etc. I liked to know them as a person first. I have seen some darn good looking men with a woman I would have never thought would have fit his appearance and thought how the heck did she get him? (course the woman was thin) That was my reasoning since men tend to go for that.
    My husband caught my interest because first, he was easy to talk to,had a great sense of humor and listened. THEN I noticed, gee, this guy is tall( being 5'9 myself,) I like tall, he is pretty handsome too. he was kinda thin, (I like the meatier guys I guess cause I was bigger) but found out most guys like smaller and thinner. We were friends for about a year as I was dating a guy who was younger, handsome,(a con artist I found out later) and thought I was totally in love. Later on in our relationship he treated me like dirt and (my husband now) listened to my whining and tried to give advice. After I finally broke it off, (my husband now) asked, "Are you done with this guy?" I said half heartedly "yes", he said "Good, can I date you now?" We had been friends for so long I never thought of him as a potential partner.
    I guess What I am really trying to say is, looks aren't everything and most people overlook something that is already in their back yard, but are still looking for the dream person they want. They may not go GA GA right away, but getting to know a person who is treating you right and with respect, is worth giving a shot to. Each day we were together made me fall in love with him even though it wasn't a "wow" factor, love at first sight situation. Course I am older and my hormones settled down along time ago LOL
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am very glad that looks aren't everything
  • emptyinside
    emptyinside Posts: 13 Member
    I have absolutely no problem with this man's comment. Im often surrounded by women my age plus 10-15 and I cannot believe how much freaking frump is happening.

    There is a difference between preening to look good for some man, and walking out into the world head high as a dignified, classy, beautiful well put together woman. In an outfit you planned, with fresh skin and a little makeup, clean healthy hair and a bounce in your step because you feel good about the way you present yourself to the world.

    I kinda feel like anyone else who gets mad at this is the people that show up at Walmart at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon in stained jogging pants and a tweety bird tshirt with their hair in a lopsided banana clip, angry that men always go for hot chicks.

    What she said ^^

    yep ^^
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I get cross when people turn up at the dentist without cleaning their teeth "Because they didn't want to be late"
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    cloths make the man