abuelita60 Member


  • I had never watched any of the realities shows, (very unrealistic shows in my opinion) but two seasons ago I got hooked on Biggest Looser. Yeah, you would have to work out 5-8 hrs a day to loose as much weight as they do, but nevertheless I think its so great to see the contestants from week to week getting thinner and…
  • Hi, I like the idea of the daily goal, but I will have to start tomorrow. There's no way I can drink 8 glasses of water on whats left of the day. I'd be going to the bathroom all night:blushing: May I make a suggestion???? Can we decide what the challange is going to be for the following day the previous night? Sometimes I…
  • Its 1000 and I didn't wogg again. So don't feel bad Rach, I'm right there with you. I'd forgotten that I had to take the new puppy to the vet for her first shots. Now I'm getting ready to go take mom shopping (she never learned to drive). By the time I get done with that, its going to be way too hot. Maybe I'll get a…
  • Hey everybody, I just caught up with reading all the posts since Saturday. Sounds like there's a little frustation going around. I don't have any good advice to give but just be glad and thankful that we have this group to vent to. It makes me feel better reading that I'm not the only one fustrated. Well I didn't wogg this…
  • I had every intention of going out for my wogg, but I am too tired. Ended being designated driver last night and didn't get home until 0200. Then I really didn't get no sleep cause of the loud snoring, drunk talking my husband does when he over does it. I"m off to my nephews b-day party in a few minutes.......I think I…
  • Great ladies!!!! A new chanllange? I'm still working on the previous one. I wogged by myself today. We got a new puppy and my son just couldn't bring himself to leave her alone. But......hes not being there, actually worked out better for me. For the first time I pushed myself to jogg the farthest I've jogged since my Navy…
  • Good morning everybody: I just got home from doing my wogging, boy is it hot out there.......its only 1100 and if feels like its 90 degrees. I'm gonna have to push myself out of bed earlier as it starts getting warmer here....for some reason, eversince the kids started summer vacation, I can't get out of bed any earlier…
  • That didn't come out quite right, I'm not computed literate........sorry.
  • Jenna: Hang in there, I hope you went for that walk and that you are feeling a little more relaxed. Maybe you should also try a nice bath, candles, soft music......have your hubby rub your back and tell him you "owe him one"........
  • I spent the day cleaning my husband's garage and now my body hurts all over!!!! I know, why did I do this, well we bought an SUV over the weekend and he insists on parking it inside the garage and there was chairs, coolers, etc., all over the place so I thought I'd surprise him. Now I"m wondering if it was worth the pain I…
  • Good job Rach, congrats on doing the mile. I wogged three miles this morning. I'm working on running a full lap at my sports park place, its not quite a full mile (a lap is 8/10ths of a mile). I walk four or five laps and on each lap I start by walking half the length to warm up then I run the other half and I do this…
  • Hello ladies: Hope everybody had a good Father's Day weekend. I haven't logged in a few days, but I'm here again. The only walking I did this weekend was at the local swap meet which isn't very big and to make matters worse, since its summer time, my big extended family always get together on Sundays and we have lots of…
  • My way of distressing is to exercise as well but when thats not on option I like to read, not a book though, too long, I pick up one of my favorite magazines (All You, Good Housekeeping, Prevention, etc.,) and read a couple of articles and usually thats enough to soothe me and clear my mind from all the "I need to do"…
  • Sorry, on a different subject, thanks for all the advice about eating vegetables, the biggest hurdle is getting over the taste but I'm going to try really hard. Welcome to the new woggers, this is a great group of ladies that have a common goal and that is to support each other regardless of our missteps, downs and bad…
  • OK gals, I didn't do very good at all this week, but since its the first week that I went out there and picked up the wogging again, I think its a start. I only wogged 180 minutes. This morning I didn't wogg cause two of my mom's sisters are visiting from El Paso and since none of them drive, I had to take them around…
  • Thanks for the welcome back Kim. Jenna, I hope that in fact the Lysol is what is causing your hives so you can avoid this product and find something that does not affect your health. Even though I don't work anymore I understand about the clean as you go so at the end of the week you don't have to do this big, elaborate,…
  • Congratulations Kim, you are truly a dedicated wogger. I haven't logged on this site for a few days. I read it every day but then I feel mad at myself because I"ve been skipping my woggs. But, today's the first day that I wogged again, and now that the kids are out of school and I know my marine son is doing OK, I'm back.…
  • Hello everybody: Its been a few days since I last logged in. Went on a mini vacation to Laughlin. It was very relaxing. I was able to put away my sadness and enjoy spending time with other family. Got a nice tan!!!! Anyways, since it had been a few days since I last wogged, I started slow this morning. I walked three…
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement to you and Kidvicious28. I really appreciate it. I'm still sad and didn't feel like wogging.....again. Today, we are celebrating my oldest grandchilds b-day, it will take my mind off missing my son. Tomorrow we are going on a mini vacation, hopefully by the time we return, I will be in…
  • Hey there....I'm feeling sad, been this way since yeterday. Didn't have the energy to wogg today. Went to my son's graduation at Camp Pendleton, my heart swells with pride when I see him in his uniform. It seems like only yesterday I was changing his diaper and he relied on me for everything. We only had one hour to spend…
  • Hey there fitgal411: Just remember, God loves you and isn't He the ONE who is there for us no matter whats going on in our lives.....a true friend. So SMILE.....you are blessed today and always....
  • Hi everyone: I couldn't bring myself to wogg today, but I did do a three mile walk at my own pace (short legs). The weather outside was cloudy/foggy, damp, it didn't help with the motivation. But hey, something is better than nothing. I won't be able to wogg tomorrow cause I'm going to Camp Pendleton to watch my son…
  • Wow, tell your husband I am Navy retired and I was one of those sailors that never set foot on a ship for duty, but I was stationed in Panama and thats the farthest south I ever went/gone. I took the weekend off from wogging, went to pick up my son from Camp Pendleton, he had overnight liberty.
  • Good afternoon everybody!!! My brother and I did four miles today!!!! He works my butt off....feels like I'm jogging the whole time he joins me for my walks. I felt like giving up on the last mile, but he kept telling me to keep up. I'm feeling a little tired, hopefully I won't be sore tomorrow. OK, beginning tomorrow I'll…
  • Hi everyone: I know its been a few days since I last logged on. Family and I went to Camp Pendleton for the holiday weekend to visit our son. We camped, had good time. Unfortunately didn't do too much wogging. Walked on the beach Sunday a.m. but that was it. Good news though, today I picked up my walking routine. One of my…
  • Good afternoon everyone, I like the name, I didn't do my morning walk this a.m., had to take my son to the doctor then took him to school, 2 1/2 hours later had to go pick him up because the school nurse said he was running a fever. I did OK on calories for breakfast, right now I'm trying to figure out what to have for…
  • Thanks, looking forward to it!
  • I'm a walker too, I walk everyday after I drop off the kids at school. I walk four/five times a week. I'm trying to incorporate run/walk intervals but its getting so hot in the a.m.s and sometimes the heat gets the best of me. Any ideas?
  • Its been a while since I last logged in, but I NEED to be accountable to someone. Sad to say, but it seems like this is what helps me. So.....if you'll have me, I'd like to be part of of your team.