Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning everyone :smile:

    I'm feeling much better this morning. Yes, I actually did get out for that walk yesterday. I walked for about 48 mins, once I started I just kept going and going. I was surprised I even walked that much.

    Today is my weigh-in day for myself....I GAINED a poind. Ugh, I guess that's my own fault for slacking on the exercise and going over my cals a tad.

    I have the next 2 days off of work so I'm going to go plan something fun! :happy:

    Bravo, you did it!!!!!!! Have a great time in you time off, enjoy them to the fullest, you know how quick they go by. But don't tire yourself out, maybe consider taking that long, quiet bath a suggested before.........
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    That didn't come out quite right, I'm not computed literate........sorry.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hi girls,
    Jenna, don't feel bad, I've been doing eveerything right and I still gained 1 pound this week too....WTF....:huh:

    Hope the rest of you are doing good with your eating and exercise. Wed are my busy days so no workout for me, or at least not the traditional one. I have grocery's to get , Therapy for my 14yr old, which means while we wait ,it's an hour long playdate with my 3yr old at the school playground. I will try to get some wogging in later.
    I will need to log in some min. I don''t think I have done very well this last week. I think I only was able to get in 3 days.

    I'll just check in with you all later. have a good day
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    So I ended up walking 3 times today! Slowly getting my motivation back. I walked 38 mins, 42 mins, and 36 mins. I hope I can get back to running/jogging. I think I just need a new type of exercise. Something fun. Any ideas?
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    great job with your walking Jenna....
    How's it going Marty?
    Rach? hope your having a good day?
    I hope everyone had a good day today!!!!!!!
    I was just thinking? can I use my playground time? I really never broke a sweat or ran for more than 20 sec. at a time.:laugh: :noway: I'm guessing that won't count then.:ohwell:
    I really wanted to get back out there tonight, but I think if I try, It might mess me up for wogging tomorrow. My legs get so sore If I don't let them rest that 3rd day. and I am having enough trouble getting to 1000 cals today. I don't need exercise cals to not eat... I am having trouble eating all my cals this week.so to get to 1200, I'm just filling in the evenings with low fat ice cream and chips? maybe that's my weight loss problem.
    I am getting a bit crabby this evening, along with the kids. the 3yr old never got a nap and is crabby, and the 14yr old, got out of bed for all of 3 hours and then went back. I'm so jealous....I remember the days that I could go to bed and not be missed...
    Oh well, :ohwell: another day almost done.

    Bye everyone....

    I'm off to work again, the little one calls!!!!and the teen is summoning me to her bed chambers!!!!!:sad: :sad: :huh:
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    So I ended up walking 3 times today! Slowly getting my motivation back. I walked 38 mins, 42 mins, and 36 mins. I hope I can get back to running/jogging. I think I just need a new type of exercise. Something fun. Any ideas?

    Way to go getting back into your wogging!!! :happy:
    I know what you mean about needing a new type of exercise - doing the same thing all the time can get boring, and thus make you lose motivation.
    Do you wog on a treadmill or outside?


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  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    So I ended up walking 3 times today! Slowly getting my motivation back. I walked 38 mins, 42 mins, and 36 mins. I hope I can get back to running/jogging. I think I just need a new type of exercise. Something fun. Any ideas?

    Intervals are good. For instance, running for 5 minutes, then doing some type of strength training (pushups, situps, squats . . . ) for 10-15 reps, then running again and so on. Or try something completely new for a bit like kickboxing or dancing!

    I saw you on the Ab Challenge, too. Good job for trying to get motivated again! You're doing great!:bigsmile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Well today is Week 4, Day 2 of Couch to 5K! Yes, I did say I ran a mile the other day and I'll try it again tomorrow!:happy:

    I just joined the Ab Challenge, because I really need to work on my strength training. I hope to be beach-ready by sometime in July or early August!:wink: (or maybe September or October or . . . )
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I normally do interval training with walking/running/jogging. It really burns the cals for sure! It just gets a little boring after awhile. Yea! i saw you on the ab challenge last night too! Yay! I really need to work my tummy, it grosses me out lol

    Abby, I do both (treadmill and the road)

    Kim, I hope you and your kids are in a better mood today! :happy: What all are you eating? I always have a problem with staying under my cals (I normally do, but I'm usually hungry).
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hi Jenna,
    I eat lots of stuff. nonfat milk,egg/eggwhitesw/fresh vege's, cereal, tuna/ lunchmeat/ wheat bread, wheat tortillas,salads,Fresh and steamed vege's, chicken breasts,cheese, fresh fruits, protien shakes,peanutbutter with apples,non fat yogurts, sugar free jello's and many other things. The other things are probably what sabotages me, light ice cream, sun chips,M &M's/cashews, and dinner out once on the weekend. those are the basics. I Try to watch my salt intake, my carbs and fat are usually lower and my protiens and fiber are higher. I just wish I could lose some weight. I am at a standstill, fighting the same 3 pounds over and over. I'm trying to just be happy where I'm at. But I want to be 25 again and have that body back, wishfull thinking I guess. if things don't change by the end of summer, I am thinking of going to my Dr. and see if there is something else going on with my body. There is no reason I'm not losing
    Well,my min. for this week are
    186- in 3days..I usually wog for 5 days. "my sunburn last wed, took out my Thurs and Fri wog."

    progressively worse.....Although I did run my 5k, twice this week and improved my time from 33 to 30 min. I just need to get out there more often and for longer times.
    I will be wogging this afternoon, I have a meeting at 2;00, but I'm hoping to get in some time after that. I hope you all had better luck with your times this last week.

    see ya.
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning everybody: I just got home from doing my wogging, boy is it hot out there.......its only 1100 and if feels like its 90 degrees. I'm gonna have to push myself out of bed earlier as it starts getting warmer here....for some reason, eversince the kids started summer vacation, I can't get out of bed any earlier than 0800.

    Lets see my minutes for this week are 220 minutes......not much of an improvement from last week. I didn't wog yesterday cause it was my mom's b-day and we had an early breakfast for her (one of my sisters cooked); then in the evening, my husband and I took her to dinner to an Italian restaurtant. I actually did good, only had two small pieces of pizza with a lemonade

    My stats sound pittiful compared to all of you girls!!!!! I guess I'm not trying hard enough. So be proud of yourselves, don't diminish your efforts. I wish I had the will power you guys have.....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Good morning everybody: I just got home from doing my wogging, boy is it hot out there.......its only 1100 and if feels like its 90 degrees. I'm gonna have to push myself out of bed earlier as it starts getting warmer here....for some reason, eversince the kids started summer vacation, I can't get out of bed any earlier than 0800.

    Lets see my minutes for this week are 220 minutes......not much of an improvement from last week. I didn't wog yesterday cause it was my mom's b-day and we had an early breakfast for her (one of my sisters cooked); then in the evening, my husband and I took her to dinner to an Italian restaurtant. I actually did good, only had two small pieces of pizza with a lemonade

    My stats sound pittiful compared to all of you girls!!!!! I guess I'm not trying hard enough. So be proud of yourselves, don't diminish your efforts. I wish I had the will power you guys have.....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!

    You did great!!! what are you getting down on yourself for? you wogged more min. than I did, and you did great when you ate out. I give you loads of credit for your efforts. I'm having the same problem with getting out of bed before 9;00am. I have the teen that sleeps until noon, the Hubby that is woking an evening shift, and I have the baby sleep schedual changed to a 9am sleep in, and I still feel like I could sleep till noon myself if I was given the chance. I shouldn't complain, I have it pretty good.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    My mins for this past week is 365. That's what I was shooting for. Go figure, I loose motivation and I still got to my goal. Pretty cool

    It's so hot out. Yuck. 90 degrees. I think I'm gonna wait until later to exercise or maybe go to the gym where there's a.c.! lol
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I think my minutes were at least 300. Today, I did 40 min of Wogging, 30 min on the elliptical, and 30 min playing basketball with some co-workers!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself and am sad I can't include those minutes in this week's total!:laugh:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I made it out there for a 40 min wog, I'm trying to get out for another in a bit. If the kids behave, It might happen. I am also trying to have a bit of time for my dinner to digest before attempting any running.
    I hope that you girls are all doing good today....

    You all have a great night.:smile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I think my minutes were at least 300. Today, I did 40 min of Wogging, 30 min on the elliptical, and 30 min playing basketball with some co-workers!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself and am sad I can't include those minutes in this week's total!:laugh:

    Messed up with the minutes, because I didn't record them for a few days. They were actually around 375.

    Me - 375
    Jenna - 365
    Marty - 220
    Kim - 186

    What about you, Abby or Amy or Rachel and anybody else I missed?

    All right, new challenge. How about aiming for . . . I can't think. Any suggestions for a new challenge? I try to think of one today.:smile:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Way to go! You're in the lead this time :happy:

    Yea, I think a new challenge is a good idea. I need a push. Not sure what we could do. Anyone else have any ideas???
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I'm no help with a new challenge, I just need to reach the old challenge. I did go out and wog another 20 min. last night, for a total of 60min's yesterdy and I am going out today, so I am hoping that I might actually see in the 300's again this week. I'll try to think of a challenge today too. I hope you girls have a great day.
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Great ladies!!!! A new chanllange? I'm still working on the previous one. I wogged by myself today. We got a new puppy and my son just couldn't bring himself to leave her alone. But......hes not being there, actually worked out better for me. For the first time I pushed myself to jogg the farthest I've jogged since my Navy days!!!!! I wogged for a total of four miles and I jogged about 3/4 of each lap. If you guys remember me telling you, each lap is 8/10th of a mile. The reason why this is so hard for me is because our sports park was built on a small slope. It's probably nothing to the young people but to this old lady, its hard running up that little slope.........hahahahaha
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    sounds like you did a great job to me!!!! Way to go :happy: