Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I haven't have time to read all the posts yet, but wow, seems we've been busy! Welcome all newbies, anyone can join at any time. Glad to see this group growing.:flowerforyou:

    Rachel6901 - my name is Rachel, too, by the way! A lot of people are named Rachel. :laugh:

    Race for the Cure is TOMORROW and I hope to be doing the 5K. Soooo scared because I'm only on Week 3 of the program . . . :noway:

    WOW, I didn't know you were going to race tomorrow.. you get out there and make us proud. I know you will do great. I'm sure it will be so much better than you imagine.
    and I think I'll be able to remember to call you Rachel, my youngest daughter's name is Rachel.

    And as you all can see, my name is Kim.

    and Kid, I already checked out your profile so I knew your name was jenna. I didn't want to presume anything and use your name without your permission. And I don't think I have ever met anyone with the name Jenna, either. Your lucky to be so rare...:wink:

    I did my 60min wog today, even in my "condition". Granted, it wasn't my hardest and most intense workout, but, hey, I did it. I hope you all had a good day too.:smile:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Mind if I join. I do lot of walking, especially up hills. I belong to a gym that has an indoor track so for a couple of weeks I've been half walking/half jogging around the track for about 30 minutes 2-3 times a week. I seem to going along okay and would like to join your group and increase my time and motivaton to do so. I guess i'll wait until next week to jog my minutes.

    welcome to our group. we are always interested in hearing from new friends. :smile:
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I absolutely LOVE the name Jenna. If my son would of been a girl, he would be named Jenna!!! Great name! I had a Rachelle in my class growing up and they always got our names mixed up, annoying. I have not known many other Rachels, so this will be nice! Nice to meet you all, I hope I can remember names. I might have to ask a few more times so I don't have to find it in this message board :) Anyone had any experience using jogging strollers or some other way to jog with a young child???

    Lap swimming = 30 min.

    I am already very happy I found this group. Thanks again.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    aww thanks Rachel6901! That was really nice of you to say. :smile:
    Kimss you can call me "kid" "kidvicious" "jenna" whatever you feel like calling me haha I dont mind any of them.

    When I was younger, I hated my name bc I thought it was "weird" haha...how strange is that? Just because everyone else had normal names....goodness. I also got picked on a lot for having red hair lol I hated my hair back then too. Kids can be so mean sometimes lol. I def like my name and hair now. I like having a name that not many ppl have and redheads are rare which is even better :smile: .

    I wogged today for about 41 mins. I usually go for about 52ish...but I just couldn't get into it today. :ohwell: Idk what my problem was. I forced myself to do the 30 day shred in the evening...it was rough.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I absolutely LOVE the name Jenna. If my son would of been a girl, he would be named Jenna!!! Great name! I had a Rachelle in my class growing up and they always got our names mixed up, annoying. I have not known many other Rachels, so this will be nice! Nice to meet you all, I hope I can remember names. I might have to ask a few more times so I don't have to find it in this message board :) Anyone had any experience using jogging strollers or some other way to jog with a young child???

    Lap swimming = 30 min.

    I am already very happy I found this group. Thanks again.

    I didn't get into wogging until this last Feb. and my daughters were almost 3 and 14yrs old by then. and then I got the treadmil so I could just run at naptime and when it is convienent for me. I was pretty lazy, so I give you girls credit that got yourselves together and motivated while your baby is still young.
    I've heard other people say they really like their jogging strollers. I'm sure you'll find a routine that works for you. and hopefully the summer weather will help you out.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    aww thanks Rachel6901! That was really nice of you to say. :smile:
    Kimss you can call me "kid" "kidvicious" "jenna" whatever you feel like calling me haha I dont mind any of them.

    When I was younger, I hated my name bc I thought it was "weird" haha...how strange is that? Just because everyone else had normal names....goodness. I also got picked on a lot for having red hair lol I hated my hair back then too. Kids can be so mean sometimes lol. I def like my name and hair now. I like having a name that not many ppl have and redheads are rare which is even better :smile: .

    I wogged today for about 41 mins. I usually go for about 52ish...but I just couldn't get into it today. :ohwell: Idk what my problem was. I forced myself to do the 30 day shred in the evening...it was rough.

    well, between the wogging and the 30 day shred, I'd say you had a full workout and then some.
    I know I had a hard time getting into it today too.
    I just kept telling myself that I had to do it, because tomorrow I am off and out on a date with my hubby. I will be back to wogging on Sun.
    (I am so glad to be out a here...I am listening to a 3yr old that never stops talking and a 14yr old that keeps telling her to ,Quit looking at me:angry: , quit touching me,:grumble: and stopping talking to me:noway: ) I love date nights. YEA>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    ok, well, I 'm getting kicked off the computer until later tonight, by my teen that needs to escape her little sister. that means I'm back to work... so you girls have a good evening, I might get to check back in around midnight or so.. I'll talk with you all in the morning.
    Have a great night girls,
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Race for the Cure is TOMORROW and I hope to be doing the 5K. Soooo scared because I'm only on Week 3 of the program . . . :noway:

    That's awesome! I'm sure you'll do great!!! :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    aww thanks Rachel6901! That was really nice of you to say. :smile:
    Kimss you can call me "kid" "kidvicious" "jenna" whatever you feel like calling me haha I dont mind any of them.

    When I was younger, I hated my name bc I thought it was "weird" haha...how strange is that? Just because everyone else had normal names....goodness. I also got picked on a lot for having red hair lol I hated my hair back then too. Kids can be so mean sometimes lol. I def like my name and hair now. I like having a name that not many ppl have and redheads are rare which is even better :smile: .

    I wogged today for about 41 mins. I usually go for about 52ish...but I just couldn't get into it today. :ohwell: Idk what my problem was. I forced myself to do the 30 day shred in the evening...it was rough.

    I actually did know someone named Jenna when I was growing up. That is a very pretty name.

    OMG, I hated my hair (still hate it sometimes) because it's so curly and bushy. All my friends are like, "are you kidding? I'm sooo jealous of your hair!" but I could never get it perfectly straightened. Now I like it a little more.:happy:

    I'm getting ready to go to the Race . . . :bigsmile:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    What's everyone's first names???? Just curious.

    My name is Jenna :smile:

  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Morning all!

    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing so far this weekend.

    I wogged 31 minutes yesterday, and I'll be headed to the gym in a bit to get some more activity in. I'm not sure I'll wog or not though. I think my shins might need a rest, so I may do the elliptical instead as well as some strength training.

    I've been really loving the C25K program and plan to continue on with that. I feel like my weight loss has stalled a bit though and it's getting frustrating. I honestly think it's because of stress. I've read a number of articles relating to stress and weight loss/weight gain and I think it might be preventing me from losing as much as I could be. I've got a lot of stress at home lately and I really think it's affecting my health. Right now my best outlet is going to the gym, so that's been helpful. (At least I'm not diving face first into the Haagen Daas, right?) And my girlfriends have been great listeners too, so I'm trying to work things out.

    Have any of you ever experienced slower weight loss due to stress, or is it all in my head?


    PS - It's great to finally "meet" all of you!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    You should try doing some interval training...as well as circuit training. You might just need to change things up a bit. I'm sure you're eating well and drinking lots of water.

    Stress does a lot of crap to your body, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was apart of your plateau.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Morning all!

    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing so far this weekend.

    I wogged 31 minutes yesterday, and I'll be headed to the gym in a bit to get some more activity in. I'm not sure I'll wog or not though. I think my shins might need a rest, so I may do the elliptical instead as well as some strength training.

    I've been really loving the C25K program and plan to continue on with that. I feel like my weight loss has stalled a bit though and it's getting frustrating. I honestly think it's because of stress. I've read a number of articles relating to stress and weight loss/weight gain and I think it might be preventing me from losing as much as I could be. I've got a lot of stress at home lately and I really think it's affecting my health. Right now my best outlet is going to the gym, so that's been helpful. (At least I'm not diving face first into the Haagen Daas, right?) And my girlfriends have been great listeners too, so I'm trying to work things out.

    Have any of you ever experienced slower weight loss due to stress, or is it all in my head?


    PS - It's great to finally "meet" all of you!

    welcome vanessa.
    I've been battleing my plateau for months, if none of this works for you keep talking and eventually you'll find something that will help.

    here is banks idea's to combat a plateau. I hope it helps.

    Hi all,
    (this could get a little long)

    I'm sure everyone has been there. You start MFP, everything goes great for a while, a few weeks for some, a few months for others, and suddenly you can't seem to lose to save your life! It's happened to us all, myself included, but I have found a few techniques, tricks, and tools along the way that have helped me break the plateau cold! I'll share them, some may work for you, some may not, everyone's body is different, but hey, if I help one person, I feel that my job has been done!

    So here is a list of reasons people can plateau. If you see something that looks familiar, then you may have already found your solution. See some other things you can do below to help snap out of it.

    Possible reasons for plateaus:
    1. Wrong goals - Did you set your expectations too high? 2 lbs/week may not be right for you, you
    could be starving yourself without even realizing. Maybe your weight has changed and you haven't
    redone your goals in a while and you are still using old numbers.
    2. Diet stagnation - we aren't dogs, we need variety in our foods, mix up your meals.
    3. Large meals - Are you having 2 or 3 large calorie meals? Remember, the body doesn't work on a
    24 hour clock, if you stuff yourself, even if you stay under your daily caloiric intake, you could be
    adding fat to your frame!
    4. Bad nutritional value - Calorie count is good, but food quality is just as important, 500 calories
    worth of Hoho's or ding dongs won't help your daily intake.
    5. Stress in your life - Are you stressing about something? Stress can play a huge roll in your
    6. Health concerns - sometimes it's beyond our control, if all else fails, go see a doctor!

    These are just some of the reasons people plateau, there are others, but these are a good starting point.

    things you can do (besides adressing the issues above) to help break a plateau.
    1. Give yourself a break - Have one meal that you really shouldn't, go over your calories once every couple of weeks, have that burger and yes, the fries too. It's called shocking your system, and it can actually break the body out of a routine and force it to re-examine itself. It's a legitemate practice endorsed by many trainers and it does work sometimes (It works for me), as long as you don't do it TOO often.
    2. Change up your routine, if you work out every day at 6 am, switch it up, for 1 or 2 days a week, work out at night, or change what you are doing, force your body to use different muscles.
    3. Tweak your nutritional break down, 60% carbs not working for you very well any more? Try 50% and upping your fat and protein intake, add some more fiber, or less fiber if you already have a lot.
    4. Lower your goal settings, 1.5 lbs a week not working, maybe your metabolism is higher then the average and this site is under reporting, over a few weeks, gradually up your calories every few days (say 50 cals more every 2 days) and after a few weeks see if there is any difference.
    5. Change HOW you eat. Sometimes we need to change our habits, do you usually eat at 7am 12:30pm and 6:30pm? Well, try halving your meals and eat at 7, 10, 12:30, 3 and 6. Or vice versa if that's what you are doing.

    And last but not least.
    TAKE A LONG LOOK AT YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Most people want it NOW, and more often then not their goals reflect that. Every day tell youself, "I didn't gain this <put your lbs overweight here> overnight, I can't expect to lose them that way." Make yourself believe it. You may want to be thinner now, but your body doesn't! Heck, if your close to your goal, your body may not want to change at all! You have to really look at yourself with a critical eye and think about what you are trying to accomplish.

    well, that's all I have, I wonder if this will help anyone, I hope so. Anyway,
    Best wishes all.

  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I've read a lot of threads Banks has posted and I highly recommend you read all of them. He def knows what he's talking about and most of the info helped me out when I had my plateau.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Rachel, how did the race go? be sure to let us know as soon as you can.
    I'm hopeing the rest of you are going to have a good weekend.
    My plans just changed, babysitter's and their "issues" just can't depend on anyone to fulfill there obligations. so our date is off and maybe we will get to go tomorrow. so It will be a family day instead, take the oldest to the mall for some new pants, and the little one to ride the carousel.
    But, this will mess up my exercise routine, I'm still pretty sore from my running the last 2 days and I really need this day off, but then I won't be able to wog tomorrow if we do get to go out, we usually leave our house by 1pm on date days. Oh well, it will be worth it.
    I'll check in later, I hope your all doing good today.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    aww sorry to hear you're not having your date night tonight. I hope you get to go out tomorrow! Have a good day :happy:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    whats slim in 6?
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    So we were stuck in traffic and couldn't make the 5K on time.:grumble: But I did get to do the 1 mile run. They had TONS of food there, and I definately ate more than I burned off, but oh well. I feel good. There's another 5K coming up in August so I may sign up for that.

    Heidi - I'm not sure exactly what Slim in 6 is - I'll look it up though.

    Kim - don't feel like you have to exercise every day! Especially if you feel sore from running, you should take off. Just don't eat too much bad stuff and you'll be fine. :smile:

    So I'm finally using everyone's real name!:laugh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    aww darn! I'm sorry to hear about the traffic. You'll do great in august tho!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Going to a party today and I KNOW I'm gonna eat too much bad food.:noway:

    Any advice?????????
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