Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow, ya'll are loggin minutes now....sounds good to me!!!
    I'll definitely join that challenge this week!

    I had to take some time off from running, but Im back in the game now.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Good morning woggers! :happy: I hope everyone has a good day. Unfortunately, I didn't get up early today to go to the gym.:ohwell: I slept right through. Hopefully I can get to the gym tonight after work. :smile: but at least I'll def do my 30 day shred tonight!

    It looks pretty sunny out this morning. :smile: I haven't checked the weather cuz I don't want to know what it's going to be like since I'll be stuck at work until 8pm tonight :tongue: haha

    Random question, how do you guys deal with stress? I usually use exercise as my stress relief, but I can't really do that so much this weekend. I feel like a huge ball of ridiculous stress right now. Even my shoulders, neck and back are tense bc I'm so stressed. :ohwell:
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    My way of distressing is to exercise as well but when thats not on option I like to read, not a book though, too long, I pick up one of my favorite magazines (All You, Good Housekeeping, Prevention, etc.,) and read a couple of articles and usually thats enough to soothe me and clear my mind from all the "I need to do" things. Try to do something that you enjoy, even if its only for 10-15 minutes its a quick way to reenergize you until you can find more time to focus on yourself. Hope it helps.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hi Marty,
    I know what you mean about watching your mom. Mine turned 70 this year and I guess getting older gives you a different perspective on them. I talk with my mom almost everyday, I lived next door to her for 8 yrs before we moved to CA. and that was so hard for her. I have a large family so I don't worry about her, but we have a special, close ,relationship. I SOOOO understand your feelings. Good job on the 180 min. that is something and it is better than 0 min. you are well on your way.

    Stress?????umm.... I realy can't tell you what I used to do to relieve stress, I'm not sure it was legal.:laugh: or healthy:smokin:
    and the streess I have in my life now is nothing like what you would have. I'm a stay at home mom now and the kids just won't get out of my face, but I still have to be nice to them, "you know they'll tell on me if I'm not":bigsmile: :huh: :laugh:
    I'm thinking maybe an "adult beverage, a funny movie, or go out with a friend?" and sure, take Marty's advice too, exercise and try to make yourself feel to tired to care:laugh: :laugh:
    I hope you feel better soon, the weekend is comeing so I hope youcan rest then.

    OK GIRLS.....did you see my ticker???????? :bigsmile: yes.. another pound lost for me...:bigsmile: I am so happy. after last week I really thought I was ruined. so maybe there is something to that overeating thing. that and then an alternating under eating, on spot eating, over eating, just keeping it all over the place instead of just 1200cals consistantly. and the exercise too. I am thinking I might reach my goal of 150 before my trip back home on July 23.
    I wish you all a great Friday. I'll talk with you later
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Thanks Marty

    Kim, first off, congrats on losing that lb!!!! Great Job!....Secondly, I do know how you feel, at least some what. My mom is a stay at home mom and adopted 3 kids (6, 3 and 1yr old) (2 of which are autistic and have learning disorders) on top of 3 other kids of her own. I'm around the young ones alllllll the time... helping take care of them, disciplining them and watching them constantly for my mom. Sometimes I feel like I'm the second mom :noway: not even kidding. I literally don't do anything besides go to work and then come help with the kids. It's a lot for my mom with the autistic ones. They need extra attention and help. She does great on her own (with my dad of course, he travels for work often tho), but I just feel like I have to help otherwise she'd go nuts! It's not fun and I'm not really into having to take care of children at this time in my life.. When I'm older and ready, that's a different story, but I'll do anything for my family at this point. I know what you mean about the kids ALWAYS up in your face...unfortunately they don't have an off button lol

    I have an hour break, so I thought I'd come home for lunch today instead of eating out :smile: I do much better with my cals that way haha.

    I think I'm going to just come home, grab a book and take a bubble bath. Hopefully that'll help me.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Thanks Marty

    Kim, first off, congrats on losing that lb!!!! Great Job!....Secondly, I do know how you feel, at least some what. My mom is a stay at home mom and adopted 3 kids (6, 3 and 1yr old) (2 of which are autistic and have learning disorders) on top of 3 other kids of her own. I'm around the young ones alllllll the time... helping take care of them, disciplining them and watching them constantly for my mom. Sometimes I feel like I'm the second mom :noway: not even kidding. I literally don't do anything besides go to work and then come help with the kids. It's a lot for my mom with the autistic ones. They need extra attention and help. She does great on her own (with my dad of course, he travels for work often tho), but I just feel like I have to help otherwise she'd go nuts! It's not fun and I'm not really into having to take care of children at this time in my life.. When I'm older and ready, that's a different story, but I'll do anything for my family at this point. I know what you mean about the kids ALWAYS up in your face...unfortunately they don't have an off button lol

    I have an hour break, so I thought I'd come home for lunch today instead of eating out :smile: I do much better with my cals that way haha.

    I think I'm going to just come home, grab a book and take a bubble bath. Hopefully that'll help me.

    WOW Sorry Jenna,
    I had no idea...I hope I didn't offend you or insult you, that was never my intention. I just imagined you living in a small apt. nice and quiet like, with children issues not applicable right now. " I guess that is what I was doing at that age, and assumed, I'm really sorry."
    I helped my mom with younger kids when I was in highschool and still living at home, but I got out of there as soon as I could and by the time I was in my early twenties, I had my own place and my life was very different from my other family members, they all had kids of their own and strapped down to family lifes" I was pretty selfindulgent and I liked it that way. But when I had my first daughter and she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, My life changed forever and I was so grateful that I had had the time to myslef and that I had been able to experience that kind of life. I remember it fondly, and "often":smile:

    Sounds like your a great help to your mom, and your selflessness is so admireable, but that is alot to take on. Taking care of 6 kids, and especially the autistic ones, is a huge gift you've given your mom, and God has a special place for people like you who selflessly give themselves to their family. But, I do hope that you get to move out and move on with your own life soon. Everyone deserves to have their time in life that is carefree and fun. the years go by so fast.
    I'm betting you won't be in a hurry to have kids of your own, anytime soon. I didn't. I had my first when I was 28 and then had my second at 39.I almost had my oldest raised and then I met the man of my dreams and Now, I have started my journey of motherhood all over again.

    Will You do me a favor and please try to get out and enjoy your life while your young and don't let life slip by. "that is from experience, with love"

    Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but to be 25 and childless again, WOW, I would go back to that in a minute...:wink:
    I hope you have a good rest of your day.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Kim, no way! You def didn't offend me :smile: Don't apologize. I was just saying I know how you feel. :happy: It gets rough sometimes. Kids wear ya out! :sick:

    I can't wait to not have to help out as much lol I had my own place for 5 years and when she adopted these 3, I moved back in to help out. The plus side of it is, I get to save up money for grad school instead of having to pay rent. So, that's really awesome. I already have a huge loan from my undergrad school. Being able to pay a good chunk of grad school from not having to pay rent is def worth it. I'm only going to be here until Jan. and then I'm moving into an apt. :happy:

    I can't imagine what it's like to take care of a child with Cerebral Palsy. Autistic children can be such a hassle at times bc they don't understand things the way other children do, so in some sense maybe I can understand just a little bit. I'm guessing those are your two girls in your picture? What are your daughter's names?

    Those are some very kind words you said. :smile: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I know if I was in trouble or needed any type of help, my parents would be right there to back me up. So, I just try to help out as much as possible. And plus, you know what's it's like to need a break.

    Haha no I'm DEF not in a hurry to have kids. My grad school is def my number 1 right now haha I don't even have a boyfriend let alone marriage and kids :tongue: I'm so glad you found the man of your dreams!!! I can't wait to find mine! I'm slowly getting impatient haha
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Sorry, busy yesterday and didn't post my minutes!

    Total Exercise Mins: 293
    Wogging Mins:155
    Difference from last week : -72
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Kim, no way! You def didn't offend me :smile: Don't apologize. I was just saying I know how you feel. :happy: It gets rough sometimes. Kids wear ya out! :sick:

    I can't wait to not have to help out as much lol I had my own place for 5 years and when she adopted these 3, I moved back in to help out. The plus side of it is, I get to save up money for grad school instead of having to pay rent. So, that's really awesome. I already have a huge loan from my undergrad school. Being able to pay a good chunk of grad school from not having to pay rent is def worth it. I'm only going to be here until Jan. and then I'm moving into an apt. :happy:

    I can't imagine what it's like to take care of a child with Cerebral Palsy. Autistic children can be such a hassle at times bc they don't understand things the way other children do, so in some sense maybe I can understand just a little bit. I'm guessing those are your two girls in your picture? What are your daughter's names?

    Those are some very kind words you said. :smile: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I know if I was in trouble or needed any type of help, my parents would be right there to back me up. So, I just try to help out as much as possible. And plus, you know what's it's like to need a break.

    Haha no I'm DEF not in a hurry to have kids. My grad school is def my number 1 right now haha I don't even have a boyfriend let alone marriage and kids :tongue: I'm so glad you found the man of your dreams!!! I can't wait to find mine! I'm slowly getting impatient haha

    :smile: I didn't know, sometimes my humor can be a bit off, when in written form:laugh: or otherwise my daughter tells me...lol
    I'm pretty lucky that my daughters CP is only physical. she is normal in every scense of the word, just can't walk. she is a straight A student, heading to high school this next fall. I have always felt so blessed that she was cognative and could interact with me, I can't even imagine how hard it is to care for autistic children. I always send out a little prayer to all those families that have to care for these tiny souls that are diagnosed with such a sensless and sad disorder.
    I'm happy to hear that your focus is on school, what are going to school for? So, What are you going to be when you grow up?
    and the husband thing, don't be in a big hurry, I kissed a lot of frogs,"even married one" before I found my prince, and beleive me, there were some mighty warty frogs in my life.
    I was 35 when we met and we knew that it was right ,and we just celebrated our 5yr anniversay, and it feels like we have always been together.
    You have lots of time to find your prince, I'm sure he's out there right now waiting for you too...:heart:
    this has been fun talking with tonight.

    Rachel, good job on the minutes, they all count and we all had a slow week. I'm hoping this next week is better, but I already missed todays workout, I got a bit of a sunburn on my back yesterday and now I can't put on my sports bra.:blushing: :laugh: :laugh:
    I'm sure it will be better tomorrow.

    I hope everyones weekend goes good... be sure to remember to wish your daddy's a
    "Happy Fathers Day" on Sunday.... :smile:
    talk to you later,
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Actually, I decided what I want to do from being around my siblings so much. I'm going to grad school for Art Therapy.

    Not many ppl know what it is, so in a nutshell, I'll explain it to you (but I'm sure you already know)....
    It is a therapeutic use of art for children (and adults) who experience any type of illness, trauma, limited language skills, eating disorders, autism, brain injury, challenges in life (foster children), and also personal development.
    It will enhance cognitive abilities and can help parents understand and communicate with their children. It also helps people cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences.

    Basically, the patients are encouraged to think about their problems, and then create the thoughts/emotions/ideas (that they cannot talk about) through art (such as painting, sculpture, drawing, etc). Then the art therapist analyzes the artwork for its meaning.

    And speaking of work, I need to get my butt moving and into the shower so I'm not late! lol

    What's everyone doing for father's day???

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Haven't wogged for awhile...but I'm off for a wog as soon as I'm done writing this!!! Woo-hoo!!! :happy:

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  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Just got back from about a 45 minute wog!!! It felt great! I'm definately feeling more endurance! :happy:
    Even though I haven't wogged for about a week or so, I've been doing the 30 Day Shred and some cardio DVDs and I'm getting stronger which is making wogging so much easier!!!

    I ran 10 blocks total (not all consecutively though...but several at a time. This may not seem huge for some people...but when I first started working out consistantly, I felt like my lungs were going to explode after running just one block...now one block is no biggie! :happy:

    I'm starting to actually like running for the first time in my life!!! :smile:

    Oh, and I've missed the past couple of check-ins. I'll start being more consistant with posting my numbers!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    Wow, ya'll are loggin minutes now....sounds good to me!!!
    I'll definitely join that challenge this week!

    I had to take some time off from running, but Im back in the game now.

    Good luck everyone!

    Welcome back!!! :smile:
    I took some time off as well...but it's good to be back! Can't wait to get back into the wogging groove!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Well, Woggers, today was a so-so day for me.

    First of all, welcome back PinkShoes (we're going by 1st names. What's yours?). I am the same way - I used to hate running. Now . . . it's pretty fun. With you guys!:flowerforyou:

    So today I ran half a mile twice nonstop (Week 4, Day 1 of Couch to 5K). The only problem was, I got bored quickly. I'll have to bring my I-pod next time!:wink: The so-so part was the Chinese takeout. Although I did eat the rice and lo mein, and not the fried stuff.

    Okay, now a question, and be honest . . . do I talk about myself too much? It seems as if in almost all my posts I always somehow relate everybody else's problems with my own. I won't be mad if you agree with me. I'm just wondering.

    - Rachel :happy: -
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I haven't wogged in a few days, but I've been doing the 30 day shred every day as well as a few other exercises. I'm going to get back into wogging starting monday, full force!!!
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I am getting better about logging my food daily and trying to watch what I eat, but I have not been good about getting on this message board and keeping up with what everyone is up to. I was thinking what might help get me going would be to find someone else who is part of this group who might be having trouble getting started like I am and see if they would maybe be interested in messaging each other daily and helping one another out. It was just a thought since I would see the "new message" notice pop up and it would be a good reminder. Anyone else needing an extra nudge to get going on their wogging??? Thanks.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    don't be silly girl, we all talk about ourselves, that's the point. I like to here how something I said would relate, to you and everyone else and how it then brings you to telling me something about yourself. did that make sence? But, I lovee to hear from everyone, and I like to talk, hahaha...anyone that knows me , knows that I can talk your ear off. I have record breaking phone calls with my friends....:laugh: :laugh: So please don't feel uncomfortable, just talk away, I'll listen, and respond as soon as I can." my oldest child is home for the summer so I get kicked off the computer alot throughout the day."
    Welcome back Pinkshoes, and Rachel .
    I like to tell you girls all my plans for wogging and then share when I do it "today 73 min, a good day"and then also when I flake out and don't, the last 2 days 0 min. lame excuses" but oh well, I'm still here and I still love this group.

    So to all you woggers out there, just tell me your story, and tell me your plans, and your success, and your not so good days, we can get through them all and reach our goals

    Jenna..... great job on the 30 day shred.... I hear its hard. and as long as your moving , your making progress

    I'm out for the rest of the night, so you girls have a great night and I'll check in in the morning.
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Oh, I am not uncomfortable. I just thought that the messaging might be a good way to get me more on track and eventually get to where I am chatting on here more. I don't remember to get on here, I just log my foods and log out. If I saw that I had a new message, I thought it might help me remember to stay in touch and get my butt in gear, lol. thanks. I will get on here more, I promise.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    First of all, welcome back PinkShoes (we're going by 1st names. What's yours?).

    My first name's Abby :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    don't be silly girl, we all talk about ourselves, that's the point. I like to here how something I said would relate, to you and everyone else and how it then brings you to telling me something about yourself. did that make sence? But, I lovee to hear from everyone, and I like to talk, hahaha...anyone that knows me , knows that I can talk your ear off. I have record breaking phone calls with my friends....:laugh: :laugh: So please don't feel uncomfortable, just talk away, I'll listen, and respond as soon as I can." my oldest child is home for the summer so I get kicked off the computer alot throughout the day."
    Welcome back Pinkshoes, and Rachel .

    haha I think I'm getting kind of confused with which Rachel people are talking to. So if Rachel (not me), you don't mind, you guys can call me . . . maybe Rach or Ray or something like that. Just to make it less confusing!:wink:

    Hey Kim - okay, I just wasn't sure because it seemed to me that I was. Thanks for reassuring me!

    And RACHEL:laugh: - I think that's a great idea, the messaging thing. I usually don't have a problem getting on here because all of you keep me so motivated, but I'm sure other people would like that.:smile: