Woggers Team - JOIN US!!!!!!!!



  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    not to worry girls,
    I have no thoughts of giving up, actually I'm planning my stratagy of attack to get myself back up and working tomorrow. I plan on running 3 miles tomorrow , just to prove that I can. and then by the end of the week, have myself eating back to normal.

    I sure hope you two get to feeling better soon.:sick:

    I'll be here throughout the day, as always, so just talk away and we will all get through this together.:happy:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Woo 3 miles! you go girl! :tongue: I know you can do it!

    Tomorrow I'm going to go to the gym, hives or not lol. I feel yucky since I haven't been working out much.

    buutttttt on that note...I'm going to go take a bubble bath and try some home remedy bath for hives lol gotta try everything!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Hi Jenna, how are the Hives? I hope your bath helped.
    Hi Rachel, I hope your feeling better today?

    I am feeling pretty good today, finally, I think I survived another round with TOM, and I am ready to go. I even got on the scale and I only gained 1pound, it felt like 10. so I am going to tryt to go for that 3 miles non stop today. this will be a first for me if I can do it. but my legs should be all rested, I haven't done any real exercise all weekend, and my mind seems intent on this goal today. So I will let you all know how it goes.
    I hope you all a have a good day.:smile:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I just wanted to share.....

    I did "IT" I ran my first 5K......33:37min. Non-stop:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I never thought that I would be able to do it. and after the crappy weekend I had, I wasn't sure I was goingto make it, but i pushed on and made it. and then I walked for a few min. and ran another 9min. "just under 1mile" nonstop to finish off my workout. so in total I ran 42min. in a 50min. workout.

    I am so amazed with myself. thanks for listening girls.:smile:
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    That is wonderful! I bet you just felt awesome finishing that and knowing you were able to. And with such success!!!! That's a great time...in my opinion at least. Way to go! You give me something to look forward to. :smile:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    That is wonderful! I bet you just felt awesome finishing that and knowing you were able to. And with such success!!!! That's a great time...in my opinion at least. Way to go! You give me something to look forward to. :smile:

    thanks Rachel.....I am so proud of myself... I just want to go out there and do it again, but that woudl not be smart. my legs are going to feel this later.
    But, thanks for the CHEERS, I needed it. :blushing: :bigsmile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I just wanted to share.....

    I did "IT" I ran my first 5K......33:37min. Non-stop:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I never thought that I would be able to do it. and after the crappy weekend I had, I wasn't sure I was goingto make it, but i pushed on and made it. and then I walked for a few min. and ran another 9min. "just under 1mile" nonstop to finish off my workout. so in total I ran 42min. in a 50min. workout.

    I am so amazed with myself. thanks for listening girls.:smile:

    I agree, that is sooooooo awesome! You are so inspirational. 3 miles nonstop . . . wow!

    Hey, Kim, by the way, once you get to be an awesome runner (which isn't too far into the future), don't abandon us, okay? Not that I'm saying that's something you would do, but I personally would never do that and I hope you guys feel the same way.:smile:
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations Kim, you are truly a dedicated wogger.

    I haven't logged on this site for a few days. I read it every day but then I feel mad at myself because I"ve been skipping my woggs. But, today's the first day that I wogged again, and now that the kids are out of school and I know my marine son is doing OK, I'm back. My thirteenyear old son went with me, he was pushing me hard. That first lap was hard after missing a few days. My legs felt like jelly. Hopefully I won't be sore tomorrow. By the way, I noticed everybody is going by first name. My name is Maricela....I know its a tongue twister....so for non-spanish speakers, I go by Marty.....I don't know who came up with this....it's what my co-workers used to call me when I was in the Navy.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ha! Finally. So...I know what's causing my hives.

    So I was spraying Lysol on the doorknobs and such...using Lysol to clean the bathroom floors, lysol wipes for the sinks...and all this other stuff ...annnd low and be hold, I just happened to notice tons of hives forming on my legs and arms...

    I was like what the crap and then realized it was from the stinkin Lysol! OH man.... it def makes sense, bc I only break out in hives in the morning. I clean in the mornings before work. I'm not a clean freak or anything, I just like to keep things clean so I don't have to have a huge cleaning spree every week. I keep things clean along the way...any way... yea...mornings = lysol and other cleaning solutions... ok. I'm going to have to find something else to clean with or use gloves!

    PHEW! I'm so glad I figured it out! At least I hope that's what it's from LOL. I'll let everyone know tomorrow and then next day if my hives are gone...:blushing:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Guys...I miss y'all! I don't know if you all know but I went back to work last Monday and I haven't been able to keep up my usual routine. I was excited at first because I was away for so long taking care of my son after his accident but, it got old real fast. Everyone was so excited I was back and with the weight I lost, etc., etc. I even have a few people that we started walking 2 miles a day. It just doesn't seem like enough. Also, I'm putting in longer hours than I normally would because school is out. I'm a secretary at a local high school. We work 4, 9 hour days instead of our usual schedule which means I would be home around 3:00. Plenty of time to do my usual routine, etc. Now, I don't get home until nearly 5:00. After I get dinner and tend to my son, there is just no time. And, to top it off, I CAN'T SLEEP!!!! I'v thought about just getting up and going treadmill but I'll keep my son up. I feel like I'm becoming too blah. Even my husband says it seems the life is being sucked outta me. Help me y'all!!:sad: :sad: :sad: I've come so far! OMG! I even ate...potted meat tonight!!!!:sad: :sad: What is wrong with me!!!!! I feel like I'm falling apart mentally, physically, and emotionally. :cry: :cry:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    thanks, to both Rachel's,
    I was just thinking that today, what If the girls get sick of me , will they want me to go to the runners club? I'm glad you want me to stay, thats what I want. I am just as much a wogger as I ever was. the running is only a part of me and that is just my proving to myself that I can do something like this. My wogging is my staple workout. I love it and I want you all to love it too. I hope that we all will keep pushing ourselves and know that everyday we wog, we're getting stronger and closer to our goals.
    I still have 6 pounds to lose until I reach my first goal. then I want to re-evaluate my situation and maybe go for a new goal of another 10 lbs.
    I've never really been an athletic person, so running like this , at this age, is a complete shock to me. I really hope that I can keeep going and improve my time and distance.
    thanks for the support.:smile:

    Hi Marty,
    nice to see you back again. glad you got back out there.... the first few days are always the hardest. Just get yourself back out there again tomorrow, just go slow and take all the time you need to build back up your time and distance. you'll be back to yourself in no time.
    "Just keep wogging"
    and welcome back.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I'm so happy for you, that is so painful and annoying . I sure hope your right and that is what is causeing them, that will be an easy fix. there are so many new, "natural" cleaning products out there that may not cause thoses problems. let us know that you feeling better. I saw you on another thread, are you struggling with the plateau? I still am, too. I did the low calorie for that week, and I lost a couple, but I'm trying to hang on to the loss and get myself moving downward. I just spent the weekend overeating, so I can't see that that worked, but if I find the magic answer, you will be the first one I tell,OK? I know how frusterating it is, just keep your self moving and keep trying everything you can think of, then just be patient.

    Hi Amy,
    I wish you were having an easier time with your transition back to work. Change is always hard to adjust too. But, It sounds like you did ok with getting out there for some walking? that is a great way to keep going. as long as your still trying, your moving in the right direction. keep your trying to eat right, and maybe treadmil at differnet times in the evening, and just see if something works for you.
    Just keep trying..... we'll be here to talk with you when you need it.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    a recent thread?? not sure....

    I WAS struggling with a plateau a few weeks ago..like 3-ish weeks ago...but not anymore. :smile: I'm losing weight as normal :happy:
  • abuelita60
    abuelita60 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the welcome back Kim. Jenna, I hope that in fact the Lysol is what is causing your hives so you can avoid this product and find something that does not affect your health. Even though I don't work anymore I understand about the clean as you go so at the end of the week you don't have to do this big, elaborate, deep cleaning. Hang in there Amy, like Kim said, change is hard. I'm not very good with words but know that us "woggers" are here for you.

    On a different topic, I need some advice: I went to see my doctor last Friday and he told me my triglycerodes are too high. When I asked what did I need to do to resolve this, he said exercise and eating lots of vegetables and fruits should bring them to what they are supposed to be. My problem is, I really don't like vegetables, there's very few I will eat. Just in the last six months, I barely got used to eating broccoli and the different kinds of lettuce. I have no problem eating any type of fruits, its just vegetables, I'm not good with. Help......
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Marty - try eating the vegetables in different ways - try them frozen or cooked or all mixed together. Or you can put them on top of sandwiches or in wraps. You said you didn't have a problem with fruit but if you did, you could make a smoothie. You should think of ways to involve fruits and veggies as much as possible, without even noticing you're eating them. Does that make sense?:smile:

    Amy - Remember, a little exercise is better than no exercise at all. Don't stress about it!:happy:

    Jenna - so glad you found out what's causing the hives. Stupid cleaning sprays!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I have been a MFP member for a long time but just found this group. I am a serious wogger. Last month I hooked up with a walking partner. We now walk 6 miles every day!!! (we start at her house and walk downtown to this small lake and walk all the way around that and back to her house). It takes us a little under 2 hours now. I have lost 8 lbs just from doing that.

    She has wanted to start Wogging recently. I was apprehensive because I have asthma really bad and wasn't medicating myself at the time. I got a prescription from the doctor (100 bucks a month but I pay 50 with insurance!) and it seems to be working... a little but I think I need a stronger dose.

    So far we have only tried it a few times but I could only run 1.5 minutes before I had an attack. The it would take me at least 8 minutes to recover enough to try again. *sigh* I feel bad for my partner because it is her goal to run around the lake we walk (4.5 miles) but at this rate, with me as a partner, I don't think she is getting enough in.

    Does anyone have asthma that affects their running? If so, I'd love the advice.

  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Ugh. I haven't wogged since Friday! I feel so lazy! I skipped working out on Saturday and Monday (my usual days). Things have just been so stressful at home, and I've been dealing with that. But I'm bound and determined to get back on track today! I'll be resuming my C25K program tonight at the gym and then doing some good strength training. I'm looking forward to it, and it's going to feel really good!

  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Ugh. I haven't wogged since Friday! I feel so lazy! I skipped working out on Saturday and Monday (my usual days). Things have just been so stressful at home, and I've been dealing with that. But I'm bound and determined to get back on track today! I'll be resuming my C25K program tonight at the gym and then doing some good strength training. I'm looking forward to it, and it's going to feel really good!


    Hi Vanessa,

    I know what it's like when life kicks your butt and you just don't feel like killing yourself at the gym after that. It's good that you're looking forward to the gym tonight.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    Does anyone have asthma that affects their running? If so, I'd love the advice.


    Hi, wlecome,
    new woggers are always welcome.
    I don't have any advice for you, except to start a new thread and you might get alot a good advice from more people than are here on this thread. we are a small group. give it a try. I wish I could help you.
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Kim, What have you done to get to where you are at and being able to go the 3 miles without stopping? Did you focus more on the time you walked then jogged or did you focus on a certain distance of each? Any suggestions as to what worked for you would be great. Maybe they would be helpful for me as well.