kathleenpenrod Member


  • Hi! Welcome! I'm Kat. Been on mfp for awhile and slowing losing weight. Was 170, went to college and gained a degree...and weight! I'm 225 now and pushing really hard these days to get back below 200. Will friend you. Good luck! -Kat
  • I love it. I think it is a great set of DVDs to have as a complete workout routine or individually. I rely on them. They incorporate classic moves and a lot of variety. If you are trying to lose some weight (less than 40 pounds) this is great. It requires though a bit of athletic background, in my opinion. I am comfortable…
  • I agree. No need to tiff about details ladies...it is not impossible to go above your max heart rate. it's probably not a good idea if you suffer from ailments or haven't been active in a while. nonetheless, your body is your temple and you govern it! if it feels like you're gonna faint - slow down. runners often hit that…
  • Changing the family tree is an honorable thing! Welcome to the site - I love it. You really want to make a change, this site gives you great tools to build a new you. Okay, that was a bit cheezy but you get the idea, haha. Enjoy MFP!
  • Its tough but you just gotta do it. Start not minding that you look crazy, and start caring that you wanna make it work - at least that's what I had to tell myself. I tutor so when I get to the room and no one is there yet, I do a little yoga on the floor. I walk everywhere, do dips on my chair, run up the stairs a couple…
  • if you don't eat enough your body can go into survival mode. your metabolism actually does the opposite of what you want and signals to hold onto fat. if you aren't hungry try eating less big meals and more small ones. that's what really works for me. otherwise, try calorie rich drinks (like smoothies and protein juices) -…
  • Thanks for all the info guys! (And its neat that I posted something that got "bumped" into good posts!) I'll be sure to stay patient, breathe in rhythm and not try to run from the mafia!
  • Thanks Lloyd. I'll look into it. Two hours now huh? That sounds amazing. I want to avoid medicines if I can but if this is a simple thing then perhaps that's the answer. Appreciate your straight forward and helpful advice!
  • I like to keep a variety of things with me at all times. Make sure your have some proteins (cheese or jerky or tuna or nuts), some vitamin-rich stuff (ftuits, veggies) and some higher calorie/higher energy stuff too (small granola bar, crackers). This way if you don't have time at all during the day, you can munch away. If…
  • I hear ya! A big part of self-motivation for me is feeling good. Not just healthy but mentally positive. Wearing clothes that make you feel good or put together can keep you from feeling sloppy and stop the loser-fat-girl mentality. Whether I want to or not, I try everyday to look semi-put together because of this. Great…
  • Wow, impressive summer goal and you did it! I love soda too but...it's terrible for you! I try to picture a skull and crossed bones on the labels...between the corn syrup, excessive sugar, caramel color and the worst - PHOSPHATES (eat your bones, acidic to your stomach and intestines)...it's really awful. And diet is not…
  • Just check what those sweeteners are. Although I stick to my guns that none of them are good (except maybe the plant - derived ones), aspartame is the one that has the science to back up its bad rap - enhances depression can cause bloating and metabolism problems....ew!
  • I agree - it normally ends up being about 60% of that. But the more water you drink , the less you hold on to toxins, fake foods (like fake sugar and msg) and the more you flush through waste.
  • holy cow! that is amazing! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
  • hello and welcome!
  • Don't log gum. Don't let yourself get too obsessed or overanayltical. It is a road to disorders - I know it sounds crazy but I know a few people who suffered from anorexia and they did things like that - not that you are anorexic. :P Eat well - look at your diary and see a great log - don't worry about the gum!
  • I hope you realize how inspirational that is. You look great!
  • Whole living Magazine does great, simple meals. Online is free but the subscription is great too if you're into that sort of thing. A concept you might like is switching from pastas/rice to couscous (israili is my favorite) and arborio rice. mix sweets and salty in. I love to add apples and walnuts and chicken in with a…
  • GNC has some healthy supplements in their BE selection (BEfit, BEtoned, etc.). I take Solo Slim too which is natural - I got mine at the natural health food store even. It helps you not feel hungry when you actually aren't so it doesn't cross signals which can mess your body flow up like other hard pills. And it only has a…
  • Heat a mixture of canola and olive oil in a shallow pan (canola for heat resistance and olive for flavor). Cut the cauliflower and toss in egg whites then in a mixture of parmesean and bread crumbs. Shallow fry until golden making sure to rotate them for even cooking. They taste like french fries - its amazing. And pretty…
  • DO IT! You can, you can. It'll have to be 100% commitment - food and exercise but I'm trying for the same. I'm down 4 my first week because I really pushed the exercise and drank tons of water, little sugar and good foods. Let's do it!
  • yummo! will make soon. thanks for posting!
  • welcome! i'll be your supporter if you be mine! i just joined also. i have already lost four pounds! i L-O-V-E this site. it makes visualizing what all your activities and food is worth so instant and easy! good luck in your weight loss journey!
  • I'm not on Atkins but am new to the site as well. I want to lose 60 pounds. I have already lost four. That seems like nothing but man when you really do lose it (not a denial about your scale's fluctuations) it feels so good! I could use some support from somebody who lost weight like you before - holy moly! good job! I'm…
  • I weigh in everyday as most people have said. Take a grain of salt with it but always weigh naked and at the same time of day. Your body fluctuates semi-regularly so water holding and bowel movements make a difference. Try this product - it has changed my life! It is a Weight Watchers scale. It shows the most accurate of…
  • carboydrates are the way to go. things that your body can slowly burn off and keep your metabolism energized through the walk. trail mix is called trail mix for a reason. ;) in all seriousness though, granola is great and even some pasta - here's one of my favorite foods: cook couscous according to package add halved red…
  • Hello there! I'm new too. Just started two days ago. It's pretty darn motivating for me and I hope it is for you too. What are your goals? I am 227 lb now and just turned 22. I want to lose around 60 pounds by the time I turn 23. I have lots of reasons to lose weight and I'm ready to do it...how about you? Hope you enjoy…
  • Hi there! I just joined too. I want to eventually go from a size 16, 230 lb person to a size 10, 170 person. I'm looking for friends that update regularly. Wanna be neighbors?
  • Yup - I'm the heavy girl in my group so I'm doing this with online support too. I'm 5' 7" and 225 lb. I can carry weight really well because I have a good frame and muscle so its snuck up on me over the years. I want to be back between 170 and 180 which is where I was at my fittest and healthiest. Size 16 now and want to…