

  • Hello Ladies! Kristen ~ YAY!!! I'm sooooo excited for you! I had dialated 1 cm, my baby was 1 wk late and when the did the cesarean, he still was NOT in the birth canal. At least your little blessing is trying to get out! LOL :happy: I'm having a crappy week. I haven't worked out and for the last 2 days haven't eaten too…
  • Elaine (Edjsmom) SW 234.5 lbs / GW 225 lbs / CW 232.5 lbs PROGRESS -2 lbs Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer! Robin (pettmybunny) SW 184/ GW 180/ CW 182 Progress -2 lbs AmyLou SW 153/GW 147/CW 152 PROGRESS -1.0 lbs Maggie (magglett) SW 184.5/GW 174.5/CW 185 PROGRESS =.5 lbs Tammy…
  • Hello Everyone! I didn't do well over the weekend. No working out and no clean eating. I did manage to step on the scale and saw a 2 lb lost...I sure wasn't expecting that, and I can be nothing but happy about it! Well, I have started this week off right and hopefully I can shed another 2-3 lbs by Friday. I will be…
  • Maggie ~ WOO HOO with 40 mins of TJ!!! GREAT JOB! :flowerforyou: I have TJ too...maybe we can do a round together sometime!
  • Hello Everyone! I pray that everyone is staying on top of things today! I had a bad weekend, I didn't workout or watch what I ate. I got frustrated about somethings and decided to just relax and do what I wanted...just for the weekend. I'm back on track now and will be working out tonight. My workouts are now going to be…
  • I'm currently using SI6 and has used it in the past. It really works, you will have amazing results. It does get monotonous, so make sure you mix you own cd to work out with!
    in Slim In 6 Comment by Edjsmom August 2009
  • Vhuber ~ Thanks for your help. Are the chromium drops something that needs to be prescribed or can you get them over the counter. Do you know if that is similiar or related to chromium picolinate?
  • Thanks for the idea! I think I have some kind of chemical imbalance?!?!?!
  • LOL...I love it! :laugh:
  • Hello All, I'm new to MFP and I am 234.5 lbs, married, with 1 child ...so I think I should join you guys to give and receive motivation and support. I re-started my weight loss journey 8/4/09 and currently doing Slim in Six. I LOVE this program, I've done it before and it works wonders! :love: Unfortunately, right now I am…
  • Hello All!!! Thanks so much for your welcomes! I have been doing good so far this week...yesterday I drank over 100 oz of H2O!!!! :noway: I also completed my workout yesterday which was really a hassle b/c I did it after work instead of before. I work second shift, so I did not get to workout until 1:45am. :ohwell: I had…
  • Hello All! I'm new around here and would love to join you ladies/sixers! What does "sixers" mean.? What is the challenge exactly (please excuse my ignorance, I know it has something to do with weight loss). I am from OH, 27 yrs old, married, with 1 baby boy (8 mos old). I've always had issues with my weight and before I…
  • OMG! I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience, especially with someone you seemed to be very well acquainted with. I would be pissed about her reaction too! Well, to turn this negative to a positive, use it to fuel your fire and show her otherwise. Make her jaw drop!
  • WOOHOO! AWESOME! I'm wishing you the best!!! :bigsmile:
  • WOOHOO 2lbs! Everytime I lose a couple of pounds or many; my hubby always tell me to hold a 1lb roll of meat (times the amount of lbs that I've lost) and it always seem like way more! Great job and best wishes to you!
    in I lost Comment by Edjsmom August 2009
  • Hello All, I am another BB Lover! :love: I am currently working on a round Slim in Six which is my fave. I also have Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs!!! I love love love it! :heart:
  • Thank you all for your warm welcome. Coming to this site definitely helps me to be motivated and stay focused on my weight loss goals. MOMOFTWO29 ~ 42 lbs lost is AWESOME! :smile: I can't until my banner can reflect that! Does anyone know why my banner doesn't always show?!!?!? :indifferent:
    in Hello Comment by Edjsmom August 2009
  • Hello Everyone! I too am a SI6er and I started my round this Monday. I was using this site for food tracking, but decided to join the boards for motivation and support. I have 80 lbs to lose and I don't want to stop until I do. Lynzb ~ The first time I used SI6, I indeed lost 6 lbs the first week and I did not use the…
    in Slim n 6 Comment by Edjsmom August 2009
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