Sixers Sweating It Off WK 1



  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Lookin' good, Kristin! Thanks for sharing. You must be one big ball of excitment and nerves right about now. Blessings to you and your little one!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Kristin ... OH MY GOODNESS ... that's the best thing I've seen in a long time ... it makes me feel good all over. Thank you soooooo much for sharing. :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks gals! And I just noticed that I'm the LAST baby on my ticker!!! YEAY!!!! I am SO excited at this point and SO ready!!!!

    Katie...I'm in the Des Moines area! Hope you like it here! Let me know if you need some pointers or whatever! :bigsmile:
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks Kristin! I will definitely keep that in mind. I am doing pretty well getting around so far. And when I don't know how to get where I am going, I just use the wonderful GPS that hubby just got me for my bday. But, I am sure there are questions that I will have that my little electronic GPS friend will not be able to answer. Thanks!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Katie, thanks. I am not sure if we have done irreperable damage. I'm not sure if it's worth fixing. I just don't know. I hate to give up on a 11.5year relationship (8 yr marriage) but there is no sense wasting time if it won't work either. It's a tough call that only time will help me sort out... and a good therapist! :wink:

    Kristin, I wish I could see the photos at work!!! :sad: I am so excited for you. Babies are so cool. :bigsmile:

    Morning Maggie! :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning right back at you my friend ... hang in there ... give it all over to some higher power of your choosing and let things happen as they should. Be happy my friend.:heart:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hello Sixers, Is there room for one more? I'm involved in the June Starters Group but would like to have another support group.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi Move It! Always room for one more!! :flowerforyou:

    Tell us a little bit about yourself. If you read back through the thread, you will see how we generally create our goals. The main point of the Sixers group is to SUPPORT EACH OTHER!! And I must say, I think we do that well! :heart: :smooched: :heart:

    Let us know if you have any questions about the kinda format we use for tracking weight and such.
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Ok ladies, my streak of no exercise :blushing: is officially OVER!!! I Shreded it today with JM for the full 20 minutes. I feel good, tired, but good. I am working on the water. I also think I will go to an Overeaters Anonymous group tonight, thoughts?

    Anyway, just wanted to share and "put my money where my mouth is" so to speak. Have a good day ladies!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hello Sixers, Is there room for one more? I'm involved in the June Starters Group but would like to have another support group.

    Hi there ... Welcome aboard ... I belong to the June starters too. I belong to a couple of groups here on MFP ... I need all the accountability to keep me going throughout the week. I'm glad you could join us here. :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Katie, good for you!!! I am headed to spin class tonight for the 1st time in about 3 weeks, so I will be feeling your pain! :laugh: Keep it up hon!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my eating time.....let's chat so i can get though this time of day....

    welcome move it...please join us...

    took new puppy to vet for her first check up. he said she was in great shape and that the pound had her since june, and didn't know why she wasn't addopted until now. cause she was waiting for me :tongue: . he said she is a very good do and i got very lucky in finding her. she lets you tough her from nose to tail. she lets you get in her face, bug her while eating and tug on her tail. the only thing she doesn't like is WATER. crap bath time just became fun. he said she needs to go out walking and running to finish building her muscles. her bones just finished growing, so she should start filling out. such good news. now for the weather to cool down some and we will head out.

    we need to train her to stay off the couch and bed now. she thinks she can sit anywhere. she got up on the bench and was sitting right by me at the vet. everyone was laughing.


    let's see if the pic worked.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hi Move It! Always room for one more!! :flowerforyou:

    Tell us a little bit about yourself. If you read back through the thread, you will see how we generally create our goals. The main point of the Sixers group is to SUPPORT EACH OTHER!! And I must say, I think we do that well! :heart: :smooched: :heart:

    Let us know if you have any questions about the kinda format we use for tracking weight and such.

    I'm 38 years old and a mother to 4-two of them are 18 and 21 and living on their own now. My goal when I started MFP was 145. I reached that goal and set a new one for 135. In 6 weeks I'd like to weigh 139 pounds.
    Thanks for including me in the group. I love food, everday is a battle and I really need the support!:flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hello Sixers, Is there room for one more? I'm involved in the June Starters Group but would like to have another support group.

    Hi there ... Welcome aboard ... I belong to the June starters too. I belong to a couple of groups here on MFP ... I need all the accountability to keep me going throughout the week. I'm glad you could join us here. :flowerforyou:
    Thanks. Me too.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there gang ... I just did a 40 minute Turbo Jam Party DVD and according to my HRM I burned 449 calories ... woo hoo ... not too shabby. I'm just relaxing a bit to get my heart rate back to normal so I thought I would chat a bit with you here. So ... what did you do to exercise today???
  • Edjsmom
    Edjsmom Posts: 22
    Hello Everyone!

    I pray that everyone is staying on top of things today!

    I had a bad weekend, I didn't workout or watch what I ate. I got frustrated about somethings and decided to just relax and do what I wanted...just for the weekend. I'm back on track now and will be working out tonight. My workouts are now going to be 45 mins(I'm going to start my Ramp It Up DVD)!!! :noway: lol It's so amazing how quickly time passes and then you're totally out of shape. The first workout I was doing was only 25 mins and after I was done you would have thought it was for an hour! But, I have to push myself to the next level. I used to want to master one workout before I moved on to the next, but I've learned that I have to keep challenging my body and burning those calories! I did hope on the scale and found that I lost 2 lbs somehow?!?!? :happy:

    Week one is over, I can't look back or beat myself up about it...on to week two.
  • Edjsmom
    Edjsmom Posts: 22
    Maggie ~ WOO HOO with 40 mins of TJ!!! GREAT JOB! :flowerforyou: I have TJ too...maybe we can do a round together sometime!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey there everyone. Welcome back Katie! And good job to all you who got back on the exercise track today! Kristin, love the baby belly, you're almost there!

    I took today off, tried running yesterday. Too humid, I couldn't do it. I'll try c25k again tomorrow morning. We'll see how I do. Am going to do it at the island again tomorrow, because my son has to go pratice driving at 9 am tomorrow. Then his class is at 11. So, I'm gonna run, and maybe hit the Y and do some more rowing machine. And then shower, because one of my friends asked to go to lunch.

    Whooo I'm tired tonight, it's only 8:30 and I think I'm gonna recline on the couch (which means I'll be asleep in about 15 minutes:laugh: :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Robin it is waaaay too hot for running outdoors! I hope it cools down for you a bit.

    Maggie, wtg with the workout woman!!

    I made it to my spin class but they'd moved the time back, so I ran a mile in 11m30s. I am very excited, that is a better pace than I was able to do before and I haven't worked out in 3 weeks!!! WOOT WOOT! After my mile, went to spin and worked my *kitten* off. Burned a total of 810 cals in 90 minutes. I am tired but a good tired. Good thing I worked out so hard since the kiddo requested Taco Bell for dinner, :laugh: .

    Gotta shower and get ready for tomorrow's work day!!

    xo y'all,
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Kristin - beautiful pictures, I can't believe how close you are!!!

    Lauryn - Yay for you!! 11:30, that's awesome!!! and then you did spin class too? Look at you go!!

    Maggie - Totally an excuse for a workout today, but since you asked, I helped the girl who normally lives in my summer apartment move some stuff back in today but otherwise i didn't do much. In my defense, I did have a root canal performed today so haven't been feeling up to par. But tomorrow I will get back on track I hope!!

    Robin - ugh, i don't think i could run outside right now!! it's been really humid here too.

    Elaine - that Ramp it Up DVD sounds like a good workout, i'll have to check that out!

    Katie!!!!!!!! - we missed you but are so glad to have you back!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Cathy - what a beautiful dog you have! what fun!

    okay, i'm sure i missed some people, hello to you all!!

    Like i said, root canal today (boooo....) but am feeling much better now I think. hopefully will get a workout in tomorrow, I'm supposed to meet my aunt after work for a little while to see her before I leave to go back to Missouri. This is my last week of my internship and then i'm going to go to my hometown this weekend to see family. My grandparents are visiting on Sunday to have lunch for my birthday (the big 2-4, woohoo!) so that will be fun. Then I am headed back to Missouri on Monday.

    here's where the fun comes in (Cathy, you'll enjoy this, since you're always asking about the "boy") :wink: . So my friend Michelle stayed in Missouri this summer for her internship so i gave her the key to my apartment so she could watch things over the summer. Well, she is going to be in her hometown in Illinois when i get back so i had to figure out who she could give the key too. so it ended up that she will be giving it to the boy so that should be interesting when i go to pick that up after driving 8 1/2 hours that day. Yay fun! :noway:

    anyway, it probably won't be as bad as all that. I'm really looking forward to getting back. we have a FANTASTIC fitness center at school so I am planning on taking advantage of that this year. And the small fitness center at my apartment complex is of course still right across from my door so that will be nice when I don't want to work out on campus. And then there's always the Shred!!!!

    Love you all, chat again soon!!!