Slim In 6

So i just saw a Ad on tv about slim in 6 and i was wondering if anyone on here is doing this or tried it? and if so does it work im tempted to order it but wanted to make sure it works and isn't a waste of money..


  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I tried it and it was a good workout but Debbie Siebers got boring really fast.
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    I tried it and it was a good workout but Debbie Siebers got boring really fast.

    I completely agree. I actually ended up sending it back before the money back guarantee window ended. I figured if I was bored already, I wouldn't use it and it would be a waste of money. It was a good workout though.

    If you want to look at other Beachbody products, I have Turbo Jam and love that!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Working with it right now, actually. Though I'm not looking to do it in 6 weeks. I've been doing it on rest days between running days. I figure it'll take a bit longer to get through, but should hopefully still have the same effect.
  • lose100
    lose100 Posts: 54
    Yes, I have tried it, although I have never stuck out the six weeks, but what I did do, I had great results. Lost lots of inches in the waist. So much so, that even my hubby noticed my pants literally falling down around my butt! Good news too! They have just released a NEW version of SI6 with better music, new moves, and a new workout, so don't worry so much about people saying it's boring. I hear the new one is great! I really thought about buying it, but I just can't see buying again when I already have it. Plus, with the old version, I just pop on my Mp3 player, and the boredom is no longer a problem. I am going to start another round of it today, so anyone who would like to join me is more than welcome!

  • EricaU
    EricaU Posts: 8 Member
    I used the old one a couple years ago and got great results. It is somewhat boring but I was in the best shape of my life after using it for 6 weeks.
  • Edjsmom
    Edjsmom Posts: 22
    I'm currently using SI6 and has used it in the past. It really works, you will have amazing results. It does get monotonous, so make sure you mix you own cd to work out with!