Lieann22 Member


  • Just read some reviews - make sure you rinse it before you cook with pouring a kettle of boiling water over it to get rid of the smell. And its texture is more like rice noodles than pasta.
  • due to a back problem all I do is walk and for that much you are looking at around 250 yes you should log it.
  • looking at the menu it looks like they only really do pizza. But on the plus side they sell it by the slice and by the half as well. I have the same prob as I am going to prezzos tomorrow night for a girlie night out. My philosophy is - enjoy it - don't go mad - and log it. You can limit you cals that day and maybe the day…
  • I can't wait to have my back piece finished - Its going to be my treat at the end of the summer.
  • no need to heat them - yum - I make fritatas as well - you could freeze that too - quiche without the pastry
  • don't ..... I wrap chocolate bars in foil and put them in the salad section in the fridge so they last. I think they were good - I only got one lol
  • great idea - be warned though - I made some flapjacks and my husband just ate them out of the freezer container lol ..... they were gone within 2 days.
  • But yourself some scales and a set of measuring cups - its a pain in the butt at first weighing and counting everything but after a few days it feels like second nature. You are never going to be far out - if anything people tend to over estimate on the cals. Can't substitute good healthy food for packaged chemically…
  • I have lost 24lbs since new year walking - so a def yes!!
  • might want to do more regular exercise. Maybe short 20 minute bursts of high intensity cardio and strength mixed training. You obviously have a busy life with two little ones so this might fit better into your routine. get 8-10 bodyweight exercises .... for example - jumpin jaks - squats - skipping rope - press ups -…
  • Are you eating enough - or burning yourself dry?
  • £50 a week - on food only
  • Thats part of the problem of obesity over here - we don't have to pay those bills, we have the NHS which gives us free medical care.... which some people take advantage of. I know a lady who had a gastric bypass free on the nhs because she was depressed, and another who got new boobs for the same thats where…
  • I'm uk based. I buy my meat from the butchers - this weekend I got 14 chicken breasts for £20 which I was really pleased with. You can grab a bargain on fruit and veg on market stalls with the "£1 a bowl" option. I also but cheap beef cuts and make my own mice / burgers / meatballs. The only things I really get is…
  • WOW!! inspirational. Well done you look great
  • might be worth dropping to low cardio for a week or two to help with the recovery. You need to heal and avoid further damage. Just adjust cals accordingly.
  • The advice above is brilliant. Take small steps - don't look at it as a large goal weight - change you first goal to 20lbs - much more acheivable. Then when its done change it to 20lb lighter than that. You can't eat an elephant in one mouthful - but you can eat it a spoonful at a time. WALKING - the best form of exercise…
  • I love to use chicken - stir fry - poaching in a soup - roasted thighs (45 mins in the oven) - poach in water (20 mins) let cool and use for fillings I use a lot of lean beef mince too - so versitile - pan fry with onion, garlic, chilli, lime juice, ginger and cumin - add veggies and tinned tomatoes for a lovely chilli -…
  • Get yourself a swiss ball - by using this to just sit on for half hour while watching telly and then increasing the time you will strengthen your lower back. Make sure you get the right size - 65cm if under 5'8 and 75cm if over. I have severe back problems and my swiss ball is my lifeline. Once you have done this for a…
  • Hey sis Good to see you on here - 2 sisters - 1 trying to loose and 1 trying to gain.... maybe we could swap xxx
  • I use mine for porridge/oatmeal. I add enough for 2 with a half milk half water mix and a handful of dried fruit and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. Set it on cook and check on it occasionally stiring... yum!!! I also put soups in mine.
  • Left over roast dinner the clues in the name Chicken dinner boil the bones in water to make a stock with stock veggies for about an hour. drain off bones and discard Add left over veggies and meat chopped up voilla!!
  • carrot and corriander/cilantro onion garlic ginger chilli 300g of carrots gratted chicken/veg stock big bunch or corriander/cilantro sautee onion, chilli garlic and ginger and seasoning add stock and carrots simmer until cooked add corriander / cilantro and blend
  • pea and ham soup 1 onion 2 cloves garlic chicken stock 2 cups frozen peas 200g chopped ham method fry off garlic and onion in saucepan until tender add stock and peas simmer until peas cook blend return to heat and add ham to heat through and serve yum yum
  • I know its hard to rise above it, but really try to. Maybe clear one cupboard or shelf in the fridge for you and that way you won't need to look at the junk. Jealousy is a hard thing to deal with and it sounds like they are jealous of your control, determination and will power. Keep going - you'll do great
  • haha love it ..... this post needs a bit of humour
  • not closed minded - you asked for opinion - you got it - what you do is your shout
  • My previous post exactly ..... you don't want to be THAT guy