Chicken & Other Meat

Hi all! I'm new to being on a diet and I wanted to know what's the best way or your favorite way to cook chicken? Please let me know. I'm kinda lost when it comes to chicken.

Also, could you please recommend other meats. Besides chicken and turkey. Have been eating unhealthy for 28 yrs and CLUELESS to eating the RIGHT way.



  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    I love to use chicken
    - stir fry
    - poaching in a soup
    - roasted thighs (45 mins in the oven)
    - poach in water (20 mins) let cool and use for fillings

    I use a lot of lean beef mince too - so versitile
    - pan fry with onion, garlic, chilli, lime juice, ginger and cumin - add veggies and tinned tomatoes for a lovely chilli
    - pan fry with onion garlic - and veggies and tinned tomatoes for a quick pasta sauce
    - 100g pressed into a cookie cutter - lean burger
    - add to 200g - 4 crushed crackers and an egg. mix up and roll into small balls. Add tinned tomatoes to a large sauce pan and put meatballs in. season as you wish and simmer for about 20 mins for healthy lean meatballs for 2
  • groovy_dhruvy
    groovy_dhruvy Posts: 35 Member
    I love a chicken stir-fry, or a chicken pie made with a little mashed potato and mashed canellini beans (lots of protein) instead of the pasty.

    I also like beef too much - I take a sirloin steak, trimp it carefully and then marinade it in chillies, garlic and soy sauce. I find the spicy food fills me up quicker....
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Cooking Light's website is always a good source of healthy recipes. Here's a bunch of chicken ones...;
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    When you say recommend other meat, what do you mean? Any meat can be healthy, and if you want low calorie you just need to buy lean cuts or trim the fat off.

    I buy extra lean mince, and I use that to make chilli, burgers, meatballs, keema rice, cottage pie, etc

    Casserole steak is an obvious one :laugh:

    Normal steaks are good, trim the fat and serve them with jacket potatoes and veg, for example.

    Lamb is quite fatty but you can be selective about the cuts (might be a bit more expensive), I sometimes use lamb to make a curry as it makes a nice change from chicken.

    Pork - I normally buy pork loins and cut the fat off, then cube and use to make sweet and sour pork.

    Also, don't forget fish! Fish is good for you and low in calories.

    As for chicken, i tried this recipe the other day and it has become a firm favourite:
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    This is my favourite way to do chicken ... you can use chilli flakes rather than sweet chilli sauce - that would save calories. Also could have it with salad rather than couscous. This is dead simple, and delicious, and takes about 8 mins to cook (plus marinade time)!
    Spicy Chicken & Couscous (serves 4)
    You might need to find a conversion site to convert weights - I am an Aussie and we use metric system :smile:

    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 clove garlic, crushed
    1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    1 teaspoon ground paprika
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 – 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce (or ¼ - ½ teaspoon dried chilli flakes)

    4 (800 g) single skinless chicken breast fillets

    1 cup chicken stock (or 1 cup hot water & chicken cube)
    1 cup couscous
    40g butter
    2 teaspoons finely grated lemon rind
    150g baby spinach leaves (or box of frozen spinach)
    Salt & freshly ground black pepper

    • Combine marinade ingredients in large bowl.
    • Split chicken breasts sideways – lay your hand flat on chicken, then slice carefully through chicken to make two thinner pieces.
    • Put chicken in bowl and mix the marinade all over the chicken so it is all coated. You can cover & put in fridge overnight if you want.
    • When ready to eat, prepare couscous:
    • Pour boiling stock over couscous in heatproof bowl. Cover, stand for 5 mins.
    • Stir couscous with fork to fluff it up.
    • Melt butter in pan, fry couscous till hot and separated, add raw fresh spinach and cook until wilted. If using frozen, cook spinach in microwave 4 mins, drain, stir into couscous, heat thru. Add rind, salt & pepper to taste. Toss gently.
    • Cook chicken on heated oiled griddle pan or fry pan until browned on both sides and cooked thru – shouldn’t take long – about 6-8 minutes.
    • Serve chicken on Spinach Couscous with lemon.

    Marinade chicken breast fillets in oil, cumin, chilli flakes, paprika, garlic and salt. Fry both sides, serve on couscous with butter and spinach. 8 minutes
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    eating well .com is a great place to get recipes that are healthy and it has a ton of information.