

  • UM.....UH.....well i'm pretty sure lynnie and i have both done are fair share of holding each other's hair back while the other one was puking:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink: .....and i bartended for 6 years and lynnie did too so we've had to clean up after other people too:laugh: :laugh: ....and we've thrown some…
  • hey team sorry been gone busy weekend and i missed y'all:wink: :bigsmile: :blushing: ANDREW - i :heart: my sister very much thanks for noticing lol....happy late b-day hope it was a good one....and lynnie showed me some amazing pics of you and beth....awesome, awesome, awesome...what inspirations you both are to everyone…
  • i would love to go swimming in your POOLE.........hahahahahahahah then maybe we can install your hot TUBE.................hahahahahahahahahaha and don't call me superbrat or i will make fun of your superboobs...........hahahahahahahahahaha i'll let ya know on the plans tomorrow.....i'm tired and going to bed........nighty…
  • SAM- not sure how to send you my weigh in but it didn't change...i was up 2 lbs but walked my butt off and did alot of weeding and gardening lol so just happy i dropped the 2 and not sad about not losing any more...i know i gained the 2 lbs but at least i dropped it back technically i still lost right?:laugh:…
  • good day to all!!!!! ok i have figured out something....taking care of myself and having the kids do some stuff....not sure it's a good thing....i gained 2lbs.....which i think means....i have pampered myself to lol lol lol.....and i find myself going around behind the kids just re-doing everything they are…
  • WOO-HOO u go Shuntae....that is totally proud of you.....:bigsmile::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:…
  • ****imagine that big mess....but with a whole gallon of chocolate milk.....ya...that's what one of my boys did....and we got carpet in the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol don't feel bad Marla.....i get to thinkin those @#$%$# kids too!!!!!....actually glad to see i'm not the only one that feels that way sometimes:laugh: :laugh:…
  • :wink: Good Day to All!!!!!!!!!!!! this could be my hardest challenge yet.....the taking care of yourself i'm sure all you mom's are well aware....i usually don't get any me time...specially with a houseful of teenage boys all the time.....and i always have a houseful....just ask my sissy-poo…
  • Good day to everyone and congrats to all on the weight loss! SAM- i will start sending my info in next week....i didn't know how to do it.....i finally asked lynnie lol lol no loss this week....but no gain....but that's ok with me.....i'll just work harder this next week....and i'm wonderin if it doesn't have something to…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i shouldn't of said that....but....i could just picture like someone sticking you and poppin you and like the balloon deflates and goes 'ppppppfffftttttttt'...sorry marla...i don't mean to be gettin a chuckle at your sis-in-law holds water like that and i know it can be painful…
  • took me forever it seemed like....even tho at first i didn't go down any clothes were getting way i could tell i was losing....hang in'll happen!!!!!! i still look in the mirror and feel like i've only lost like 20 lbs or really doesn't hit me until i see a pic of myself....or…
  • Good morning to everyone!!!! jeans?? me and lynnie like Vanity if you can find one in your area.....they don't have like 10, 12, 14 sizes...they go by waist and length like guy jeans...but are made to fit woman...i love em....think their awesome and are really affordable.....they really fit well...specially if you gots a…
  • Proud to say......DONUT free for 9 days now....WOO-HOO.... VANESSA- prayers for your little guy JANIE- sending prayers and good vibes out your way JEANNIE- ya....i'm going to have to buy a B-I-C-Y-C-L-E gotta keep up with the sister lol LORI- knee issues totally suck and slow ya down...i would totally be way more…
  • don't let her lie.....she's 4'10:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: oh....and i will bring you Campbell's chicken & stars, run up to the door, knock, and run.....nah just teasin....i love you so much....i just might make ya some homemade chicken soup.....and hand deliver it to…
  • are the hostess with the mostess.... and you know it baby....:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: I LOVE YA SISSY-POO...and we had a GREAT time today....
  • Yard work-2 hours and 10 minutes-582 calories burned Badminton-1 hour-504 calories burned Walking- 30 minutes-274 calories burned Watching that scale drop down lower and lower-PRICELESS .....sorry, i couldn't reminded me of that commercial...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:…
  • Hello black team!!!!! I just wanted to say that i :heart: the way everyone compliments and encourages everyone else on's really nice to hear someone say "good job", "way to go", "don't give up", or "that's awesome"! Being a stay at home mom...alot of times we get left out and not thanked or complimented…
  • OMG.......U ATE A DONUT????....eeewwww describe what it tasted i'm's ok......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Good Evening to Everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: SHUNTAE- how great you are getting excited about your run...i know you'll do great! omg reward that dress! JANIE- hope that you get to feeling better soon:sick: RENAE- it is so humid here too right and the hubs went…
  • My dad is old fashioned too!!!!! my whole huge big family on my dad's side always makes homemade pies, cakes, cookies, etc from scratch and they can veggies and stuff great grandma had like 14 kids i think...and they had to ration out food, plant gardens, can, buy the cheapest things they could so they would have…
  • ok...sorry bout that...severe thunderstorms going on here....lost my connection for a bit i want to apologize if it seemed like i was b!@#$%* about the 'only' 3 lbs....i didn't mean it to sound that way...i'm so sorry:frown: that's 3 lbs in a month and just getting frustrated.....want to see that ticker moving faster so i…
  • UGH!!!!!!!!!! had a whole long post typed out and lost it.....AAAAAHHHHHH! :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: if at first you don't succeed....try try again???!!?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HELLO to all!!!!!!! I'll check back in later and read all the posts...haven't had a chance to yet.....just checking in.....and my ticker changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: only 3 lbs. but it's a start to beating these last 20 or so lbs!!!!!!!!!!!…
  • Good Morning to everyone! Great challenge Sam, i guess mine would have to be the donuts, huh?:bigsmile: i can do it, just as long as none of my kids or hubby like mention the word....maybe the hubby will just go to the store for me this week....that way i'm not even tempted.....and lock myself in the house, have him hide…
  • :flowerforyou: GOOD DAY BLACK TEAM!!!:flowerforyou: JEANNIE-love the new are very inspiring to everyone! SHUNTAE-omg...running half a marathon is totally awesome! LORI-i know you are going to lose weight with the determination you have! MARLA-sending good luck and all the good vibes i got for your daughter!…
  • these look like something that you stoled outta my sissy's closet :laugh: she is totally into pink glittery high heels:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: really i'm pretty sure she has those shoes lol
  • Alexis Vanderkoi...Lexi for spirit first name, but lawyer parents last name Carmella Thompson...Cammie for short....not bad Tryphena (tra-fena) Rosella....sounds kinda like a mob girl.....but call her Pixie for short i don't know those don't sound to bad...maybe i'm not good at the name thing :smile:
  • just stopped in to check on everyones positiveness!!!! it's positively great!!!!:laugh: MARLA-here is a pic of my hot drum playin hubby........THAT'S what i call positive lol lol positively HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol to this day i have no idea why he picked me, well i'm pretty cute too! see that was a positive comment lol lol…
  • thanks to all of your for your "hugs" i appreciate it and i know lynnie does too! and the monkey KISSES....gotta love those....always put a smile on your face, i don't care who you are :happy: HAPPY GILMORE- "the price is wrong...b@#$h!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: JOE DIRT-'that's a big chunck of poopie,…
  • ok i just got home and i got a really positive message for tonight (from joe dirt......and yes i LOVE that movie....:laugh: "you just gotta keep on keepin on" and say it with a southern accent lol lol lol