

  • My wife and I have been buying Healthy Life brand, only 80 calories per bun if I remember correctly.
  • I don't think it is bad to go over on protein so long as your are not ridiculously over. I try to eat at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass. There are some who disagree with that, but that is was suggested to me by people who are more knowledgable than myself. It seems to work for me. Also, some…
  • Congrats on the weight loss. It is funny to watch people's expression when you tell them that common sense and discipline are all they need to be more healthy. I think it scares them to think they might have to give up a bag of Doritos or a six pack of soda or apply just an ounce of effort. Oh, well, it's their loss.
  • Nice "Tommy Boy" reference. I used to feel like the "Fat guy in a little coat" myself. Stick with the food diary and be accountable, no matter what. Good luck.
  • Rage Against the Machine Metallica Eminem Chevelle Black Eyed Peas Staind 50 cent Pantera
  • Great job. Congrats.
  • Not to disagree with anyone, but if I need to be frugal with my calories later in the day, I usually try to eat something that is high in protein because it makes me feel more satisfied and also stays with me longer. In other words, I don't get hungry as often if I eat foods that are higher in protein. My wife has a…
  • Good job. The more you drink it, the more you'll want it, especially in the summer.
  • Have you tried measuring yourself or testing your body fat? Sometimes these are better indicators of progress than just weight alone.
  • Hang in there. I've been stuck with the same waist size for three weeks now and my weight loss has slowed a little. But look on the bright side. Your eating better, exercising, and living a more nutritious lifestyle (or I would assume so, since you're on here). As long as you continue down the right path, great things will…
  • Totally agree. Your body needs a certain amount of fuel regardless, even more so with exercise. Obviously, junk food is a bad idea for recovery meal, but a good nutritious meal sometime after you workout is a must in my opinion, no matter the time of day.
  • I wish I could like it because I know its good for you, but I'd rather be hit with a bat than to eat it.
  • Don't feel bad. Last night, I had chicken wings and beer. Fortunately, I exercised earlier in the day, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. But still, not a meal you want to eat often.
  • Have you measured lately? Maybe you've lost some inches rather than more weight.
  • Sounds like things are going in the right direction. Keep it up and you'll be the one training for a marathon.
  • Losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint. Your weight can fluctuate due to any number of reasons. Don't just use the scale to monitor your progress. Take pictures every thirty days or so and take measurements of different parts of your body for comparison. But most importantly, focus on being healthy and great things will…
  • Congrats on your trophies. I've been training in muay thai for two years now. We don't have any trophies or awards; we just train hard and spar hard. Definitely a great workout if you find the right gym and instructor. Hope you have continued success and good luck on your wieght loss.
  • Has anyone found that to be somewhat accurate?
  • I'm working through the same problem. The best answer anyone has given me is to keep exercising and most importantly, EAT RIGHT. Your body will eventually burn the fat from your abdomen, but you have to be patient (as I am learning).
  • I've been looking for quinoa for awhile, but local grocery stores do not carry it. Any ideas on where to buy?
    in quinoa Comment by brainey100 June 2009
  • I really enjoy protein bars (low in sugar), popcorn, grapes, pretzels, and plain almonds.
  • BSN Syntha 6 is the best I've found as far as having quality ingredients and great flavor. Stay away from the cheap whey proteins. Get somehing that has a variety of protein (Whey, Soy, and Egg). It will stay in your body longer and provide more benefit. Also, buy a nice shaker cup with a blender ball in it. It will mix…
  • I was going way over too. I have since customized MFP to reflect my diet and heightened activity. I've always been told to eat 1g of protein per 1lb of lean body mass (total weight - fat weight) if you work out a lot. I'm doing P90X as well, but I have had to cut out my protein shakes because of the calories. I'm still…
    in Protein Comment by brainey100 June 2009
  • Lead by example. If your family sees how happy and energized you are by living a healthy lifestyle, they will be more inclined to change. No one likes change, especially the ones closest to you. They feel threatened that you will no longer be the same person. They will eventually come to understand that this is who you are…
  • Yes, DO NOT BUY CHEAP. I got mine from amazon and two discs do not work. The real set is more than worth it if you stick with it.
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