zoink66 Member


  • Stress Sadness/Hopelessness/Depression Fatigue
  • You have an eating disorder. I'm so sorry. If you're doing this every weekend and regularly putting your health in jeopardy, it's a very serious eating disorder. Please please please talk to a trusted adult and see your doctor immediately. People in this forum can't provide you the mental and physical support you need.…
  • I mean, people come in all shapes and sizes. If there was a "standard" size 8, there would still be variations of 8s who are pear shaped or have skinny legs or have big boobs or broad shoulders. Even without vaniety sizing, you would still have to try things on. Clothes worldwide come from a zillion different…
  • I can't help but feel her every reply is trolling.
  • You don't necessarily need to reduce your carbs if you're staying within your calorie goal. If you like potatoes, then any diet that doesnt include potatoes is going to be pretty miserable. But if you want to eat fewer carbs anyway, why not just cut out one of your two daily potatoes? Seems pretty easy. Replace it with…
  • Are you saying that you've been gaining 5 pounds a week, every week, for the last 6 months?!! Because if that's true, and you haven't changed your diet/exercise, then you need to see another doctor ASAP. Something is very, very wrong to gain that much weight so quickly. Or are you saying that you've gained 5 lbs total…
  • Why are you waiting till Monday? Maybe start right now if you're really serious about it.
  • Hahaha oh man, this thread. It's like watching someone yell at a brick wall.
  • Wow, I guess I'm the outlier here, but I wouldn't go wild at all. Eat at maintenance, sure, maybe even a special treat here and there, but i would definitely still log. The thing is, right now you say, "oh, it's just a 5 day vacation." That's going to turn in to, "oh, it's my birthday, I can eat whatever want." Then it's…
  • I'm with your doctor - I wouldn't worry at this point. Did you start an exercise program the same time as keto? I've never missed a period due to eating low-carb, but I missed two in a row when I started working out. My body eventually regulated and sorted itself out, but oh boy, the number of pregnancy tests I took!! I…
  • I'm the same height. When I was 135 I still had a solid 15lbs to lose. We're all have different body types and different goals, you know.
  • I used to eat a lot of meat, but not so much over the past few years. I became more aware/concerned about the impact raising meat for consumption in the US has on the environment, plus the very real health considerations regarding added hormones in meat. I still eat it sometimes, but probably far less than the average…
  • Yes, they do. Plus, once you start eating less sugar, the sugary things you do eat will taste much sweeter, so you end up satisfied with strawberries instead of cake.
  • I eat low-carb. When I was losing weight, I limited my carb intake to 50g or less. It wasn't easy, but the weight came off relatively quickly which is what I wanted. The main advantage, at least for me, was that a low carb/high fat diet killed my appetite. I was never hungry. Even if I only ate 900 calories, I still felt…
  • Please don't do this.
  • I'm curious, what does being in optimal ketosis mean? Is it significantly different than where you are now and are fluctuations normal? I generally eat low-carb compared to an average diet (under 100g per day the last few years in maintenance; 30 or fewer while I was losing) but I wasn't ever really aware of being in…
  • No, you can't change it. Just don't close out your diary.
  • Having an endless supply of food isn't an excuse. Diets take willpower.
  • No. This isn't going to happen. Like everyone else says, you're making this way more complicated than it is. Your weight is going to fluctuate a bit naturally, no matter if you weigh 165 or 130. It might fluctuate only 1-2 lbs at 130 rather than the 5 lbs you've been seeing now. But I guarantee you that you won't get down…
  • I've been in maintenance about 2 years now. I don't log food at all...I just don't have the time or desire to do that every day. But I do use MFP regularly to log my workouts (I'm working on increasing my running minutes week by week, so it's nice to see the charts to see how far I've come and it's really easy to keep…
  • I don't know if I'm considered low-carb, but maybe. I've been in maintenance for a while now. I try to follow a 40/30/30 calorie split as closely as possible, and I get most of my carbs from things like fruit or legumes. Sometimes I eat bread/cakes/baked stuff, but maybe only once or twice a week. Rice maybe twice a week.…
  • ^^^ This. lol Seriously, the first thing people always say to you, even as a greeting is, "Did you eat?" Even if you have, they're bound to offer you stuff anyway, and it's seen as too rude to refuse!
  • You can download fan-made C25K from a number of sites and put them on your MP3 player. The music changes and there is a countdown to signal when you should walk/run. No looking at your watch. I like the music on Go Nicole Yourself at http://gonicoleyourself.blogspot.com/2008/06/couch-to-5k-podcast-page.html and also Suz's…
    in C25k Comment by zoink66 October 2011
  • In China, I honestly think a lot of the weight comments don't come from a place of nastiness, but from a place of wanting that person to be his or her best. At least in my experience. China is really competitive and there's a high importance on fitting in. I think sometimes when I hear a friend's mother say, "Your gaining…