Ashers83 Member


  • I don't really care for ranch either. I LOVE Trader Joe's Cilantro dressing. It's creamy and only 35 calories! For my own recipe, I put a few cloves of garlic, juice from a lime, and a bunch of cilantro in a food processor and it makes a nice marinade type dressing (not creamy). I put it on salads, veggies, and even shrimp…
  • I just started level 2 of 30 DS and EVERYTHING is getting smaller and toning up. It's amazing!
  • I'm in the same boat. Im literally scared because in the past when I've lost weight eating more was not how I did it! I've been stuck for 3 weeks now though and I'm working out even more and eating better so something has to change...
  • Tomorrow is day 10 of level 1 and I'm very nervous to move on to level 2. I hear it's brutal! I haven't lost much weight but I feel better and my endurance has gone up a TON! I'm measuring tomorrow after finishing level 1 and I'm going to do a "preview" of level 2 before officially starting Monday.
  • mmm making one now!
  • My PF has hardly any free weights. A VERY small selection in the back near the 30 minute workout area. My gym is is also extremely crowded and very hot and humid so I don't go much :( I've been working out at home more and taking kickboxing classes so I'm pretty much wasting my money there at this point!! Also, I see my…
  • I take Topamax for migraines and I don't get any of the side effects. 25mg 2x a day At first, I had dry mouth but it went away. I was kind of hoping for the loss of appetite though!! I have a friend who is on it for migraines too and she lost a ton of weight. She is never hungry. I think it depends on your body.
  • I think I'm going to change to 1lb a week and see how that goes. I guess there has to be something to the eat more lose more mantra if so many people speak its praises! Thanks!
  • I'm in the SAME place as you. 2 weeks and counting bouncing between 161 and 163. I'm waiting to break through this but getting discouraged!
  • In a pinch or if you can't find Crystal Light, I've used those flavored carbonated waters instead of crystal light and Sprite. There are so many different flavors too :) So basically it's Tequila, flavored carbonated water, and a splash of lime juice. Yum!!
  • I had a consultation and was told I would need 1 session, possibly 2. I did the 1 session and the woman I went to spent about 1 1/2 hours with me first developing the things that might be triggering my habits so she knew what "messages" to give to me while I was under. Ii was almost like a therapy session and that alone…
  • I'm in the SAME place! I'm hovering at about 7-10lns lost. It has been almost a month. This week I started the 30 Day Shred and I also do kickboxing 2-3 daus a week. Very frustrating :(
  • Breakfast tomorrow!!! Maybe with banana :) For calorie count- check the calorie count for each ingredient. There are only 4 so it won't be too hard. The yogurt will have around 120 for plain, egg white is about 20 but the flour and baking soda I don't know.
  • I gained 20lbs this past school year!!! I've lost about 8lbs so far this summer. I find the school year to be overly stressful and I take no time for myself. I'm hoping to change that this year but it depends how many different classes I will have to prep for this year... still don't know my schedule :(
  • I've tried it before and if you aren't eating a ton of fat to begin with it won't even do anything to you (because you don't have extra fat to expel). I experienced no side effects and no help in the weight loss department. This, of course, is my experience with it.
  • L1 D1 complete! I've never kept up with doing it before but this time I'm more motivated!
  • I can access Youtube through my TV and all 3 levels are available. It is pretty cheap though so I purchased it. I started this morning!
  • I'm IN!!! I've been doing kickboxing 2-3 days a week but feel that I need something extra. I've tried this before but never lasted long. This is the push I need. Anyone who doesn't have the DVD can get it free on YouTube and various other sites!
  • I have a 24oz water bottle that I fill 3-4 times a day so I think I'm ok in the water department, I just forget to track it!!!
  • Thank you everyone for all of your suggestions!!! I am going to eat more substantial foods and add more fruits and veggies. I know I don't always hit 1200 a day right now especially when I work out so I need to change that.
  • This is so motivating!!! I've hit a weight loss wall and really want to tone u so I'm starting this today!! 4 weeks until my vacation starts and 5 weeks before I'm in a wedding. I need results! Thanks, ladies- you all look wonderful!
  • So I've officially decided to face my fear and up my calories... a little bit! Maybe 1300 and I will hit that every day. I will also be adding variety to my workouts instead of just kickboxing as my primary exercise. I love fruit but some people say it has too much sugar- thoughts? Also- any good ideas for more protein? I…
  • There are lawsuits pending against several companies because there is no actual scientific proof behind their claims AND many people actually developed back issues because of them. I have never personally tried them but I would stick with a traditional pair of sneakers.
  • I don't really know where to start. At the gym, all the machines and weights seem a bit overwhelming. I have weights at home too. Any suggestions?
  • I usually do a good job at 1200 a day if you want to look at my diary. I love 100 calorie English muffins and make them into pizzas. Also, Boca meatless chicken patties are delicious. I generally think most fake meat things are gross but these Boca patties are great. Smoothies w frozen fruit and Greek yogurt Cottage cheese
  • I wake up pretty early for work so I make a frozen drink w a scoop of chocolate slim fast, milk, ice and instant coffee. It's delicious and holds me over until I have fruit before lunch.
    in Slim Fast? Comment by Ashers83 July 2012
  • Went from 166.4 last weigh in to 162.4 today. 4lbs!!!
    in Weigh In Comment by Ashers83 July 2012
  • I'm down 2.6. I have kickboxing for the next three nights in a row and I'm sticking to 1200 calories a day! This wknd I have an out of town wedding... I'm actually scared bc of the drinking temptations but ya have to live life right?
    in 5 days in Comment by Ashers83 July 2012
  • I'm down 6lbs in 2 weeks!!! Hoping I can keep it up!!!