Im in spring, which is outside of Houston
Yes diet is the majority of weight loss. I have no time in my life to work out. I am a teacher and I mom. I get up at 5am to get myself and kids ready for the day and I don't get a chance to sit down again until 8 or 9 at night when i put the kids to bed. During the summer I workout ALOT, but realistically I am not going…
you look AWESOME, way to go!!
Im a 6 now, I'd like to be a 4.
I have the kindle fire and love it...I agree though if you have an iphone or droid you may not need it for the apps unless you want a bigger screen to see the apps, which is nice.
It is like a is not something you do at home. It is with a group of people and it is VERY intense workouts.
Its seems like you would gain it all back once you started eating...I mean you have to eventually start eating again so why not just moniter your calorie intake and do it the good ole tried and true way.
I mean really think about many paralyzed and blind people have you met that say....yeah I got paralyzed by crystal light...lifes a b!tch ain't it?! Um, none that I know of or even heard of realistically.
I stopped for a while when I wanted to just maintain and did fine...however, christmas did me in. And now I want to lose a little bit more. As long as I want to lose I will log.
Well I don't like corn, so I don't eat it. But I feel fine letting my kids eat eat corn and be merry.
Im finally letting go of soda. I had a big farewell party this weekend.
You can do it...I am at 132 now!!
Im 5'3" and I am currently 135. I would like to be at 120-125
they sound delicious!!
unless you work with dieticians or doctors I would not listen to coworkers. Mine told me I looked like a student instead of a mother because I lost my baby weight...ummm yeah I don't want to be over weight like you so no.. Sorry went off on a rant there.
Texas gal here, and I am a teacher! 6th grade Engineering.
true, in my world I think those should be illegal. My mom died a month before my wedding. She had been sick for a while with emphsema. Smoked for 40 years. ITs horrible to admit but my level of respect always drops for someone when I find out that they smoke.
If true than why isn't it being yanked off the shelves?
I am loving 6 week 6 pack but level 2 is kicking my booty!!
I got the FT4 b/c its what I need. I don't need the extra stuff the 7 has, so I went with the less expensive.
I got mine at Academy b/c I had a gift card there and I got them for $65. I didn't think they would have them b/c there website doesn't have them, but alas they did. I will use them for running but I havn't started yet, I just use them to work out in. I love the way they look so I would totally wear them out too!!
I never wound up actually running a 5k with that program.
oooh yummy
I have been doing my workouts at 5 am for the past month. I have 2 kids and work so its really my ONLY time to fit it in....IT BLOWS. workouts that are normally not that hard for me kick my @ss at 5am. BUUUUTTTT....I am a teacher and tommorow is my last day of school so I can kiss those 5 am workouts goodbye for the summer.
My measurements before: Thighs - 23 1/2 Waist - 33 hips - 38 arms - 11 1/2 After: Thighs - 22 1/2 waist - 30 (thats my big drop) hips - 38 (held steady in that department) arms - 11 And when I got dressed the morning I finished I put my jeans on. I was sooo tired of wearing jeans that were too big (size 10) So just on a…
jessica rabbit
hershey kisses, little snack size chocalate bars....don't deny yourself. Every few days I save up calories to make sure I have enough to fit in my daily allowance...I NEED chocolate.
It sure can!
Am I not correct in the thinking that when you work your abs you are bulding muscle and muscle can burn fat?