zolamercedes Member


  • It only worked for breakfast and then stopped. :\
  • K not working anymore. It only did my breakfast.
  • I do!! I have used two. The first did not motivate me in anyway and it was a waste and I didn't show up and blah blah blah. The second one has completely changed my life and I think she has totally saved me. So if you can afford investing some money in yourself, I think you'll see a great return. But if the trainer you…
  • Same boat here. And I get why you want to work out even if not feeling great. If you stop, starting up again is a b!tch. Just do something easy to keep you going so mentally it doesn't feel like you just stopped and it's easier to ramp up when you're 100%. I worked out today, super light weights for 30min and only 15min on…
  • Thanks for the responses!! Glad I'm not the only one since I know I can be tech challenged sometimes. Hahaha
  • GET FITTED!! I just went last week, walked into the store, the guy just looked at my feet while still in the shoe and knew what I needed. He brought three for me to try out, I CRIED as soon as I put the first pair on. I have never been so comfertable in a shoe before, I've been suffering buying $40 sneakers. Walked out…
  • BUMP! I was thinking about this while driving home - I've done Zumba on YouTube - why not yoga??
  • Awesome job!! My goal is 60lbs and today I started the C25K program and your ticker quote is also AWESOME!!
  • LOOKING FABULOUS!! Way to go you!
  • Same here... I've noticed that as I start working out, I start getting hungrier. No way around that other than making sure to eat your exercise calories back or else I binge a day or two later. I've also switched my breakfast meal from yogurt/granola, cereal or oatmeal to protein shakes and green shakes, and I am able to…
  • I really have a messed up sense of hunger then. Even after eating two scrambled eggs, toast with smart balance spread, and a chicken apple sausage, I'll be hungry an hour and a half to two hours later, and that's pushing 600 cals for an AM meal. I am one those people that is ALWAYS hungry. So this protein shake thing is an…
  • Do give the deets on exercise and food intake!! Awesome progress!! WTG YOU!!
  • I was having a similar issue earlier this year... but my last ditch effort before going the probiotics route was to cut yeast out of my diet. ALL BETTER!!! Sometimes you're tummy is out of balance, which is what probiotics help with, but try also cutting yeast out and see what happens. Hope it works for you. I know what a…
  • Hi Ladies!!! Sorry it's been a while... I was out of town twice and then I started a new job, so I've been running around like a chicken without it's head. BUT I am so excited!! I weighed in today and am at 212!! I've been eating waaaay better... no fast food, even though I still have the cravings, but I've been allowing…
  • There's the Couch to 5k app for the iphone/ipod
  • I just saw this on the Dr. Oz show, but it sounds PERFECT for me, and I am sure others will appreciate. Graham cracker - two squares Cool Whip, Fat Free (if you want fat free, regular is fine but it ups the numbers) You create a cool whip sandwhich and freeze it! That's it all done and only 80 calories!
  • A little bit of agave nectar goes a long way and it's low on the GI scale, so it's a great alternative to sugar, and there are light versions to keep the cals low, but a little bit is all you need anyway.
  • Good morning!! I had an aweful Sunday. The hubby was gone for the night so what did I do?? I got Taco Bell and cupcakes! I ate an extra 1000 calories. I should have jumped on the treadmill, but I was feeling sorry for myself and couldn't stop eating again. I think Sunday is my bad day with food. Oh wait, I had a tough day…
  • I am at ... 215!!!! So I lost one lb this week. YAY! I was hoping for a bigger loss I've worked out almost every day and got two HUGE calorie burn days, but maybe next week it will show. Yesterday the scale said 214, so I guess I had too much sugar and salt yesterday. I broke down and hunted down, I mean HUNTED down, went…
  • Hey ladies! Hope you all had a decent weekend. Mine was okay. I totally ate too many calories, but I definately tried my darndest to burn them off the same day. Today was super weird though. I remembered that my uncle had brought cookies from Hawaii. He gave them to us ages ago. Why did I decide to open them today and eat…
  • Today I am 2 lbs down!!! I started at 218 and today I am at 216!!!! SOOO FREAKING AWESOME!! I didn't eat that much junk. Last night hubby brought home a Whopper Jr. with small fries for my dinner... ugh... I ate it and walked my *kitten* off afterwards. After trying to be good and help some of you not do the junk route, I…
  • Don't go to Wendy's!!! Drink water and relax. You are sooo better than a Wendy's cheeseburger!!! Have a burger for dinner but made at home with lowfat condiments and sweet potato fries. Be bad but not THAT bad.
  • 15lbs by Halloween... check. I'm gonna try super hard to get this done!! I am going to visit my father in Naples, FL in a few weeks, so I have to be extra careful not to go overboard with eating. Yea it's a special occassion, but not all SEVEN days. I'm planning on going to the beach everyday, if we can, so I'll make it a…
  • When I was in middle school, so I must have been like 12 or 13, I ordered through the mail some weight loss pills. They were black and smelled funny, but I took a whole one in the morning before school. At P.E. I decided that I didn't want to be the slow fat kid anymore so I ran my *kitten* off during like a 100 meter run…
  • D6L1 DONE! I was dragging butt but I got that sucker done. I am behind you all, but I still can't wait to get this thing over with! I think I will upgrade to 5 lbs weights tomorrow. I've been using 3 lbs and although I took a few breathers here and there, it was a bit easier than I remembered it being on day one. I am…
  • I would LOVE to join if it's not too late!! My heaviest was 240lbs a few years back. I started South Beach and got down to 160lbs and then I let people talk me out of what was working for me. I was told that I wasn't being healthy by restricting what I ate and for some dang reason I listened and went back to my bad habits.…
  • D5L1 DONE! I am feeling good. Still sweeting like a beast but I am sticking with it. Thanks sngnyrslp! I think doing it in the AM beats my blah late afternoon/evening rut. Gonna try to stick with AM workouts so I don't cop out. When is everyone else getting their workouts in?