Bodymedia Not Importing MFP Food Log

zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
edited November 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been using both MFP and Bodymedia for past two years with no issues.

The last three days though, MFP food info is not being transferred to my Bodymedia account, phone app or the website.

I've tried unlink and relink, but that only works once. I have to do it a few times a day to make sure everything transfers right.

Any ideas?


  • noirwinter
    noirwinter Posts: 3 Member
    I contacted support about this problem, actually. They know there's an issue and are working on it is the response I got.
  • Adrianab0522
    Adrianab0522 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm having the same problem the past 3 days. I hope they fix it soon.
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for the responses!! Glad I'm not the only one since I know I can be tech challenged sometimes. Hahaha
  • dogmom623
    dogmom623 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been having the same issue - glad it's not just user error! :-)
  • rainbowblu
    rainbowblu Posts: 119 Member
    Me too,but with my fitbit's calorie count is all messed up...I ate 1600 and logged that on MFP,but Fitbit has a different count for the last 2 days..
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    Fixed today!
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Mine still isn't working....
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    OK, I just tried it and it works!!! Let's hope it stays this way.... I unlinked and relinked.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Actually it only works if you keep unlinking and relinking. That is something I'm not about to do every 2 hours.
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    It only worked for breakfast and then stopped. :\
  • rosy_08
    rosy_08 Posts: 51 Member
    I emailed them when it first started happening. It's now been about a week and a half with no solution. At first it was just the food not syncing and now I'm having issues with my calorie burn not syncing at the end of the day...MFP is just going off of what I had synced earlier in the morning, which is almost 400 calories off.

    I've tried unlinking and relinking several times and it only works to update the calories eaten sometimes...

    Anyone else still having issues? :neutral_face: