Sprucing up my oatmeal

So I just started eating whole grain oatmeal (not the instant kind) for breakfast. I am cutting up a banana in it for flavor, but it's just not sweet enough. Any ideas of something I can add to it without adding tons of calories? (I'm trying to stay away from straight sugar). Thanks all!


  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    A little bit of agave nectar goes a long way and it's low on the GI scale, so it's a great alternative to sugar, and there are light versions to keep the cals low, but a little bit is all you need anyway.
  • Delley08
    Delley08 Posts: 15 Member
    I like raw honey, crandberries or raisins. Almond or vanilla or another flavored extract can be added to oatmeal while cooking, and it really boosts the flavor.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I have whole grain oatmeal for breakfast several times a month. I love to add cinnamon and a teaspoon or two of brown sugar. I have also found on those days I just want a little extra sweetness I love to add a touch of Light Maple Syrup.
  • lvsnick
    I use a tablespoon of Splenda Blended Brown Sugar it is nice & sweet and really changes the plain old oatmeal into something tasty! Its usually in the baking isle at the grocery store near the sugars. Hope this helps.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Try making it with applesauce instead of water, add some cinn and nutmeg.
  • e1ny
    e1ny Posts: 29
    I have a website for you! I saw this on another thread here about a month ago and I saved it. I am not an oatmeal eater at this time, but this woman has a gazillion ideas for how to serve oatmeal. Thought I'd pass it along!

  • stringcheeze
    No sugar added fruit preserves of your choice. Real maple syrup (make sure it is actually from trees and not processed). Honey. Molasses.
  • DancingDreamer
    agave nectar is a good suggestion. there's also stevia if you end up not liking the flavor of agave nectar (i personally think it tastes a little funny. i'm fine with it baked into baked goods as a honey substitute but plain on oatmeal i think is weird, BUT THATS JUST ME! try it for yourself before you decide if you like it or not!) stevia is a natural zero calorie sweetner...its a tiny bit sweeter then sugar and some versions of it taste like licorice (the plant is related) but Stevia in the Raw (made by the people who make sugar in the raw) has no licorice flavor (if you're one of those people who dont like that flavor, personally i LOVE it) and it comes in little packets or in a big bag version. look for it in the grocery store with the other alternative sweetners like splenda and sweet n low. but this one is all natural!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I gave up all sugar and substitutes so now usually put a dash of cinnamon and 1/4 c blueberries (I use frozen as they are pretty economical). It is awsome as the berries are pretty sweet. If you throw them in when it is 1/2 cooked they will make an awsome "pie filling like" layer at the bottom of your oatmeal, really yummy!
  • I always eat old fashioned oats ( not quick and not instant), and I add banana, and/or dried fruits of different types (cranberries, mango, raisins, etc). A little honey is good ... I prefer raw or wildflower. Fresh fruit is also a great addition ..... Besides banana I use apple, peaches, apricots, and pears. I also add cinnamon, wheat germ, and ground flax seed meal. Nuts are a great texture addition, but they obviously won't make it sweeter. Good luck and good eating!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Wow tons of ideas....thanks everyone! Now you have all made me very hungry so I'm off to make some oatmeal :)
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    we use raisins and cinnamon you can also throw in a chopped apple, walnuts think of fruit and nut breads the same combos usually work well in oatmeal.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    add a tbs of peanut butter and sugar free preserves...tastes like a pb and J, a bit high in calories but keeps me full for a very long time!!!
  • lauralynette
    I like to throw in blueberries, walnuts, dried fruit (any kind) , cinnamon, vanilla extract.
  • MayberryMama
    Vanilla soy milk and a tsp of real vanilla are my faves. Also I have used the sugar free maple syrup a few times and it's really good. Oh and smuckers makes a sugar free carmel ice cream topping that is great on oatmeal and also on french toast or waffles.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I also don't eat sugar or sugar subs and I just started eating oatmeal. I do 2tbls of dried fruit/ raisins -65cal or apricots 50cals. 1tbls nuts walnuts or almonds 25cals. Dash of cinnamon 6cals and 2tbls of whole milk 19cals. So all my additives are are 100 to 115 calories. But my oatmeal is a crunchy, yummy, and flavorful.
  • scotty_81
    Raisins, cinnamon and honey mmmmmm
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    So I just started eating whole grain oatmeal (not the instant kind) for breakfast. I am cutting up a banana in it for flavor, but it's just not sweet enough. Any ideas of something I can add to it without adding tons of calories? (I'm trying to stay away from straight sugar). Thanks all!

    My favorite way lately of preparing oatmeal is to cook it with sliced banana, and then top it off with cinnamon and some chopped pecans. No extra sugar needed, the banana and cinnamon really give it a great flavor.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    add a tbs of peanut butter and sugar free preserves...tastes like a pb and J, a bit high in calories but keeps me full for a very long time!!!

    Yes! This!!! SO GOOD!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I read this the other day but haven't tried it. Try some canned pumpkin and add a little bit of all spice, pumkpin spice or even some brown sugar. I heard the pumpkin is a great way to add extra fiber. Sounds yummy :-)

    I always eat my oatmeal at work and they have these land o lakes individual half and half creamers. I use 2 or 3 and they are 10 cals each. I also sprinkle some cinnamon sugar... love it that way.

    Hope you find some great ideas ;-)