

  • to liroez 29 - just noticed your tracker! congrats! you have come so far! and you look incredible! keep it up!
  • i can honestly say i have never had a brussel sprout i liked. why would you WANT to like them? lol spinach and kale and other greens are good for you too and taste a heck of a lot better!:tongue: :tongue:
  • I'd love to be a support buddy. Several of my online friends aren't still posting here so I am looking for some new supports. I have been a member for over a year. I;'ve lost 29 pounds and have about 10 more to go. I find this site to be very useful as far as tracking calories and exercise and receiving encouragement. i…
  • i personally LOVE the chocolate shakeology. i was skeptical myself until i tried it. i honestly don't have any cravings when i use it regularly. if i skip a few days, i start to crave sugar and carbs. it satisfies me til my next meal. it IS expensive, but imo, worth it. i have been having it as my lunch almost every day…
  • i love chocolate shakeology - the greenberry one is like drinking dirt. they are coming out with a ne vegan strawberry on valentine's day. i haven't heard about a cleanse. anyone have more info on what's involved?
  • I think it is, followed closely by thigh fat! Hopes, what a battle to get rid of my mommy pouch!M
  • Glad so many ar thinking the same thing and are sick of super skinny women on tv.
  • Good for you in trying to get into some healthy habits before college - it can be challenging to stay healthy, especially that first year. fell free to add me as a friend - i am always looking for motivation myselt!
  • OMG you sound just like me! i was a size 4 at one point, was up to a size 12 at my biggest. i have lost 29 pounds and i am a size 6 and trying to lose my last 8. i have been on this website for awhile, but over the summer i didn't post much and a lot of the friends i had are no longer on or left me . . . i'd love to…
  • always great to have another buddy!! and congrats on your success so far!! :bigsmile:
  • i found jm shred to be really easy - i could do the whole workout by the second day. i am currently in month 2 of insanity. i am LOVING it. i go at my own pace. i can't do everything just the way they do it on the video, i.e. can't get my knees above my waist in power jumps, but i do what i can. i have lost 11 pounds over…
  • hi marci and kblue - this IS a great website - i hope it works for you both! also add me as a friend if yo like - its is great for motivation! i have lost 17 pounds, feel so much better physically and emotionally already. i have abount another 20 to go.
  • thanks for the great advice everyone! i think maybe i AM eating too few calories!
  • have just hit it after losing 17 pounds! ive been watching calorie intake, have been working out everyday. it is SO frustrating!! but i know i am making a positive change so i am plowing through. i just started a new workout program so i hope to break through soon!
  • I am not new here but just recently started kicking the weightloss into gear. Not sure ho much a "stone" is, but I have 20 pounds to go myself. Feel free to friend me - its great to see all the encouragement you get on this website!
  • hhmmm i get that too. i have never been diagnosed with asthma and it is really when i am doing fast twisty punches. i have always wondered why it happened.
  • well i can't work out with you, but i'd love to support you - and get your support in return - in this challenge.
  • I like it all too - just depends on my mood of the day. I love Nacho Cheese Doritos, cheese, brownies, cookies, cookie dough, etc. It's extra hard to control cravings when anything can set them off!
  • I totally understand how you feel - I have been able to lose weight but I always wind up putting it back one and usually, even more. I was the heaviest I have ever been (except during pregnancies) just a month ago. MFP is great for tracking your daily food intake and exercise. I have lost 9 pounds so far and feel very…
  • Hi, I am also a mother of three - still trying to lose the weight from the birth of my last child six years ago! I feel very positively about changing my lifestyle to a healthier one and adding more physical activity. It has been very difficult trying to get the weight off and KEEP it off! I would love to be your buddy - I…
  • If you can work 120 hours per week, you can exercise at least 5 hours per week. Set aside time each day for exercise that is non-negotiable. If you had plans otherwise, you wouldn't cancel them - DON'T cancel your exercise time. I have been exercising regularly for two weeks now and already feel the difference - you will…
  • Don't know what cable provider she has but can you do them "on demand" at her house?? Or find a fitness channel while you are there??
  • I hope to definitely be at my target weight of 123 by April. Back into my size 4's (I am in size 12's now) and feeling healthy, happy, positive and more energetic. It is so great to know that other people out there are moving in a positive direction and attaining their goals - it makes me feel more confident that I CAN do…
  • That is a good point! I've done 30 day shred and it is a good workout - I only tried P90X for a few days and it was A LOT toughter IMO. WHile you'll look better after P90X, if you don't keep up with it you're bound to gain back some weight and lose the super toned look.
  • You go girl! You are almost there!!