Not Really New... i've just been shy...

I feel kinda silly starting a whole new topic just to say hello.. but i figure if i'm going to start to be more active on these boards i should at least formally introduce myself.

I'm 23. I've been on MFP very sporatically since June. My family and i are trying to lose weight together.... my Dad almost died in May from a routine surgery... but his weight lead to complications and the Dr. told him "lose weight or die." That was pretty motivating for all of us at first, and he's made great progress!

I however, am now the heaviest i have ever been in my entire life, and i am not exagerating.
I feel like the harder i try to lose, the more weight i gain. I'm really good for short term spurts, but i do not yet have the long-term discipline to achieve my goals. I hope to find encouragement and accountability here on MFP.

My sister's wedding is in May and i'm the MOH, and do NOT want to be this size!

So, here i am.... hello to you all!


  • SassySouthernGirl
    Welcome!! MFP is a great site to use to track your food and exercise.....join in on some threads because you'll find great support and motivation!! I always do best when posting in threads for encouragment and doing what I can to show support to others. Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • groucherella
    welcome! And...I LOVE your hepburn/grant photo.
  • AzizaBell
    I totally understand how you feel - I have been able to lose weight but I always wind up putting it back one and usually, even more. I was the heaviest I have ever been (except during pregnancies) just a month ago. MFP is great for tracking your daily food intake and exercise. I have lost 9 pounds so far and feel very motivated to keep going. Stick to it, log in daily! Feel free to friend me. I am looking for more friends here, too, to help motivate me and motivate in return. :ohwell:
  • Jamison3
    I was the same way when I started, really didn't feel the need to introduce myself and what not, but I finally did and was totally overwhelmed by the amount of support from total strangers!! Now I see their progress daily and it is total inspiration for me. I've kicked much worse habits than food, but this one, the bad food and my addictive eating process has to change and this is a great way to begin. Even days I don't do so hot I still log in, if nothing else, I've made one step for that day and I know the next day I'll be better. This has been a battle since day one of my life, its not a diet, its a life style change. And you're still young, I'm rounding the corner to 40 and its harder now than it would have been at can do this and there are so many wonderful people on here who have been in your shoes and are right here to pick you up when you fall down and to cheer you on when you succeed!!! Good luck!!!
  • Boxingal87
    Hey there, =) I havent started any topics either...its not really a big deal to me, but anyways....i have the same problem...sticking with something for the long haul. So i feel silly trying to give some1 advice when i have a hard time taking my own advice, feel me? Anyways, i guess together we can share our weaknesses and strengths and try to learn from each other and motivate one another. And im sorry to hear about your dad, the fact that the whole family is tryin to be supportive and lose weight together is beautiful and smart...because you guys wont sabotage each other because ultimatly you all have the same goal..
  • gemzy24
    gemzy24 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello and welcome, we are all here to support and motivate each other i wish lots of success x
  • AmyeLaineS
    Wow! Thank you all for your responses! It's nice to know that there truly is a community of support here... Thanks again!
  • angelsxzist
    angelsxzist Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Amy. Welcome! Recording the foods you're going to eat, for the day, really helps. You don't have to be on a strict diet to lose weight. Just keep your calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc., totals under(or at) the correct amounts. Don't ever feel that you have to buy into any of those weight loss diets that you have to pay for. They only work short term and I can almost guarantee you will gain all your weight back, plus some. I know, I'm a lot older than you and I've been on all of them during my lifetime. It took me this long to realize I just have to watch my calorie intake and MFP helps tremendously. And don't feel that you can't cheat occasionally. Myself, I have a "cheat" day every week. It gives me something to look forward to. Then I get right back to eating the foods that are good for me.
    It also helps me if I list all the foods I have, or that I think I'm going to eat, in my data base before hand. Then, each day, I just have to transfer them to my diary and watch MFP automatically add up the totals. If I have "too much" of something (calories, carbs, protein, etc), I adjust my foods. Don't forget to add your exercises because you will get more calories to eat if you need them.
    Good luck. I'm glad your Dad is ok.